Ayaka Yoshino drove the Shinigami Group and Rabbit River to Domoto Tourism Company.

Unlike the harmonious atmosphere of the tourist spot in front of the station, the streets of the residential area are lined with signs with villagers opposing the construction of the aerial cable car, and the rhetoric is quite radical.

For example, the words "against development" and "get out" are light, and even some directly write curses, "must not die well", "thunder and thunder in the sky" and so on, which is simply creepy.

When Maori Kogoro saw these signs flashing in front of his eyes, he immediately understood that the president of Domoto Tourism invited him to be a guest, not just to invite him to be tomorrow's ribbon-cutting guest, and this money is not easy to earn today!

As we all know, the president is a high-risk profession, and President Domoto invited Maori Kogoro over, and there was indeed another secret.

President Domoto was intimidated, and more than one person had intimidated him, and he hoped that the presence of Mori Kogoro would intimidate those people and make tomorrow's opening ceremony a smooth conclusion.

In addition to President Domoto, there are also President Domoto Honori Domoto, the eldest son of President Domoto, Junpei Domoto, the second son who went home to borrow money from a business alone, and the youngest daughter Domoto Rinna, who has a lively personality and only knows how to spend money and play crazy.

Rinai Domoto also brought back a handsome guy dressed very stylishly, Tetsuya Aoya, a newspaper reporter.

Tetsuya Aoyagi took off his sunglasses and said with a tuff in his breath: "Satina has already told me everything about your development of the tunnel, and it seems that something very interesting happened during the development of the tunnel!"

"Abominable! I actually started from Licai! As if he had been caught with something, Domoto dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and turned his head to whisper in the ear of President Domoto.

Domoto looked dumbfounded, not understanding what was happening at all.

Ayaka Yoshino walked up to Honori Domoto and suggested, "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony, so why don't you let Mr. Mori experience our ropeway before that?"

Domoto said enthusiastically, "By the way, let Mr. Mori enjoy the scenery of the mountains that we are most proud of in our tours." "

Huh?" Maori Kogoro's heart instantly rose to his throat, and his hands trembled like an octopus.

"Great!" Maori Lan and Rabbit River are full of anticipation.

Rabbit Chuan knew that this cable car would definitely be cold tomorrow, otherwise he would be sorry for his brother to come all the way.

Conan tilted his head to look at Maori Kogoro, gloating and thinking, Uncle is miserable now!

Mori Lan and Conan lie on the cable car window to see the scenery, while Domoto Ho quietly talks to Maori Kogoro about the villagers who oppose the development.

Domoto said: "Most of the villagers are because of money problems, but some people have proposed to ban development.

"Moreover, in the nearby temple, a nun named Shenshan Jing has been seducing the villagers, causing the villagers to fear angering the Heavenly Venerable and causing accidents."

"Even the local newspapers deliberately provoked the discontent of the villagers and embarrassed us by focusing on the existence of the curse of the statue."

The aerial cable car enters the tunnel of the statue of the goddess, and there is not a single light in the tunnel, which is illuminated by the lights under the cable car.

Mao Lilan looked down at the statues flashing under the tunnel, and asked in surprise: "What is that?"

Yoshino Ayaka replied, "That's the five hundred arhat statues, and we actually passed inside the statue of the goddess above." "

What happened in the body?" Mao Lilan asked blankly, "Is it that if we pass through the body of the statue of the goddess, what benefits will we get?"

Ayaka Yoshino said with a subtle expression, "That's pretty much what it means!" "

Rabbit Chuan can't help but cover his face, what good can it be, do you want the Heavenly Lady Curse Package?

Not long ago, Rabbit River received a letter of help from the youkai for a long time, and the rescuer was the Tennu Venerable of Tianbu Mountain.

Originally just a monster who accidentally lived in the statue of the Celestial Lady, she became a Celestial Venerable because of the worship and belief of the villagers of Tianbu Mountain, and she also dutifully protected the villagers on this side, and her life was peaceful and peaceful.

Until now, the number of worshippers has decreased, and the power of faith of the Celestial Venerable has declined and has to fall into a deep sleep.

Heavenly Venerable Venerable originally thought that she would sleep for a long time and one day would quietly dissipate between heaven and earth, but she did not expect that one day the human race cut a hole in her body, woke her up abruptly, and even made five hundred arhats out of her stomach!

She, she's a big girl... It's unbearable!

The Heavenly Venerable was angry and wanted to be a demon, but on the one hand, she couldn't do anything because of her lack of ability, and on the other hand, she was reluctant to attack the villagers who believed in her, so she could only turn to the legendary god of wisdom to help her solve this problem.

Rabbit Chuan also has some pockmarks, mainly children, no, there are too many Luohan likes, so is it a gentleman child, or stitches first?

Forget it, or solve the person first, and the resentment will naturally disappear!

Celestial Venerable: ... This god of wisdom is not very reliable.

Tu Chuan: It's better than you, a heavenly maid, turning into an old nun to fool the villagers into street demonstration!

Rabbit Chuan originally had two sets of plans, one was a human plan, go to find a lawyer like Li Gouhi, Rabbit Chuan's cheap father's lawyer is quite similar, directly with Domoto Tourism Company to file a lawsuit, until he goes bankrupt!

Another set of plans will depend on Ke Xue, Rabbit Chuan remembers that his brother seems to come here to shoot an episode, but he didn't expect such a coincidence, hehe, didn't this meet!

But in fact, the main purpose of these two plans prepared by Rabbitikawa is to prevent the curse of the statue of Tengoku from becoming a reality.

The Celestial Venerable was originally a monster similar to a god, and once people believed that the curse came true and the power of faith changed, it was likely to make the angry Celestial Venerable completely degenerate into an evil ghost, and then it would be more troublesome.

Rabbit-Chuan: Can't you solve people, solve problems, and finally solve the monsters who asked for help, right?

Hey? It's quite a matter of time and for all to think about it this way, and it's a little heartwarming.

Celestial Venerable: ......

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