Hearing this, everyone immediately ran to the back window, lying on the window one after another, and they saw a person lying in the palm of the statue of the heavenly goddess.

Officer Henggou exclaimed, "She is actually in the hands of the Heavenly Daughter?!" Xiaolan she... No..."

Officer Henggou narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully, and said very confirmly: "The hairstyle is not right, that hairstyle is not Xiaolan, but a middle-headed dummy wearing Xiaolan's clothes." Sleeping

Kogoro said, "That's right, it's just a dummy I made with mops and branches."

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the dummy again, to be honest, the most similar hairstyle was the hairstyle, and a corner was specially made on the head of the mop!

The sleeping Kogoro shouted again: "Okay, Xiaoran, you can come out now!" As

soon as Maori Kogoro's voice landed, everyone heard a creak from the seat, and it turned out that Maori Lan was hiding in the cabinet under the seat.

Maori Kogoro asked, "This whimsical and extremely simple drama should have been starring Mr. Honori and President Domoto would be responsible for cooperating to succeed, right?" The

skeptical gaze of everyone was like a search, projected on Domoto Honori's body.

Domoto Ho still wanted to grit his teeth and insist, but he knew that he could no longer hide it, so he could only bow his head and admit: "That's right, my father asked someone to make a rubber resin doll exactly like himself, I put the doll in the hands of the statue of the goddess last night, we thought no one would find it, but we

didn't expect..." Rabbit Chuan caught Domoto's words and said: "I didn't expect someone to fake the real thing, and directly killed President Domoto, am I right, detective?"

"Yes, that's right, all this is a drama directed and acted by Domoto Tourism Company." Conan was suddenly stunned, the old brother actually called the uncle a detective, it was really rare!

"I'm not, I don't!!" Domoto Ho said in a chiseled manner, "We just wanted to surprise everyone, in the original plan, my father would secretly take the cable car on the way back, rush from the tunnel to the statue of Tennu, and then throw the dummy off the cliff, stand in the palm of the statue, and greet everyone who came panting with a smile on his face, we want to sweep away the rumors of the curse in this way." "

Rabbit Chuan wants to clap his hands, can play, really can play, this old man is quite flowery to play, the idea is very good, next time... It's a pity that there is no next time.

Machida Osamu said, "Shouldn't you have invited us here for this?" Sleeping

Kogoro denied, "No, this is actually a trap specially set by President Domoto for your East Poster Society. "

Trap?" Machida Shu was a little confused.

Sleeping Kogoro asked, "Do you know why President Domoto had to set the opening ceremony at noon?" "

Rabbit Chuan knows the answer to this question, because sooner or later something will happen!"

Sleeping Kogoro said: "Because President Domoto had expected it, Mr. Machida would never let go of this big news, and he would definitely notify the newspaper as soon as he got off the bus and publish this news in the newspaper this evening, but if in fact President Domoto was still alive... Mr. Machida, do you still have time to retract this news? "

Machida Shu is covered in hair, cold sweat soaks his back, how can there be time!

The deadline for the Donghai Evening News is half past one in the afternoon, whether it is sending out the wrong news or directly opening the skylight, the image of their newspaper in the hearts of readers will plummet, and he is the culprit who does not want to continue to mix in the industry.

Machida Shu gritted his teeth and said, "You guys are so despicable!

Domoto Ho snorted unconvinced, Machida Shu was even more unconvinced, and the two almost fought.

Maori Kogoro persuaded: "Okay, let's go back to the case now, in fact, in addition to President Domoto and Vice President Domoto, there is another person who knows this plan, and this is still a person you will never be wary of." "

Detective Māori, do you want to say..." Domoto looked at Ayaka Yoshino in surprise, "The murderer is Miss Yoshino?"

"How could it be Miss Yoshino?" Morilan couldn't believe it, Miss Yoshino was gentle like a statue of a goddess.

"Miss Yoshino got off the train and said she was unwell and rested for a while, but in fact, after everyone left, she got on the second cable car for the return trip, rushed to the statue of Tengo one step ahead of us, killed President Domoto, ran to the bottom of the mountain, threw President Domoto's resin doll into the incinerator, and finally ran back to the observation deck to join us."

"And all this is only Miss Yoshino Ayaka, only you can do it!"

Yoshino Ayaka denied it: "I'm not a murderer, all this is just your empty speculation!"

Sleeping Kogoro said confidently: "Of course I have evidence, and the evidence is in the paper bag beside me."

Rabbit Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that it would be Conan who turned around and personally went to the evidence, okay, at least he didn't directly poke this layer of window paper.

Officer Henggou opened the paper package, and inside the paper bag was a burnt broken palm, and a green bead was still grasping in the palm.

Startled, Yoshino Ayaka subconsciously pressed the brooch pinned to her chest, and the green bead was the same as the emerald bead on her brooch.

"Miss Yoshino, as long as we compare the ribbon-cutting photos before the aerial cable car ride today, we can see that there is one less jade bead on your brooch, do you have anything else to say now?"

Yoshino Ayaka directly confessed and said expressionlessly: "That's right, everything is as Detective Maori said, it is indeed I who killed Domoto Eizo, because I am the sister of the worker who died in the Domoto family mining disaster."

"Last year, I went to visit my seriously ill mother, and my mother told in tears about the tragic death of my brother, and kept saying that she would never forgive the Domoto family."

"So I went into anonymity and went to work in the Domoto family in order to avenge my brother who died and my mother, who was in pain."

In Yoshino Ayaka's calm narration, the curse and murder of His Holiness Tennu finally came to an end.

Mao Lilan looked at the police car in the distance, lowered his head in disappointment, and said: "Miss Yoshino is obviously a gentle and kind person..."

Conan said thoughtfully: "The reason why the legend of the curse of the goddess can be passed down may be to warn people that once they do something unforgivable, or even an unreasonable crime, they will anger the gods and eventually end well."

"So that emerald bead... You got it off, right? Rabbit Chuan turned his head to look at the old nun beside him, "Yoshino Ayaka is kind in nature, even if she can escape the punishment of the law, one day she will end her life and add to the crime." "

There is no saying that suicide is a felony, but suicide is also homicide, and taking life is sin, even if it is one's own life.

The old nun moved the Buddha beads, and her old face looked quite charitable, and said: "Since you can't stop her from putting down the butcher knife, then give her the opportunity to atone for her sins, and everything is karma..."

Forget it, anyway, that aerial cable car, I've already helped you solve it. "

Huh?" Heavenly Venerable does not know why.

His Holiness thought that Lord Rabbikawa meant the death of the head of the Domoto family, the three brothers and sisters were involved in an inheritance dispute, and Domoto Tourism was temporarily unable to continue to develop the ropeway.

But what she didn't expect was that a few days later, the court came to conduct a safety analysis of Tianbu Mountain and the rock tunnel.

The test results show that due to the overdevelopment of Domoto Tourism, there are serious safety hazards in the mountain structure of Tianbu Mountain, and the rock tunnel under the mountain may even collapse at any time.

As a result, the authorities ordered Domoto Tourism to enter an indefinite rectification of the aerial tramway project, and Domoto Tourism Company has been in a slump ever since.

However, the Tianbu Mountain tourist attraction can continue to operate, after all, even if you do not take the cable car, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Tianbu Mountain through the mountain trail.

Rabbit Chuan said proudly: "It is too insincere to sit in the cable car and ask God to worship Buddha, and to be blessed by the gods!" "

Give him all to climb!

Maori Kogoro looked up and looked at the dense and endless steps of Mount Tenbu, goodbye, never again!

Conan was very interested in the basket that Rabbit Chuan was carrying, and asked curiously: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, what are you carrying?" Wow, what a big egg!

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Thank you!" Do you want to eat? "

Since it's a yellow flower goose, this egg should be edible, right...?

Celestial Venerable: ... (⊙﹏⊙)

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