With a click, the door opened, and the search officer pushed the door with the autopsy report, saying: "The report is at the police department, and the medical examiner has detected poison from the blood of the deceased." "

The deceased was really poisoned!?" The Twilight Police Department was taken aback, "What are the specific autopsy results?"

The search officer picked up the autopsy report and read: "The name of the poison in the blood of the deceased is tetrodotoxin, and the medical examiner said that the poison was injected from the artery on the inside of the upper arm of the deceased's right hand." Teacher

Judy said seriously: "Tetrodotoxin is commonly known as TTS, the lethal amount is 0.5 ~ 1 mg, super toxic, as long as the amount of potassium cyanate 1/200 can cause death, if directly injected into the blood, it will lead to respiratory failure in a short period of time nerve paralysis, and then the end."

"Old, teacher?" Mao Lilan looked at his English teacher in shock.

Rabbit Chuan couldn't bear to look straight and turn his head to the other side, as an ordinary English teacher, Mr. Judy's knowledge reserve is too rich!

This is probably an occupational disease, an occupational disease of the FBI search officer.

Teacher Judy quickly snorted and said, "Oh, this is what a doctor friend said, he told me to be careful of tetrodotoxin when eating puffer fish dishes here."

The police department personally read the autopsy report and said to everyone: "Since the results of the incident show that this is a murder case, then we will go back to the crime scene to collect evidence now, do you have no opinion?" And Rabbit Chuan brother, Rabbit River brother? The

police department turned his head and found that his Rabbit Chuan brother had disappeared again, and turned around to see Rabbit Chuan sitting in front of the monitor monitor, and reversed the monitor videotape.

Seeing the relaxed expression on Rabbit Chuan's face, the Twilight Police Department was overjoyed in his heart, and quickly asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, do you have any new discoveries?" Or have you found the murderer?

Rabbit Chuan generously admitted: "That's right, I already know who the murderer is, the murderer is in this room, and even the murder weapon is in this room."

The Twilight Police Department was stunned and said, "Brother Rabbitchuan, are you saying that the murder weapon is still on the murderer's body?"

Officer Takagi couldn't help but complain: "This murderer is really big.

The Twilight Police Department glared at Takagi, who only knew that he was dumbfounded over there, and ordered: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and search your body!" "

Yes!" Officer Takagi saluted.

Rabbit Chuan leaned on the back of the chair and said, "Officer Takagi, don't bother so much, you can just search the soles of your shoes." "

Oh, okay." Officer Takagi has always adhered to the principle of listening to people to eat a full meal, and unswervingly chose to listen to Rabbitakawa words.

Rabbit Chuan saw someone's gaze wandering, and opened his mouth to stop Officer Takagi and said: "That, Officer Takagi, otherwise you will search later, I will first pick out a murderer here."

Officer Takagi stopped and looked expectantly at Rabbit Chuan sitting in front of the screen monitor with everyone on his face.

Rabbit Chuan sat in his chair and moved to the side, revealing the monitor behind him.

While broadcasting the surveillance video, Tuchuan said: "First of all, we must make it clear that the autopsy report shows that the poison was injected into the body from the inner artery of the upper arm of the deceased's right hand, and it was an immediate lethal poison, which means that before the deceased played the game, the clerk brother who came to get change, and the uncle who squatted on the left side of the deceased to pick up coins, it was impossible for the two of them to commit murder."

"In addition, the surveillance video is clearly filmed that Mr. Judy's hands have been fiddling with the buttons of the game console and have never reached the right arm of the deceased, so Mr. Judy is not the murderer."

"Other than that, everyone else was standing behind the deceased's seat, no one was near the deceased's right side, and they had no chance to poison."

Speaking of this, Rabbit Chuan looked at everyone present and said, "Exclude all those who are impossible to poison, then the only person left is not the murderer?"

"Could it be that the murderer is..." The eyes of everyone present were focused on the man.

Rabbit Chuan raised his finger to the man and said, "That's right, the murderer is you, Mr. Shisui Takabao!" When you were talking to the deceased before the battle, you injected poison into the right armpit of the deceased and poisoned the deceased.

Zhishui Gaobao's expression was instantly gloomy, he could barely maintain the smile on his face, and smiled stiffly: "Haha, little brother, what are you talking about?" Didn't you see it too? I was beaten badly by him when I fought him, so he was alive and well when I fought him. And after that, until everyone found out that he was dead, I was fixed in my own position, and there was no chance to commit murder, how could I be a murderer!

Tuchuan shook his head, completely ignoring his quibbles, and said: "No, it's not that he beat you badly, it's you who beat him badly."

Shisui Gaobao choked.

Rabbit Chuan tuned the surveillance video to the game battle and said: "Look at the live battle in this videotape, Rutas in the game has been beaten since the beginning of the battle, and the player does not move, as if dead, doesn't this prove that the player died before the battle started?"

"Hahaha, little brother, you're mistaken." Shisui Gaobao corrected, "The player who controls Rutas is me, and the character controlled by the dead man is Julius Caesar.

Rabbit Chuan frowned slightly and said, "But Mr. Zhishui, didn't you say that you are very good at playing games?" Why not fight back?

"Uh... This..." Shisui Gaobao choked again.

Rabbit Chuan no longer paid attention to Shisui Gaobao, but suddenly sighed: "Oh, this monitor is really a good thing!" Although Mr. Shisui deliberately stood on the right side of the deceased at the time of the murder, blocking the monitor on the upper right, so that the monitor could not take pictures of your murder, but..."

Rabbit Chuan continued to flip the surveillance video upside down, stopping the tape when Zhishui Gaobao bent down to pick up something.

"Mr. Zhishui, I remember you said earlier that you were picking up a lighter, right?" Rabbit Chuan turned back to Shisui Takabao and confirmed.

"yes, my lighter dropped." Shisui Gaobao was very sure of it, but he had a sense of foreboding in his heart.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the hand of Shisui Gaobao in the picture, turned to the Twilight Police Department and said: "Twilight Police Department, please go back and ask the video analysis class to identify here, enlarge this place, and see what treasure Mr. Shisui picked up in his hand."

Zhishui Gaobao was covered in cold sweat and exclaimed, "This, this can also be identified?!"

Tu Chuan said helplessly: "Of course, even if you are a little black man, you must keep pace with the times, otherwise, you will be abandoned by the times."

The police department took note of this picture and said to Rabbit Chuan: "I know, but Brother Rabbitchuan, do you know what he picked up?"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Instead of picking up things, but throwing things, Mr. Shisui put the murder weapon on the ground in an attempt to let passers-by unknowingly take the murder weapon out of this game hall."

Conan held his chin and muttered, "Unconsciously put the murder weapon..." Conan

suddenly remembered the voice he heard before, could it be that it was like this!

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