The Twilight Police Department didn't know if this English teacher was professional or not, but he saw his professional brother coming!

Hi, here it comes, dude!

The Twilight Police Department said excitedly: "It's been a long time, brother Rabbitchuan, when do you have time to go to the bureau to make up a few notes?"

Tuchuan said embarrassedly: "Haha, long time no see, twilight police department, waiting for the holiday, waiting for the next holiday." "

Rabbit Chuan pinched his fingers, it's okay, there are few notes, let's do it when you rest one day, save more and more."

The police department cleared his throat and got down to business: "Ahem, brother Rabbitchuan, do you have any opinion on this case?"

Tuchuan observed the body of the deceased and said, "I think the deceased should have died of suffocation, but there was no strangulation mark on his neck, so he was probably poisoned."

The police department questioned, saying: "However, the deceased died suddenly while playing video games, and he did not eat anything on the way, if he had been poisoned before this, then he should have felt uncomfortable."

Officer Takagi turned to Morilan and said, "Did you notice that he was not feeling well?"

Suzuki Sonoko said, "No, he had a fight with Xiaoran before!"

"Then the time to poison is after this!" I think the poison should have been injected into the body of the deceased with a syringe. Rabbit Chuan pointed to the wrist of the deceased and said, "You see, his hands and feet are fixed in this position, even if someone attacks him, he can't resist."

"And at that time, the game hall was full of the sound of playing games, and it was normal to shout two sentences and scold two sentences, even if he shouted for help, no one would pay attention to him."

The attention of the audience was focused on Rabbit, including Judy of the FBI.

Rabbit Chuan felt that no matter what, it was better than focusing on Conan.

"It makes sense, it's worthy of being a brother Rabbit River!" The police department ordered his subordinates, "Send the body to a judicial autopsy and find out the cause of death first."

The Twilight Police Department said to Officer Takagi: "Now let's first check the suspicious people near the deceased and narrow down the range of suspects."

Officer Takagi said with embarrassment: "But there are more than 50 people here..."

Conan couldn't help but jump out and said, "I know who is closest to the deceased, because a few of us are watching Mr. Judy and Brother Rabbit Chuan sitting next to him playing racing games, and there are the clerk brother who passed by him, and the big brother who competed with him, and the five of us, a total of seven people, right, Brother Rabbit-Chuan?"

Rabbit Chuan shook his head and said, "I don't know, because I've been playing games, and there is a Judy teacher between me and the deceased's camera, but there is a big eye here that can see better than you!"

Rabbit Chuan couldn't suppress the joy in his heart, and pointed to the square box on the ceiling and said, "It's called a monitor!" "

The times are progressing, science and technology are developing, the history of the world of science and technology should remember this moment, this world finally has a monitor!"

Rabbit Chuan was so excited, this was the first time he ever saw the monitor at the crime scene! This is a monitor!

The Twilight Police Department was stunned, this is a monitor! Why didn't he notice that there was actually a monitor here, but...

To be on the safe side, the Twilight Police Department asked more: "Is this thing good?" "

Recently, some ordinary businesses have also begun to use this thing, but most of them are just decorations, and there are not many that are really easy to make.

As a suspect, the clerk assured the Twilight Police Department that the surveillance machine in their store was particularly good, and he must have taken a clear picture, and he was absolutely innocent!

Twilight Police Department brought 7 suspects to the monitoring room, and on the way Conan heard strange sounds, like the sound of metal crashing, and like the sound of friction, but he couldn't think for a while what this sound was.

Twilight is watching a video of the monitor, in which the deceased first chases them away, followed by what the deceased and the clerk are saying about Izuma.

The clerk Dejima explained: "I was going to get the money out of the game console, and he told me to move faster. Next

, the police department saw Shisui Takaho, "Rutas of Cupo-cho", walking to the right of the deceased, as if he was talking to the deceased about something.

Shisui Gaobao explained: "I just wanted to communicate with my opponent before the match, but unfortunately he didn't want to deal with me. In

the later scene, Mr. Judy sits on the camera seat next to the deceased, while Shisui Gaobao suddenly squats on the ground, as if he is picking up something.

"Because I found out that my lighter had dropped, I picked it up," Takabao said. Then

, the game battle began, more and more people gathered in front of the screen to watch the game battle, the game was particularly exciting, and in the end, even Xiaoran and Conan were attracted to it.

The Twilight Police Department said to Teacher Judy: "In other words, Teacher Judy, only you are closest to the deceased at this time, right?" And Suzuki-san and Rabbitikawa brother have always been on the other side of you, and they can't see anything if you do it. Teacher

Judy quickly waved her hand and denied: "No, no, no, I've been concentrating on playing games with Rabbit Chuan, and I don't have time to pay attention to other things." Maori

Lan defended Judy, saying, "Teacher, she's really been playing games!"

Sonoko Suzuki added: "Before she found the body, she also made a lightning drift that was difficult to do.

Shisui Gaobao also proved for Judy-sensei: "That foreigner must be innocent, and if she is half-hearted during the game, she will not be able to play such a high-difficulty factor skill." "

So far, there have been exactly three suspects, each of whom is suspicious.

At this time, in the monitor, a human head suddenly appeared on the left side of the deceased, and the police department exclaimed: "Why is there one more person today, who is this guy?" "

Sonoko Suzuki recognized it, this person was the fat uncle who had spoken ill of the dead to them before.

The Twilight Police Department immediately ordered Takagi to bring this man over.

This fat uncle is amazing, and he exposed the murderous motives of this group of people as soon as he came up.

Shisui Gaobao, who confronted the deceased today, is the deceased's eldest brother, but Shisui Gaobao has always wanted his sister to break up with this unlearned punk.

The clerk brother used to be the "Patora of rice flowers", and disappeared after being defeated by the deceased, but he did not expect that he changed his hairstyle and returned to work.

The Twilight Police Department secretly asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, do you know who the prisoner is?"

Rabbit Chuan said: "I already know, but there is still an important report left." "

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