Tiannu Venerable carried Rabbit River to the hillside next to the snack street, and when he looked back and saw that no one was chasing behind him, Tiannu Venerable finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Rabbit Chuan tidied up the corners of his clothes, crossed his hands, and stared at the Celestial Venerable in front of him for a while, suddenly remembering that Mao Lilan had said that Yoshino Ayaka's appearance was a bit like the Celestial Statue, don't say, but the appearance was really a bit similar.

Rabbit Chuan sneered and asked, "Say, this is a debt you owe in your life?" "

Huh?" Directly asked the Heavenly Venerable Confused, and quickly clicked three times in a row, "I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" I'm still a yellow goose!

"I'm not talking about Ayaka Yoshino." Rabbit Chuan looked the Heavenly Venerable up and down carefully, "I mean your current shell." The

Heavenly Venerable reacted, oh, almost forgot, her current shell is a man.

"It's not a big deal, just caused a human life..." The Heavenly Venerable lowered her head in shame, and her voice gradually blurred.

The words of the Heavenly Venerable are ambiguous, but Rabbit Chuan did not misunderstand, after all, in this world, it really means literally.

To put it simply, this man hurt the Celestial Venerable when he entered the Celestial Statue, ahem, literally, literally!

Originally, the Heavenly Venerable slept well in the statue of the Heavenly Lady, but as a result, he was woken up by pain, and as soon as the little temper came up and shook, this man was gone.

And in the eyes of mankind, there is another version of this matter.

In order to minimize the construction time, Domoto Tourism Company ignored safety production management, and the tunnel collapsed in a hurry, and a worker was buried alive under the rock.

However, Domoto Eizo believed that this scandal would harm the interests of the Tianbu Mountain Sky Ropeway, and blocked the families and related people of the victims with heavy money, suppressing the accident.

All in all, it's a sad story anyway.

The Heavenly Venerable said uneasily: "I didn't mean it either, I wanted to save him at that time, but my mana was insufficient, and I suddenly remembered my wishful orb at a loss, so I fed the wishful orb to that person, but I didn't expect that he finally ascended to heaven."

Tu Chuan covered his chest, almost didn't catch his breath, and shouted: "That's Xiantao!" Although it expires, it is not something that the mortal body can bear, just scrape a little ash, you just stuff it whole, he is not a genius! "

Rabbit Chuan calmed his mood, in essence, the Heavenly Venerable is not wrong, since ancient times, it is a natural thing to punish blasphemers, and it is the compassion of the Heavenly Venerable who wants to save people's lives.

All this is karma, there is a cause and effect, if he did not accept the favor of the Tangben family, he would not have come to work for the Tangben family to develop the tunnel, if he had not chiseled through the statue of the Celestial Goddess, he would not have woken up the Celestial Venerable and lowered the heavenly punishment.

But compared to the others, this person is simply so lucky!

The Heavenly Venerable was merciful and soft-hearted, and fed the man a fairy peach before he died, and obtained a trace of immortal fate, which spared him the crime of blasphemy, so that he could be born in the Pure Land of Bliss early, and did not have to suffer in the eighteenth level of hell.

Alas, far!

Rabbit Chuan couldn't figure it out now, he thought that the Heavenly Venerable might be lonely and lonely, and wanted to secretly lay eggs with humans.

But now it seems that it is worthy of the world of Ke Xue, the shemale love in other worlds is determined to have a child for life before Lao Yan separated, their world is so good, the TV series has not yet started and ended directly, at least 24 episodes have been omitted in the middle!

Rabbit Chuan asked impatiently, "So what the hell do you want to do?"

The Heavenly Venerable twisted and said, "Actually... Before his ascension, I spent some time with his revenant, and he taught me the modern way of life, but he was already a revenant at the time, we didn't break the rules, and we were pure friendship.

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said perfunctorily: "Got it, got it!" "

Rabbit Chuan doesn't matter, shemale love doesn't last long, ghost demon is casual.

His Holiness went on to say, "His parents have been divorced since he was a child and lives with his sick mother, but he also has a younger sister, and although his sister followed his father to Tokyo, their brothers and sisters have a good relationship, and the distance cannot separate them!" Before leaving, he had something to tell his sister..."

Rabbit Chuan raised his hand to interrupt His Holiness Heavenly Lady, "I think this topic is a bit discordant... Forget it, you better talk to her yourself!

Heavenly Venerable Woman's eyes widened in surprise, and said in surprise, "Huh? May I? I heard the little monsters say that the god-sama has decreed that communication between the otherworldly world and humans is absolutely prohibited, and if someone knows the law and breaks the law, they will inevitably be punished by the gods.

Rabbit Chuan said speechlessly: "Am I that unkind? "

Heavenly Venerable Woman's gaze wanders, close to human feelings, she does not know, but close to demon love, then it is difficult to say.

Rabbit River accidentally saw Yoshino Ayaka walking on the street, turned to the Heavenly Venerable and said, "I am not a devil, since you have been married to humans, then be entrusted by people to be faithful!"

The Heavenly Venerable almost cried with joy and said, "Really! Then I can—

" "No! Just tell her with this shell! But..." Rabbit Chuan put the crane pattern mask on the face of the Celestial Venerable and admonished, "Never reveal your true identity to her!"

The Heavenly Venerable calmed down, touched the mask on her face and said, "I know, I will definitely not break the order." With

a crane-patterned mask on her face, Tennu Venerable walked towards Yoshino Ayaka step by step.

As if realizing something, Yoshino Ayaka turned to look back, tears suddenly blurred her eyes.


Is this her delusion, or has her brother's dead soul been lingering here?

Ayaka Yoshino stretched out her hand in disbelief, her hands trembling to remove the mask from her face, but a pair of cold hands pressed against hers.

Tennu Venerable didn't say anything, pulled up Yoshino Ayaka and ran, if you don't run, you can't do it, the eyes of the God of Wisdom are staring at her all the time, she doesn't dare to say anything!

His Holiness pulled Yoshino Ayaka all the way to find a place where there was no one, but accidentally ran to the platform of the aerial cable car.

Yoshino Ayaka's eyes are getting brighter and brighter, this familiar hand, this person is her brother, by the way, she remembered, today is the Zhongyuan Festival!

Seeing her brother running to the platform, Yoshino Ayaka remembered that her brother had died in the rock tunnel of the ropeway, and thought that her brother wanted to take the ropeway, which killed him, so she took out the key to start the ropeway.

The two brothers and sisters stood in the cable car, looking at the brightly lit mountains outside the window, and each of them felt a lot of emotion in their hearts.

Heavenly Venerable did not expect that she accidentally took this aerial cable car that had caused her great pain, such a beautiful scenery, in the past, only she was alone, but now...

His Holiness looked at the humans standing beside her, and Yoshino Ayaka had a happy smile on her face.

Human beings are really small but great beings, maybe this is not bad... Hey?

His Holiness Tennu's eyes darkened, it turned out that Yoshino Ayaka quickly took off her mask, bad, careless!

At this time, the aerial cable car just entered the rock tunnel in the statue of the goddess, and it was dark all around, and only faint lights illuminated the carriage.

"Brother... It's really you..." Ayaka Yoshino covered her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks.

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