The swans dance on the turquoise lake, the red soles gently touch the dark green lake under the night sky, and the pure white feathers are like a long skirt.

Seeing this scene, Rabbit Chuan seemed to understand why humans invented ballet, and in ballet, Swan Lake is always the most beautiful and enduring.

His Holiness the Heavenly Lady flew back to Tuchuan's side, covered her cheeks with her wings shyly like a human, looked at the night sky melancholy, and recalled: "Once upon a time, a literati saw the posture of a concubine, was shocked, and when he rose, he recited Tang poems and named the concubine 'Tiange'.

Tu Chuan complained: "Qu Xiang Tiansong? Isn't that still a goose? "

More than 600 years ago, King Luo Bing of the Tang Dynasty's "Song Goose", goose, goose, goose, song to the sky. Blanch the hair first, chop the palms before putting into the pot.

Celestial Venerable suddenly felt a little cool, maybe the water was a little cool at night.

But she still couldn't help but emphasize again: "Yes, it's a swan..." Rabbit

Chuan compared the goose taller than herself with her eyes, touched her stomach that was a little hungry, and remembered another famous saying, the goose is so big, it can't be stewed in an iron pot

, and it grunts ~ His Holiness heard Rabbit Chuan's stomach gurgling, and the feathers exploded.

The Celestial Venerable suddenly remembered another rumor, it is said that the Lord of the God of Wisdom is particularly fond of eating disobedient little monsters, and there are many kinds of frying, roasting, cooking and frying.

If Tuchuan hears what His Holiness Tiannu thinks, he will definitely tell her that it is terrible to have no culture, swans are national protected animals, they cannot be eaten casually, not to mention that they are still wild swans, alas, what a pity!

Rabbit Chuan made up his mind that when he went back this time, he must stew the goose that I had raised for a long time!

The goose poses in an offensive pose: →_→ sample, come on! You can't beat me either!

Rabbit Chuan, which is about equal to the combat power of 0.5 geese, silently raised the electric baton.

Goose: Damn, he takes weapons, he cheats!

The sky and the earth are big, and the meal is the biggest.

Rabbit Chuan and His Holiness came to the snack street in the tourist scenic spot, the streets were brightly lit, and there were a variety of snacks.

The Celestial Venerable did not transform into the posture of a Celestial Lady or the appearance of an old nun, but transformed into an ordinary looking young man, but still much taller than Rabbit Chuan.

Rabbit Chuan huffed and stared at the man in front of him and said, "Hey, you might as well change back to the appearance of a heavenly girl!"

The Heavenly Venerable looked at her appearance and said strangely: "But didn't you say that a two-meter-tall woman is too conspicuous?

Rabbitikawa bought a takoyaki and sighed and said: "Alas, it's really not interesting to eat in tourist attractions with men, or a beautiful sister to raise your eyes, otherwise the swan will do." Heavenly

Venerable learned the appearance of Rabbit Chuan and bought a takoyaki, put it in his mouth, and exclaimed: "It's so hot!" It's delicious! Is this an octopus?

Rabbit Chuan asked in surprise, "Haven't you eaten octopus?" "

Although the swan is an animal in the lake, the youkai, and it is a monster worshipped by humans, has not eaten octopus?

Her Holiness stuffed the octopus balls into her mouth one by one and muttered, "No, our village used to be very poor, and the villagers generally offered some salted fish with kelp, peaches and pastries, but my favorite is eggs."

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but say, "It's really miserable!" "

Is this the human offering to the gods? It's so pathetic!

"Egg words... Let's go eat thick egg roast and crème brûlée! "Rabbit Chuan decided to take this Heavenly Venerable to eat something delicious, and there is still something to be desired for small humans.

Rabbit Chuan and His Holiness Tiannu ate all the way, from the street to the end of the street, Tiannu Venerable had a soft spot for caramel pudding, drained a small box in one go, and even filled the store's inventory.

Rabbit Chuan was simply breathtaking, and the food was quite pitiful, but when the Heavenly Venerable took out a string of coins, Rabbit Chuan was stunned, this is also too rich!

Heavenly Venerable waved her hand, it is not worth mentioning, it is not worth mentioning, after all, money is also part of the offering! Or the most important part!

Rabbit Chuan ate the ice cream and said as he walked: "Okay, now tell me the real reason why you invited me here, right?" "

Huh?" Heavenly Venerable looked down at Rabbit Chuan strangely, "I have already written in the letter that the human race has opened a hole in my stomach that makes me very painful, and I want to know how to eliminate this pain."

Rabbit Chuan stopped, turned his head to stare into the eyes of the Heavenly Venerable and said, "No, I can see that you like this snack street very much, and you also like the people in this snack street, you have accepted this, haven't you?"

A hint of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Venerable.

Tu Chuan pointed to the Buddha bead adorned the waist of the Heavenly Venerable and said, "You see, this Buddha bead is no longer your pain, just like ear piercing, you have accepted its existence and even regarded it as a beautiful ornament. "

The Heavenly Venerable touched the Buddha beads on her waist, and the Buddha beads were engraved with five hundred Arhat statues, all of which were not ingenious, but also vivid.

The Celestial Venerable sighed and said, "I originally wanted to personally punish these people who dared to provoke the Celestial Statue, but when I saw that the villagers were slowly getting rich because of this tourist attraction, I hesitated. Saying

that, His Holiness poured another piece of caramel brûlée into his mouth.

Rabbit Chuan felt that this Celestial Venerable might not have hesitated because of the villagers, she might have been because of this gai.

Don't think that Rabbit Chuan can't see it, just now the Heavenly Venerable Venerable's skillful and heroic posture proves that she is by no means the first time to visit the snack street!

Heavenly Venerable: Actually, Lao Tzu is the most beautiful boy on this gai, haha!

Rabbit Chuan began to eat the crisp cone of ice cream and asked, "Then why don't you want this gai now?"

Heavenly Venerable said hesitantly, "This street... No, I mean the aerial cable car..."

Suddenly, the Heavenly Venerable carried Rabbit Chuan and turned his head and ran, and walked along the mask on the mask stall on the side of the road, and the owner of the mask stall waved to them happily.

"Get me down! I'll go by myself! "Rabbit Chuan's whole person is going to explode, bastard goose, it's great to be taller!"

However, Rabbit Chuan also saw clearly, and the person he saw that His Holiness Tennu wanted to hide from turned out to be Yoshino Ayaka!

Rabbit Chuan seemed to understand, it seemed that His Holiness Tennu invited him over for this Yoshino Ayaka, or it should be said that for the current incarnation of Tennu Venerable, this young man who looked very similar to Yoshino Ayaka.

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