It only takes 30 seconds for the aerial cable car to completely pass through the rock tunnel in the statue, and as soon as the cable car leaves the tunnel, visitors can see the back of the upper body of the statue.

Yoshino Ayaka came to the back of the carriage and looked at the statue of the goddess outside the cable car and introduced Morilan: "This statue was carved by craftsmen on a steep rock mountain 800 years ago. It is worth mentioning that the gesture of the right palm stretched forward by the goddess is called the wish seal, and the left palm holds the Ruyi Orb, which is said to be a Pokémon that can eliminate disasters and misfortunes. Rabbit

Chuan heard Yoshino Ayaka's introduction, walked over curiously, looked at the hands and paws of the statue of Tennu and took a closer look, and his mood was a little complicated.

What wishful orb, isn't that the fairy peach of heaven? And it's still a weathered fairy peach.

A while ago, when Ghost Lantern came to visit Rabbitchuan, he brought a large basket to Rabbitchuan as a souvenir, and Rabbit River has not finished eating yet!

Don't ask why the ghost lantern has heavenly peaches, Rabbit Chuan thinks that eighty percent is snatched.

Although this fairy peach has a long shelf life, it is impossible to keep it fresh for eight hundred years, and it is impossible to eliminate disasters and solve difficulties, but getting some peach ash and drinking it with water can cure all diseases, as for side effects, after all, it is a rotten peach eight hundred years ago, probably pulling the stomach and the like, right?

Yoshino Ayakana saw Rabbikawa approaching and thought he was very interested in the Ruyi Orb, and introduced: "Our company has specially spent a lot of money to set up an observation deck next to the statue, so that visitors can not only enjoy the statue up close, but even stand in the palm of the statue and take a photo with the Ruyi Orb. After

listening to Yoshino Ayaka's introduction, even Conan was speechless, no wonder that nun's old woman would be so angry, these people did everything in order to make a gimmick!

Soon after, the aerial cable car arrived at the top of the mountain, and everyone stood on the observation deck outside and looked at the scenery of the mountains.

Xiaolan lay on the railing and said in surprise: "Wow, the view here is so beautiful!"

Maori Kogoro began his business blowing and said, "Seeing such a view really makes people feel like a drop in the ocean."

However, Domoto Ho did not understand what Maori Kogoro meant, and said proudly: "Yes, it is precisely because of the efforts of our small human beings that we have developed this rare natural scenery into a tourist attraction, so that more people can enjoy this little-known beauty." Maori

Kogoro glanced at Domoto Hono, but what he said was awe-inspiring, but the result was not to make money, hey, black heart boss!

Maori Lan turned her head and looked at Yoshino Ayaka with a smile, Yoshino Ayaka thought that Mao Liran was looking at the brooch on her clothes, and said with a smile: "This is a brooch that I made from the jade necklace left by my mother."

Mao Lilan smiled and said: "I'm not looking at the brooch, of course the brooch is also very beautiful, I just found that Miss Ayaka is very similar to the heavenly girl, gentle and temperamental."

Yoshino Ayaka didn't expect Maori Lan to think so, and said a little shyly: "You have passed the prize, even if it is polite, I am very happy."

Mao Lilan said sincerely, "It's not a courtesy, right, Conan?"

Conan nodded cooperatively and replied, "Hmm!

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Yoshino Ayaka, and thought of the old nun he met on the road, angry, uh... Not at all.

Domoto Ho glanced at his watch and instructed Yoshino Ayaka: "Miss Yoshino, it's not early, now please send Mr. Mori back to the hotel first!"

Yoshino Ayaka bowed and replied, "Yes, I'll do it right away."

Maori Kogoro saw Domoto turn around and was about to leave, and asked, "Is there anything else for Vice President Domoto?"

Domoto Ho waved his hand and said, "I'll go down the mountain trail, do the final inspection work by the way, and then I will go back to the company, I will leave first, and see you at the opening ceremony at noon tomorrow!"

"I didn't expect the vice president to be so serious!" Maori Kogoro was a little surprised, he really didn't expect this person to be quite simple when he worked.

Ayaka Yoshino smiled and said, "Of course, after all, it is related to the future of the company."

Rabbit Chuan puffed out his cheeks and held back his complaints, this company was already in the future the moment it decided to invite Maori Kogoro!

Ayaka Yoshino takes the Rabbikawa four back to the bottom of the mountain by cable car, and the Maori family is going to rest at the hotel arranged by Domoto Tourism Company.

And Rabbitagawa was not a guest invited by Domoto Tourism Company, so he naturally turned to find his own client, Domoto Tourism Company's opponent, the old nun of Tenbu Mountain Temple, Shenshan Jing, or Tennu Venerable.

As the sun set, Tuchuan came to the temple gate as promised, and the old nun had been waiting in front of the door for a long time.

The old nun gave a Buddhist salute to Tuchuan and said, "Lord Rabbitchuan, it is really rude that the poor nun has not been far away.

The corners of Tu Chuan's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "Please, you have all welcomed the train, it is not far away." The

old nun smiled respectfully: "After all, you are the most honorable god lord, if I can, I even want to visit the house in person, but it's a pity that the old nun is old." Seeing

that there were few people here, Tuchuan decided to open the skylight and say bright words, and said directly to the old nun: "Wait a minute, I know that you are the Heavenly Venerable in that Heavenly Statue, can we change the personality first, I feel that you are taking advantage of me like this." The

old nun choked up, she was more than eight hundred years old, and she didn't take advantage of anything, but she still changed back to the appearance of the Heavenly Venerable according to Tuchuan's words.

The Heavenly Nun Venerable changed from an old nun to a beautiful sister, dressed in white, with a long string of Buddha beads wrapped around her waist, and the beads hooked on the navel, quite exotic.

Rabbit Chuan talked about the matter with the Celestial Statue, and he still didn't know what the commission of the Celestial Statue was, was it really a project to stop the aerial cable car?

Why didn't the statue send a distress letter when the tunnel was being developed that day, but when everything had settled and the opening ceremony was about to be held tomorrow, she remembered to ask Rabbit River for help?

Judging from Rabbit Chuan's many years of experience in solving cases, there must be another hidden plot here.

However, the most important thing now is another thing, and that is....

"How can you be so tall!" Tu Chuan looked at the Heavenly Venerable who was more than two meters tall in amazement, "Change me back to an old lady!" Several

cracks appeared on the gentle face of the Heavenly Venerable, and this Lord God of Wisdom was indeed as moody as a legend!

However, the Celestial Venerable did not change back to the appearance of an old nun, but changed back to the body of the monster.

The white porcelain-like white and flawless feathers, the layers are like blooming petals, the slender and lofty neck twists and twists, and the pair of black pearl-like eyes reveal divine and kindness, she is simply the darling of heaven.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the body of the Heavenly Venerable, clapped his hands and suddenly realized, and said, "It turned out to be a goose!" "

Heavenly Venerable: "Is it a swan!! "

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