Rabbit Chuan said to Officer Takagi, "Officer Takagi, now you can go and search the soles of their shoes, first check anyone other than Mr. Shisui."

"Oh, I see." Officer Takagi walked up to the others and asked them to lift their feet, "Ah! Twilight Police Department, Mr. Dejima-san has a poison needle stuck under his shoe!

"What did you say?!" The clerk brother was so frightened that he quickly kicked off his shoes, "Really, I really don't know anything!"

Officer Takagi handed the shoe to Rabbitokawa, who leaned back in disgust.

The police department took the shoes, hey, what a taste!

The police department took a closer look, and under the leather shoe was an aluminum foil with chewing gum, and there was a cigarette wrapped in the aluminum foil, and the poison needle was inserted into the cigarette.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Mr. Shisui pretends to be picking up something, but in fact he puts this chewing gum paper with the poison needle on the ground, and the game hall is crowded, and whoever steps on it will unknowingly take the poison needle away from the scene.

"And even if someone notices that they have stepped on something, they will only treat it as garbage and throw it into the trash can in disgust, but in case they accidentally touch the poison needle... Alas, then it is necessary to ask Mr. Zhishui whether he wiped the poison off the poison needle before discarding it?

"But..." Shisui Gaobao wanted to continue quibbling.

Tuchuan interrupted Zhishui Gaobao's words and said: "There is no need to quibble, as long as the police analyze the surveillance video, they will see that this set of chewing gum and cigarette poison needles was deliberately placed on the ground by you, and even if you wipe off the poison on the poison needle and the blood of the deceased, the police can professionally identify and test the results."

"Seeing is believing, Mr. Zhishui, this surveillance video is ironclad evidence that you can't quibble!" Rabbit Chuan concluded, "Alas, times have changed.

Zhishui Gaobao smiled and said, "I did all the calculations, but I didn't expect to lose on a monitor in the end." "

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, uncle, how much you look down on the monitor!

Of course, there is other evidence in this case, but Rabbit Chuan today is to justify the new era monitor, and the monitor is by no means a waste!

"No, even without a monitor, your crime is not perfect." Conan suddenly spoke, "Mr. clerk recovered the change in the game console before the deceased got on the plane after Sister Xiaolan left.

"It stands to reason that only the deceased should put in one coin in the machine now, but if there is a second coin, and there is Mr. Zhishui's fingerprint on this coin, it proves that Mr. Zhishui helped the deceased reselect the role."

At this time, Rabbit Chuan wanted to kick Conan very much, but he didn't see that Mr. Judy's eyes were about to pop out.

Judy: Oh, is this the level of elementary school students over here?

Zhishui Gaobao completely knelt down and laughed miserably: "Of course, I have held that coin in my hand for a long time, and I can let my sister leave this devil completely!" "

Your sister?!" Everyone began to eat melons with sadness.

Shisui Gaobao began to tell his story, smiling miserably: "Can you imagine it? In this era, there are still people who are malnourished, because of severe vitamin E deficiency, and even about to go blind.

"It's all because of him! In order to help him pay off his gambling debts, my sister worked tirelessly for a month, and even had almost no money to eat any food, all like this, my stupid sister even said that she didn't want to leave him!

"I went to him and he said he would leave my sister as long as I could beat him once."

"Hehe, he is the Julius Caesar of rice flowers, there is no way, for the sake of my sister, I can only make this Julius Caesar disappear completely."

Rabbit Chuan is powerless to complain, what the hell is this sister control speech! And this person is not repenting at all, and even a hundred million points proud... These are a few meanings!

Anyway, the case finally came to an end, and Rabbit Chuan had another record, well, don't worry about more debts, save it first!

When they left the game hall, it was already dark, and Teacher Judy parted ways with Rabbit Chuan at the door.

"Teacher Judy, goodbye!"

"Bye bye, see you tomorrow!" Judy stared at Conan's departing back, "Bye bye cool guy..." Conan

looked back suspiciously, only to see the back of Mr. Judy turning away.

Rabbit Chuan pursed his mouth, Cool guy, guy means man, and the words to describe boys, you should say cool kid.

Rabbit Chuan pressed Conan's brain all the way, originally Rabbit Chuan personally went out to attract the attention of the FBI, and as a result, this little ghost also came out to show off.

This brother can't ask for it, it's too difficult to bring!

Alas, forget it, anyway, Judy is just an episode, don't see that she is now a shrewd and capable and scheming acting school, and when Akai Xiu comes out, hehe, seconds to become love brain silly white sweet vase, not to be afraid.

Rabbit Chuan's paw stopped, wait a minute, he is a good law-abiding citizen, why is it enough to analyze the FBI here?

It was already late, and Suzuki Sonoko was picked up by the driver of Suzuki's house.

Rabbit Chuan was hungry, so he pulled Conan and Maori Lan to find a random restaurant nearby to eat, as for Uncle Maori, he is a big man in his thirties, can he still starve himself to death?

Rabbit Chuan didn't starve himself to death.

At the Maori office, Maori Kogoro lay on the table, pressed his deflated stomach, and wailed: "Xiaolan~ why hasn't he come back yet..."

On this dark night, Ayumi little loli threw a coin into the gacha machine outside the convenience store, pressed the switch, and the bell turned out to be a Kamen Superman Limited Edition Gachap, worthy of the Little Ou Emperor!

At this time, a man walked out of the alley next to him, with a strange smile on his face.

"Hee-hee, there is still one place left, the eve festival of the celebration will be completed, then this corrupt city will fall into a sea of fire, and the beautiful carnival will begin, hee hee..." The

man passed by Ayumi's side, and Ayumi watched the man drive away in a daze.

"What's wrong, Ayumi?" Ayumi's mother came out of the convenience store and dragged Ayumi home.

"Mom..." Ayumi frowned, "I just seemed to see an uncle with a secondary school second illness." "

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