Rabbit Chuan thought about it, Belmode was just a big ice ball, not fake wine, so he wouldn't hang his photo in his room when he knew that he was being monitored by the FBI.

And Mr. Judy on the side is also single-minded, analyzing the relationship between Maori Lan and Conan and Belmod in his mind.

Why does Belmod care about these two people?

This Maori Lan seems to be just an ordinary girl, and that Conan is just a schoolboy, what is the place worthy of the attention of the witch of that organization.

Is Belmod really pretending to be a teacher at Didan High School to approach her for this girl? Or is this just a façade when Belmod actually has other purposes?

The most important thing is the last photo with a cross, who is the brown-haired girl in the photo?

"Wow! That's awesome! Sonoko Suzuki's cheers interrupted Judy-sensei's brainstorming, "Rabbit River is over going!" Come on Teacher Judy! "

Teacher Judy took a closer look at the battle situation of the racing game, and her car was actually surpassed by this kid?!

How is this possible?!

Judy thinks that her car skills are still good, maybe not as good as Cameron, the first driver recognized by the FBI, but at least she can rank in the top three of the FBI, and she will lose to a child!?

In the eyes of Judy, an old beauty, the people here are tender, not high in altitude, and look younger than their real age.

If it weren't for Judy knowing in advance that Rabbit Chuan was a student of Didan High School, I am afraid that Rabbit Chuan and Conan would have gone to elementary school together!

Really, the schoolchildren over there are more anxious than this little rabbit.

Rabbit-Chuan: Be polite to you!

Rabbit Chuan wants to reiterate that he has an average height of 160 for 13-year-old boys, but he is only growing slowly now, and he will grow slowly in the future!!

Judy stopped thinking about it, concentrated on playing games, betting on the name of the FBI, she would never lose on the amateur track!

Judy's attempts to overtake were lightly blocked by Rabbit, but it doesn't matter, Judy has already calculated, and the final consecutive corners are the key to the victory.

Rabbit Chuan had expected that Judy would definitely choose to drift and overtake in the final corner, but... He was waiting for this moment!

The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth rose, he saw that Judy's car wanted to drift the speeder from the outside lightning-fast, and Rabbit Chuan also drifted at the same time, and the card position firmly occupied the track, and Judy's car had nowhere to dodge against the wall.

Rabbit Chuan did not get carried away, after all, the famous master is a high apprentice, and his driving skills are copied and pasted from Kenji Hagiwara, how can he lose.

If you want to ask, what is the level of Kenji Hagiwara's car skills?

Let's just say that at that time, Amuro Toru was still called Sinking Valley Zero, just a rookie driver who had just passed the third section, but under the guidance of Kenji Hagiwara, Sinking Valley Zero directly opened up the second pulse of Rendu, and suddenly learned to drive a big truck over the broken bridge.

In the acre of three-point land in Yonehana Town, Kenji Hagiwara dares to call himself the second, and no one dares to say that he is the first.

As for Cameron, the number one driver of the FBI, he can only compete with vodka, and even Amuro Toru can't compare, let alone Kenji Hagiwara.

And Judy can't even compare to Cameron, how can she compare to Rabbit Chuan, who copied and pasted Hagiwara Kenji's car skills?

Rabbitikawa: When it comes to driving, I'm a professional, even if I don't have a driver's license, I'm a minor, I don't have an eye, I lack a leg, but this is a god-level skill!

Suzuki Sonoko saw Rabbitchuan's steady win, and said excitedly: "You kid is very good at playing games!" Wouldn't you have sneaked up when you were okay?

Conan was stunned, does his brother often come to the game hall to play? How did he not know?

Conan looked at the unemployed vagrants around him, as well as the idle street gangsters around, as if he saw the well-behaved and sensible Oudoudou, echoing the future of dominance on the street.

No, it's too dangerous!

Rabbit Chuan was covered in cold and complained wordlessly: "Please, how can I have time to play games when I go out!" "

In this world, going out is not to solve the case, or on the way to solve the case, where can he have the opportunity to go to the game city to play games!"

Alas, it's better to play at home by yourself, if you play outside, in case you encounter a murder in the middle of the game....

"Ah——!" A scream sounded from next door.

Rabbit Chuan was caught off guard, his hands shook in shock, and his car also hit the wall, and he directly game over!

Tuchuan sighed deeply and muttered in a low voice, "So, I don't like to play outside." "

Alas, the outside world is wonderful, and the outside world is also helpless!

Rabbit Chuan sighed and craned his neck to look at the onlookers, it turned out that Julius Caesar had died on his exclusive throne.

The Twilight Police Department has 5 seconds to go to the scene, so be prepared to reason.

Twilight asked, "Did you say that this person died in a video game battle?"

Mao Lilan pointed to the big screen and replied: "Yes, we watched their duel through this big screen, and just when he was about to win, he suddenly stopped attacking, and when we looked closely, we realized that he was dead."

Officer Takagi reported: "The deceased's name is Kengo Oto, 21 years old, an unemployed vagrant, still a bad youth, and the reputation in this game hall is not very good." "

The Twilight Police Department is a little tired, this kind of bad young man who mixes in society and has a lot of enemies, and wants to kill his enemies, it is estimated that he can be lined up to the Metropolitan Police Department from here.

Alas, it seems that there will be overtime again tonight, if only there was a brother.

The Twilight Police Department suddenly remembered and asked, "By the way, Xiaolan, why didn't I see your father here?" "What about the plague who walked and died?

Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment and said, "I came here to play with my classmates after school, and Dad is not here." "

So..." Twilight was a little disappointed, "But, speaking of classmates..."

Suzuki Sonoko burst out and said proudly, "Of course, I'm Sonoko Suzuki, who is known as the queen of rice flowers!" Hahaha! "

Haha... Haha..." The Twilight Police Department couldn't laugh, it seemed that he was destined to work overtime today.

Teacher Judy asked blandly, "Oh, Māori-san, Suzuki-san, do you know this gentleman?"

Mao Lilan introduced: "He is my father's former boss, the Twilight Police Department. He

also introduced the Twilight Police Department: "Twilight Police Department, this is the English teacher of our school.

Teacher Judy said excitedly: "Hello, my name is Judy Saint-Timilion, please advise."

The police department greeted the foreign friends warmly: "My name is Juuzou Megure, I'm a Japanese policeman!" "

“ Policeman? No, no, no, this pronunciation is not standard. "Mr. Judy's occupational disease is offended," to pronounce long instead of short, to read Policeman. "

“ Police? Poli..."The mouth of the police department is scooping, isn't it about the same, what's wrong?"

Rabbit Chuan came over and held Conan's shoulder, brother, learn a little!

This FBI she even performed the teacher's occupational disease, what is this called?

This is called professionalism!

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