Rabbit Chuan scolded with a smile: "Stupid! It's fake! Saying

that, Rabbit Chuan threw the pistol into the air, and with a bang, it turned into a pink rain of cherry blossoms and fell one after another.

The strange thief Kidd sat on the ground and said suspiciously: "Illusion again?

"Yes, illusion." Tu Chuan's voice changed, "Besides, how can I hide a pistol at home as a law-abiding citizen!"

Rabbit Chuan muttered in a low voice: "It's really excessive, I actually dodged it, so that my new brother would not suspect that I would shoot him!" The most important thing is..."

Kudo Shinichi can't get illusion at all!" Because this is not learning!

Rabbit Chuan sat down opposite the monster thief Kidd, played with the Marley ring in the box and said, "You came to steal these gem rings, right?" "

The strange thief Kidd suddenly blessed his heart, and he found himself overlooking.

Originally, based on the state of Conan imp and the little rabbit, he speculated that Kudo Shinichi had hidden from everyone, including his brother, and the little rabbit did show that he did not know.

But in fact, he didn't consider another possibility, not Kudo Shinichi concealed Rabbit, but Rabbit Chuan hid Kudo Shinichi, so this little rabbit cub has long known that Kudo Shinichi is Conan, and it can't appear here!

It's all too likely, and Kudo's stupid brother knows absolutely nothing about how stubborn his brother is.

Shinichi Kudo: My younger brother is blind and lame, pitiful, weak and helpless.

The monster thief Kidd wants to shake Kudo Shinichi, your Oudoudou is not a weak and helpless little pitiful! He can do magic! Can also slash bullets!

Really, he saw with his own eyes that the little rabbit cub had a knife hidden in his cane!! In other words, this thing is illegal, right?

Shinichi Kudo: No, that cane is an electric baton, used for self-defense, and does not break the law.

Maker Dr. Agasa said, sprinkling water, small things!

It's just a self-defense knife, in case it is tied up by bad guys, it can be used to cut a rope to escape, and it is not considered contraband.

Rabbit Chuan squinted over, a good one only allowed the strange thief to set fire, did not allow the detective to light the lamp, a strange thief actually said that other people's props were illegal.

Monster Thief Kidd: ...

The strange thief Kidd sat back on the sofa, looked away from the box in Rabbit's hand, and said mysteriously: "Guess what? Maybe to confirm that unknown secret!

Rabbit Chuan summed it up in his heart and said slowly: "For example... Black Feather Fight? "

The monster thief Kidd, he stabilized this time, he did not drop the stool this time, and said calmly: "What black feather fast fight, I am saying that Kudo Shinichi's true identity is Ko..."

Rabbit Chuan suddenly interrupted the strange thief Kidd's words and said: "I remember you just said that this face is true, I will ask you again now, you melon... Ahem, is your face fidelity?

Rabbit Chuan looked innocent, and there was no hint of threat in his words.

The strange thief Kidd panicked in his heart, how could he forget that this little rabbit cub had really seen the appearance of Black Feather Fighting.

That time, he went with Aoko Hongko to visit the Teidan High School Garden Festival, and many people mistook him for Kudo Shinichi, and it turned out that he really looked exactly like Kudo Shinichi and did not need to be transfigurated at all.

If this little rabbit cub finds out that his face is real, it is not equivalent to admitting that he is Black Feather Fight.

The monster thief Kidd laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, of course, my face is transfiguration, ah pain and pain!" The

white crow looked at the face of the strange thief Kidd's Kudo Shin, and lowered his mouth to nag hard, making the strange thief Kid embarrassed, and ran all the way to the windowsill.

Rabbit Chuan waved his hand and said, "Okay, stop!" "

Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to blame the thief Kidd, the son of the world who has been staring at these world cornerstones, he is afraid that the thief Kidd was taken away by the tutoring world and changed his career to become a mafia.

Rabbit River walked to the windowsill, the breeze blew away the clouds and rain, and the moon hung high in the sky.

Rabbit Chuan pointed the Marley ring at the moonlight, and the gemstone was as clear as water and dazzling in the moonlight.

"This is not an ordinary gemstone, but only circulated in the inner world, to put it bluntly, it is a special power stone of the mafia family." Rabbit Chuan put the Mare ring back in the box.

The monster thief Kidd has determined that this is not the Pandora gem he is looking for, but the power stone...

Kidd remembered this little ghost's strange abilities, could it be that those abilities came from this gem?

Rabbit Chuan said a little helplessly: "Don't be curious, I don't care what you were looking for before, but what you are looking for is definitely not this thing, this thing is rare outside, but it is all over the world inside."

Rabbit River seriously admonished the monster thief Kidd, saying, "I'm talking about the inner world!" Don't make a mistake in the future, in case you provoke someone in the inner world, I can only ... Take care of the pigeons, suck. "

Huh?" The monster thief Kidd was stunned for a moment, what voice did he just hear?

"Okay, go slowly, don't send it!" Rabbit Chuan takes advantage of his lack of a cane to knock the monster thief Kidd off the windowsill.

The monster thief Kidd trembled all over, careless, this is talking, saying well, how can he still move! And how can this stick still carry its own current?

Rabbit Chuan closed the window, patted the dust on his hands, stretched, and walked back to the room.

Sleep, sleep, when the monster thief Kidd enters, he will definitely help Kidd take care of his family's pigeon farm, become bigger and stronger, and create glory again!

The next morning, Rabbit Chuan pressed the alarm clock, slept for another five minutes, pressed the alarm clock, slept for another five minutes, pressed the alarm clock, slept for another five minutes.

Kenji Hagiwara floated in and lifted the quilt, pulled Rabbit out of the bed, and said, "My Rabbit-sama, I can't sleep anymore!" If you sleep again, you'll be late today!"

Rabbit Chuan went into the bathroom in a daze, brushed his teeth and washed his face, and went downstairs to eat, because today is a long time away from school!

Haihara mourn, who walked out of the door and was also going to school on the other side, greeted and said: "Good morning, aha~"

Haihara mourned as Rabbit Chuan naturally raised his hands and stretched out, looking at Rabbit's left leg casually.

Seeing Rabbit Chuan still using a cane before, Haibara thought that the myoelectric prosthetic legs were not enough to support the body, but now it seems that this should be a habit he has developed.

Rabbit River and Haibara went in the same direction to school, walked together for a while, and just happened to meet Morilan and Conan at the intersection, and the four separated at the intersection and walked in pairs again.

Mao Lilan and Rabbit Chuan talked about what happened yesterday and said excitedly: "I saw Shinichi yesterday!" But I always feel that he is a little strange, he speaks in a smooth tone, and there is a little bit in his eyes... Have the blues?

Mao Lilan frowned and said, "In short, it is strange." "

Rabbit Chuan almost laughed, worthy of Miss Xiaolan, next time the monster thief Kidd will definitely overturn himself.

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