"But you're different people, right... Conan. Mao Lilan pretended to be strong, but unstoppable tears wet his eyes.

The rain outside the window was raging, and the tears of the people in the house could not stop flowing, and the crystalline teardrops rolled down Mao Lilan's cheeks like pearls with broken threads.

Icy rain and sad tears were intertwined, and drop by drop fell on Conan's heart like a knife.

Looking at the heartbroken look of the person he liked, Conan's heart was like a knife, and he slowly lowered his head and squeezed out a wry smile with difficulty.

I can't hide it, so... Well....

"Listen to me, Xiaolan." Conan took off his glasses to reveal his true face, "Actually, I really am..."

Maori Lan said in disbelief, "Are you really Shinichi?

"Yes, I just... Huh? Conan's eyes widened.

Kudo Shinichi leaned against the door, and said in a tone of disgust and pampering: "What stupid thing are you saying, I heard that you were involved in the case, I specially came to see you." "

Conan was stunned, the whole person is not good, why is Kudo Shinichi here? No, he is Kudo Shinichi, so who is this Kudo Shinichi?!

Morilan wiped away his tears, ran angrily to Kudo Shinichi, and yelled, "Stupid! What are you doing! Why don't you contact me?

"Sorry sorry, there have been too many cases lately." Kudo Shinichi smiled at Moriran, "I'm relieved to see that you're okay, I still have a case to deal with tonight, and now I have to leave."

Noticing Kudo's rain-soaked hair and coat, Morilan bypassed Kudo Shinichi and hurried up the stairs, shouting, "Wait a minute, I'll go get a towel to wipe it for you." Kudo

Shinichi looked at the back of Moriran's departure, smiled slightly, and turned around and slowly left.

Conan followed after Kudo Shinichi, chased him into the rain, stopped him and said, "Wait a minute, blame Kidd!" '

Kudo Shinichi' stopped and whistled.

"We're really being tricked by you!" Conan stood behind 'Kudo Shinichi' and said, "I didn't expect you to be disguised as Officer Shiratori and board the ship with the Twilight Police Department, did you expect something to happen on board?" "

Good fellow, is this a bet that there will be a murder on their ship?

Conan became nervous again, and because of this, this guy overheard his conversation with the Doctor, and the monster thief Kidd's current outfit, the monster thief Kidd must know the secret that he is Kudo Shinichi.

The monster thief Kidd whistled and a pigeon flew down the window of the Maori detective office and landed on his shoulder.

The strange thief Kidd raised his hand and conjured pigeons to hang on his body, and said as he walked: "I'm not a prophet, I just eavesdropped on the ship's radio."

Conan said: "It's a pity that one, two, three recognized Skobin in advance, and the yin and yang mistakes involved you to go offline together, so you changed yourself into a general again." "

The strange thief Kidd's movements suddenly stopped, no, it's not a burden, that's called intimidation!

The strange thief Kidd sighed in his heart, but said on his mouth: "Give you a word of advice, the things of the world, there is no need to clarify the truth in everything."

Conan was stunned for a moment, did the strange thief Kidd want to keep a secret for him?

Conan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly: "It makes sense, maybe this secret buried in your and my hearts is the best choice." The

pigeon hung all over his body, and the strange thief Kidd glanced at Conan and said, "So, can you solve this puzzle, detective." Why did I change my face to become Kudo Shinichi to rescue this tricky enemy of yours?

"Shinichi! Where are you? "From the top of the stairs came the voice of Maori Lan.

The monster thief Kidd raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the pigeons flew into the air together, and Kudo Shinichi disappeared into the rainy night, only a few white feathers quietly fell.

Conan wordlessly caught a feather, what kind of puzzle is this? Thank him for saving the pigeon, of course!

Changing into a black suit, Kidd, a strange thief hiding on the street corner next to him, held the pigeon and said to himself: "Big mistake, Kudo Shinichi, you really don't know anything about your brother's little secret!" The

strange thief Kidd held the pigeon in front of him, looked at the beanie eye of the pigeon, and said strangely: "Huh? How did you get lighter? The

pigeon's beanie eyes shed sad tears, recalling the words of a certain little rabbit cub, although it is not a suckling pigeon, the meat is not tender enough, but the victory is still fat, he, it wants to turn the meat into wood, it does not turn it into a stewed pigeon.

"Forget it!" The monster thief Kidd put the pigeon back in his secret pocket, "It must be a detective they can't keep pigeons, well-behaved, let's go home and eat!" "。

It's a pity that the pigeon can't speak, and the strange thief Kidd doesn't know the pigeon language, so he never understands why this pigeon just can't get fat, and he has become thin with other pigeons.

Pigeons: Don't eat me, I'm not delicious!

- Kudo's House -

Rabbit River yawned, lay on the couch and chatted with the white crow at home for a while about the strange thief Kidd's pigeon farm.

"It is said that the pigeons of the strange thief Kidd were hatched by himself from eggs, and I don't know if there are suckling pigeons, roasted suckling pigeons, roasted suckling pigeons, suckling pigeon stewed eggs, pigeon egg soup..."

The white crow quietly moved a small step to the side, and then moved another small step, oh mother, scared it to death, flew away.

With a clatter, the white crow withdrew its paws and immediately reset itself.

Rabbit Chuan woke up from his sleep, and someone came in the house? What people?

The man scratched his head and said with a mocking smile: "Yo, hahahaha, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?"

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his eyes, opened his mouth and hesitated, and said, "You... You are?

The visitor naturally sat next to Rabbit Chuan, poured himself a glass of water, and said: "I haven't seen me for a few days, you don't know me, I'm your new brother!"

Rabbit Chuan laughed directly, took out a pistol from under the sofa and pointed it at Kudo Shinichi's face, and asked, "Who brother do you say you are?" Blame Kidd! The

monster thief Kidd pretended to be calm, and said with a playful smile: "What strange thief Kidd? I'm Kudo Shinichi, if you don't believe me, pinch my face, this face is fidelity! "

The strange thief Kidd is like a groundhog in his heart, lying in the groove, this little devil pulls the knife, how can he still have a gun!" This is a real gun! This little devil should not really be some kind of mafia family's little young master!

Since it is the request of the monster thief Kidd himself, Rabbit Chuan is of course respectful and obeys.

Rabbit Chuan aimed the gun at the face of the monster thief Kidd, narrowed his eyes and said, "Then I'll shoot you in the cheek to see if your skin is thick enough." "


Kidd the Monster Thief fell to the ground.

Groove, come on really!


He obviously deceived his childhood sweetheart who grew up with Kudo Shinichi, why can't he fool this little ghost who has only known him for three years?!

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