After school, Rabbikawa was walking home when he met Morilan and Suzuki Sonoko waiting for the green light at the intersection.

Rabbit Chuan raised his hand to greet and said, "Sister Xiaolan!" Sister Yuanzi!

Mao Lilan greeted and said, "Ah, it's Rabbit River!"

Rabbit Chuan came over and found that this intersection was not the direction to the Maori detective office, and asked a little curiously: "Where are you going?"

Sonoko Suzuki replied, "Ran and I are going to the game hall in Cuptocho to shoot stickers!"

"The game hall..." Before Rabbit Chuan could say anything, Conan sneaked over from the other side and said, "I'm going too!"

Suzuki Sonoko crossed his hands at his waist and complained to Conan: "We girls go to shoot the stickers, what are you little ghosts doing with you!" "

Stickers are sticker photos, which are a very popular photography method in this era.

There is a special sticker machine in the game hall, which can be printed instantly, and you can choose different cartoon backgrounds and photo sizes to shoot different expressions and postures, just like P-chart software, which is especially popular in girls' circles.

The stickers can be attached to various items such as wallets, mobile phones, greeting cards, and notebooks.

Sonoko Suzuki said with a look of disgust: "Go, play with your elementary school friends, and don't disturb the party of our female high school students!"

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "Okay, Yuanzi, let's take Conan with us!"

Suzuki Sonoko said deflatedly: "Going shopping and taking children is really... Forget it, you really can't help it!

Conan cheered, "Yay!

Conan breathed a sigh of relief, the game hall is a place where dragons and snakes are mixed, and there are only two girls to go what to do if they encounter bad guys.

Rabbit Chuan held Conan's shoulder and took the opportunity to speak: "Then I want to go together, there are many people!"

Mao Lilan said happily: "Okay! "

Suzuki Sonoko has no opinion this time, after all, this child, bringing one is also a belt, and bringing two is also a belt.

But when it was time to shoot the sticker, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly found the fun of taking children, children, isn't it for play!

Mao Lilan took the photo sticker and laughed: "Haha, Conan's sticker is so funny!" Conan

on the sticker looked depressed, and was P on a Q version of the thief's wanted warrant, the thief was carrying a baggage, wearing a bandana covering his nose on his head, and the sticker was also P with the same as "If you find this person in the photo, please call 110".

Suzuki Sonoko said proudly: "Xiaolan, how is it, the machine here is good!" Mao

Lilan smiled and said, "Yes, it is worthy of being the place introduced by the garden!"

Rabbit Chuan echoed dryly: "Yes, yes, it is not in vain that we have taken such a long detour, specially killing a trip to Cupto Town."

Mao Lilan said excitedly: "Huh? There is even a wedding dress version here, so cute! Let's shoot this next!

"Wait, wait!" Sonoko Suzuki's face changed suddenly, and she stood in front of the machine and said, "I think sometimes it's good for everyone to shoot separately, haha!"

Mao Lilan narrowed his eyes, stared at Suzuki Sonoko with a skeptical gaze, covered his mouth and snickered: "I know!" Did you want to put this sticker on the letter sent to Mr. Kyogoku?

"This..." Suzuki Sonoko's face flushed.

Mao Lilan then laughed: "The last time the new teacher saw the letter that the female student gave him, he asked, 'Is it very popular to put a sticker on the letter recently?'"

Suzuki Sonoko said helplessly: "Yes, yes, I don't think the only one who has done this kind of thing is you, Xiaolan."

Tu Chuan ridiculed on the side: "Because Sister Xiaolan doesn't have to write a letter to the new brother!"

Mao Lilan shouted coquettishly: "Nasty, really! This

time Suzuki Sonoko snickered.

Mao Lilan puffed out his cheeks and looked at the lively girlfriend, Suzuki Sonoko stopped smiling, and the two stared at each other for a while, and then laughed together.

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said: "But the new teacher is really busy, he is a consultant teacher of the Go club, and he also replaced the basketball club for a while, and then helped us arrange dramas, Shinichi is not in school, no wonder the new teacher in the school has the highest popularity recently."

Mao Lilan retorted: "No, the new English teacher who has recently arrived is very popular!"

"Hmph! Only the stinky boys like her! Suzuki Sonoko said with a look of disdain, "Wearing such bold and revealing clothes, and exuding her mature femininity everywhere, this foreign woman is simply fooling us pure high school students!"

Conan smiled, obviously he also likes to wear clothes that show his belly button, and he said others, but it's really rare, and a new English teacher has been transferred at this time.

Conan tugged at the corner of Rabbit's clothes, Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan, Conan asked: "Brother Rabbit, who is that English teacher?"

"What people?" Rabbit Chuan pondered in his heart, not knowing what to say, "Her name is Judy St. Timilion, she is a..." Judy

Steline, an FBI search officer from Lao Mei, came to Japan to track down his father's murderer Belmore, and now teaches English at Didan High School under the pseudonym Judy St. Timilion.

Rabbit Chuan finally came to a conclusion and said, "Foreigners!

Conan was speechless, this is equivalent to not saying!

Tuchuan said innocently: "No way, she doesn't teach our class, she is currently only in charge of the English class of the second grade." "

Sophomore?" Conan thought it was a little strange, shouldn't this kind of new teacher start teaching from the first grade?

Suzuki Sonoko also complained next to him: "That foreigner is really bored to death, invite her to afternoon tea and don't go, look like a famous lady, foreigners shouldn't be enthusiastic and tell jokes, I really don't understand her."

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, people are FBI search officers, and it is normal to be serious.

“ Oh, yeah! Come on! Come on! "

Huh?" Sonoko Suzuki suddenly heard a familiar voice behind her, and looked back at the voice, "So, isn't that Judy-sensei?" Suzuki

Sonoko and Moriland saw that the taciturn Judy teacher in their school was standing in front of the game console with a shooting gun to the screen and banging at the screen in the exclamation of a group of men, and also threw the gun into the air like a handsome, caught the gun and hit the screen with ease, directly breaking the record.

Rabbit Chuan wants to report, professional players, prohibited from participating ah!

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko walked over dumbfounded, and when they looked closely, it was really Teacher Judy!

"Zhu, Teacher Judy... How did you end up here? "The female high school students have the feeling of secretly going to the game hall to play, only to be caught by the teacher.

Judy Stellin said in surprise: "Oh, it's Maori and Suzuki..." The

onlookers began to whisper and point, and Judy quickly pushed the girls aside and laughed sarcastically: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, they recognized the wrong person." "

Rabbit Chuan and Conan followed, this woman can really act.

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