Ayaka Yoshino pounced and tried to hug her brother, only to pounce.

Without the blessing of the mask, it was difficult for her to maintain her avatar in time with the meager power of the Tennu Venerable, but this made Yoshino Ayaka more convinced that the person in front of her was her brother's undead.

His Holiness wanted to explain, saying, "That, don't misunderstand, Ayaka..."

Yoshino Ayaka couldn't help but cry and cried: "Woo, brother, you died so miserably!" "

Oops, why is it getting darker?

"Don't care so much, speak quickly, Tiange!" Rabbit Chuan's voice seemed to sound in the ears of the Heavenly Venerable.

The Celestial Venerable immediately lifted Yoshino Ayaka, and the aerial cable car was about to leave the tunnel, and the faint moonlight shone on the face of Yoshino Ayaka's brother.

He said, "You have to live well alone, Ayaka..." and

then slowly floated, turning into a little starlight and floating into the sky, gradually dissipating in the air.

"Brother!" Ayaka Yoshino shouted, but couldn't do anything.

Yoshino Ayaka knelt in the carriage, sitting quietly, muttering: "Do you want to live..." "

My brother is dead, my mother is dead, my father has a new family, she has no relatives in this world, how can she survive!"

But since this is her brother's wish, then she must live well for her brother!

When the cable car arrived, Yoshino Ayaka wiped away her tears, and she was the only one who stepped down this time.

Rabbit Chuan returned to the hotel, took a shower, and lay down on the sofa, he had just spoken to her through the real name of His Holiness the Celestial Lady.

Rabbit River has completely figured it out, and what His Holiness wants is not to stop the operation of the aerial cable car, but to stop Yoshino Ayaka from going to the abyss of destruction.

The strength of the Heavenly Venerable was already very weak now, and when they were shopping in the snack street together, Rabbit Chuan had already discovered that when the Heavenly Venerable did not speak, few people noticed the existence of the Heavenly Venerable.

Even with the blessing of Rabbit River, the avatar of the Tennu Venerable only lasted a few minutes in Yoshino Ayaka, in order to say that sentence.

And that story, whether that sentence is true or false, it doesn't matter.

But to be honest, Rabbit River doesn't think that a word from His Holiness can make Yoshino Ayaka change her evil, after all, the humanity of this world... It's hard to figure out!

Forget it, as long as she is happy, but the commission still has to continue.

When the moon was dark and the wind was high, a fox struggled to climb the 24-story building.

"Rabbit-sama, under ... Yes!

Rabbit Chuan threw a throw pillow and almost smashed the fox straight out of the window.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the fox lawyer who was trying to pick up the window sill, and said speechlessly: "Why don't you take the elevator?" "

Fox Lawyer: .

yes, why didn't he take the elevator? Probably when doing bad things, subconsciously ... Blah blah, how can it be said that doing things for the gods is a bad thing!

Forget it, don't think so much!

The fox lawyer climbed in again from the windowsill, took out a stack of paper from his fox fur, looked flattering, and said, "Lord Rabbitikawa, I have found what you asked me to find!" "

Rabbit Chuan turned the page and looked like he was listening.

Lawyer Fox said: "You are right, Domoto Tourism Company only obtained the right to develop and operate Tianbu Mountain from the village, but the ownership of this statue does not belong to Tianbu Village, but to the long-lost sacred mountain temple, so strictly speaking, Domoto Tourism Company has no right to use the statue." "

The sacred mountain temple has always been dedicated to the goddess Venerable, but now the incense has declined, there is no successor to the sacred mountain temple, and the belonging of the statue of the heavenly goddess has never been cared for, which has allowed the village and the Domoto Tourism Company to exploit the loophole."

"What's more, the tunnel developed by Domoto Tourism Company cut corners, the tunnel itself has serious safety risks, and there have been fatal accidents during the development of the tunnel."

"As long as you sue Domoto Tourism Company from these two points, you will definitely sue him for smashing pots and selling iron, and breaking money will not eliminate the disaster, hahahaha... Belch!

Rabbit Chuan killed with a look, and the fox lawyer directly shut up.

Rabbit Chuan frowned and warned him: "Talk well, don't make me look like I'm secretly doing bad things, we are messengers of justice!" "

Rabbit Chuan is very satisfied with this information, after all, the letter of distress from the Heavenly Lady Venerable is about the aerial cable car, although she hangs a sheep's head to sell dog meat and secretly plays a little clever, but Rabbit Chuan still has to solve these shameless people who blasphem the Heavenly Lady statue.

If everyone learns from their unscrupulous means, only knowing how to use gods and Buddhas to make gimmicks and increase popularity, but has no reverence for ignorant things, it will inevitably lead to chaos in the world order.

For example, the news of the curse of the statue has been published in the newspaper of the Tokai Ilbo, and it is overwhelming and discussed throughout Shizuoka Prefecture.

Heavenly Venerable really likes human beings, and she has been using her already weak strength to try her best to suppress the evil power of this curse, otherwise, it will be more than one person who will die.

Tuchuan said indifferently: "It's time to end..." Suddenly

a swan flew in from the window, and His Holiness Tiannu's eyes were full of doubts, and said: "Ka?

Rabbit Chuan took a deep breath and shouted, "Knock on the door for me and take the elevator!! "

Rabbit Chuan lives in the luxurious suite on the 24th floor of the hotel, of course, the room money is paid by His Holiness the Heavenly Lady, and next door is the room of the Maori family of three.

At this time, the Maori family, like Rabbitchuan, was not sleeping.

Maori Kogoro drank small beers and ate the dishes, leisurely.

Mao Lilan came out of the bath and saw his father who was still drinking, and couldn't help but step forward to dissuade: "Dad, can you be a little more restrained, and you will participate in the opening ceremony tomorrow!" Maori

Kogoro said nonchalantly: "The opening ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow noon, just this little wine, I can get up after sleeping, you can rest assured!"

Conan muttered, "Noon? It's strange, why is it set at noon?

Rabbit Chuan picked up the game console in the room and said, "Although something will happen sooner or later, it is scheduled for noon... I'll definitely get up! "

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