"Huh? What about Conan? The three little ones also found that they were missing a little friend.

Conan naturally secretly mixed up with Miwako Sato's car and went to save Tokyo with the righteous police officer's sister.

The three little ones said angrily: "Conan, it's too much!" Another person sneaking away!

"Okay, go back and let Conan treat you to ice cream!" Rabbit Chuan pulled it one by one, and even the obedient Haihara mourning was treated equally.

Tu Chuan saw that there was nothing wrong with him now, so he got up to greet a few little ghosts, walked away, went back to each house, and looked for each mother.

"Huh? Are you leaving, Detective Rabbit? Takagi suddenly popped out and said, "Aren't you here to take notes today?"

Rabbit Chuan stopped, slapped his forehead, and said awkwardly: "This... Haha, forgot... Hahahaha!

After laughing, Rabbit Chuan tilted his head to stare at the back of Takagi Wabuzi's bloody head, and said hesitantly: "That Officer Takagi, or you better go to the hospital to take a film, it's weird and scary..."

Takagi touched the back of his head for no apparent reason.

There is definitely nothing wrong with Takagi Wataru's body, but Rabbit Chuan seems to have accidentally overdone Takagi Waku's blood...

In the end, Wataru Takagi was escorted to the hospital by Miwako Sato, and as for the arson case... There is Conan in the result is naturally self-evident, serial arsonist confirmed arrest!

By the way, as a thank you gift for saving people, Miwako Sato promised to go to the playground on the weekend with Wataru Takagi.

However, Rabbit Chuan saw that the two began to glow reddish edge lines, good things grind, this is still grinding!

There are basically three kinds of fate in the world, one is destined in the past life, the second is the fate in this life, and the third is to ask God for the signature.

Most people have a fate in this life, acquaintance is fate, the line of the relationship between each other at the beginning of acquaintance is only a thin and fragile pure white thread, no longer see the fate will be broken, but will also become tenacious in the acquaintance, and even transform into other colors, the red line is the most famous love line.

Rabbit River used to joke with Officer Sato and Matsuda Jinpei, but also because Rabbit Chuan clearly knew that there was not a single red line on Officer Sato at that time, so Rabbit Chuan wanted to push Matsuda Jinpei, as long as the life is big enough, the twisted melon can also be super sweet!

But now, Rabbit River can already imagine Takagi shivering when he is surrounded by a group of strong men with tiger backs and bears... Gee, this is the real pitiful, weak and helpless!

After all, Miwako Sato is the pet of the Metropolitan Police Department's search class, and all the seniors regard Miwako Sato as a baby daughter (sister), watching her grow up from a young girl.

Takagi Wataru wants nothing, the age and education are lower than Sato's, and the smelly boy is nothing, dare to think about their baby daughter (sister), I don't know if I am dead or alive!

But then again, today's incident is enough to prove that Takagi Wataru is by no means on his face, and he can have the spirit in the sky that completely depends on his old father-in-law today.

Stepping on the minefield on the grave of the old father-in-law, just like that, he was not killed by the thunder of the old father-in-law, and his life was really big!

Well...... It is estimated that there is also a credit to Rabbit Chuan and Conan.

However, Rabbit River discovers that it is not Takagi Wataru who is about to be struck by lightning, but a certain tourism company.

Ignoring the opposition of the villagers, they cut through a tunnel under the lotus sitting on the rock of the Heavenly Lady Statue, and forcibly stuffed 108 small arhats for the Heavenly Lady Venerable... Hiss, it's exciting to think about!

On this day, Rabbit Chuan sat on the white-skinned slow train, listening to the old nun behind him tell the Maori family the legend of the statue of the goddess.

"For hundreds of years, the Tiannu Venerable of Tianbu Mountain has been the most devout faith of the villagers under the mountain, and has also blessed the villagers to live a peaceful life without disaster."

"In these hundreds of years, all the heretics that angered the Heavenly Venerable Venerable ended up in a good end, without exception!"

The old nun was furious, and when she said this, her face trembled, and she gritted her teeth and said: "Now someone has actually dug a tunnel under the lotus sitting lotus on the rock of the Heavenly Venerable, in order to let that aerial cable car pass, this is simply a heavenly crime, they will definitely be punished in the future!" It is bound to be struck by thunder from the sky!! Maori

Lan was so frightened that his hands tightly grasped his father's arms, and Maori Kogoro was also scared half to death, trembling slightly.

Mao Lilan looked out the window, pointed to a huge stone statue in the distance that looked like a mountain, and asked, "Is that the statue of the goddess?" The

old nun replied, "That's right, you saw that the aerial cable car that killed that day didn't... Then again, where are you going?

Mao Lilan subconsciously straightened his waist and replied: "No, I don't plan to go anywhere, just wander around."

Conan awkwardly added for Mao Lilan in his heart, in fact, they were going to take the aerial cable car that day killing this time, haha....

When the train arrived, the Maori family got up from their seats and walked towards the door, and Rabbikawa also got up to get off the train.

Conan first noticed Rabbit River and shouted, "Huh? It's Brother Rabbitchuan!

"It's Conan, Uncle Maori and Miss Xiaolan!" Rabbit Chuan said in surprise, "Why are you here?" Maori

Kogoro said with a depressed look: "I just have to ask, why is your boy here?" Nothing good happens every time I see you!

Tuchuan was speechless, but still said very honestly: "I came to Tianbu Mountain to solve a little problem."

Maori Kogoro was stunned and said, "Huh? President Domoto invited you too? What can you understand as a little furry child?

Rabbit Chuan secretly glanced at the old nun behind Maori Kogoro and muttered in a low voice, "It's better to say the opposite... But now that I see Uncle Māori, I feel that all problems have been solved! Maori

Kogoro was held by Rabbitikawa and laughed out loud, saying, "Don't worry, everything is handed over to my detective Maori Kogoro, hahahaha!"

Tuchuan quietly gestured to the old nun, and the old nun turned to leave, and then Rabbit Chuan naturally mixed into the death funeral group.

When Maori Kogoro walked out of the platform, a beautiful lady with long hair and waist came up to her and asked, "May I ask you are Detective Mr. Mori Kogoro, and I am Ayaka Yoshino, the secretary of the vice president of Domoto Tourism Company.

Maori Kogoro's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Oh, what a beauty billet!"

Mao Lilan blocked the embarrassed father behind him and greeted: "Miss Yoshino, hello, I am his daughter Mao Lilan, and this is my junior brother Rabbitukawa."

Rabbit Chuan politely stepped forward and said, "Hello, Miss Yoshino."

Yoshino Ayaka smiled and said, "Hello, welcome to the Tianbu Mountain Sightseeing Area."

Mao Lilan then introduced: "And he is Conan who temporarily lives in my house.

Conan raised a cute smile and said, "Auntie... Woo!

Rabbit Chuan patted Conan's brain, and Conan almost didn't bite his tongue.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at the old brother who pretended to be tender, what is the name of the aunt, Ayaka Yoshino is only 23 years old, you are a 17-year-old high school student, what should you call yourself without points in your heart?

Conan rubbed his cheeks, raised his immature little face again, and said with a smile: "Hello, sister."

Yoshino Ayaka bent down and gently replied, "Conan, hello, please advise!" Several

people walked in front with laughter, completely leaving Maori Kogoro behind.

"Hey! Wait for me! Maori Kogoro chased after him, "I'm the guest of honor!" "

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