Rabbit Chuan put Wang Balu's colorful egg into his aunt's red colored egg, and the pillar of the green egg was perfectly stuck in the groove at the bottom of the red egg.

Mr. Ambassador exclaimed, "So Mr. Kiichi didn't make two eggs separately, and these two eggs together are a complete egg.

Conan held his chin, he always felt that this egg was not so simple, there must be some mechanism in it that was commensurate with the "magician of the end of the century".

Rabbit Chuan asked, "Mr. Ambassador, can you show me the egg?" "

Oh, okay." The ambassador handed the egg to Rabbitikawa .

Rabbit Chuan walked to the center of the tomb with two eggs in one, and said to Conan: "Conan, come and help me adjust the light of the flashlight, and put the light beam together in the seat." "

Oh, okay." Conan ran over and adjusted the lights of the flashlight, the lights and the glass on the Easter egg... He got it!

Conan put the adjusted flashlight into the seat, the small mirror at the bottom of the green egg is a magic mirror, and the glass outside the red egg must have done this special treatment.

Rabbit Chuan turned around and shouted to the people behind him: "Uncle Maori, Mr. Ambassador, please take the candlestick... Or cover the coffin lid first..."

Bone rack: don't cover don't cover, I want to see it too!"

Tu Chuan shook his head slightly and sighed: "Forget it, trouble you guys to extinguish the candle flame!" Maori

Kogoro extinguished the candle flame, and the entire tomb was dark, with only a pillar of light standing in the center of the tomb, and everyone gathered around.

Maori Kogoro asked, "What are you kid going to do?"

"It's magic! Great magic from magicians at the end of the century. "Rabbit River sold a pass," Ladies and gentlemen! It's show time! Saying

that, Rabbit Chuan put the egg on the pillar of light in the sitting platform, and the light flashed on the surface of the egg like an electric current, and then the red and green glowing egg turned into a shining ball of light, and the eggshell slowly became transparent.

Through the transparent eggshell, the golden doll of the emperor's family inside the eggshell is clearly visible, and without clockwork, the golden doll slowly rises.

The emperor doll opened the book in his hand, and a ray of light refracted all the way up from the bottom to the book, and then refracted through the pages on the various magic mirror fragments embedded in the eggshell, and each magic mirror fragment reflected the light on the top glass, and the projection of the magic mirror rushed into the air through the glass, all hitting the stone wall overhead.

『 Yes, I know ,it's love~"

"What is this?!" Maori Kogoro was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Music box... No, it's the record player, oh, and the photos. "

Rabbit Chuan listened to the music echoing in the tomb, Senior Sister Yuanzi is right, this thing is indeed a music box!

"This, this is a picture of Emperor Nikolai's family, it's amazing!" Mr. Ambassador was so shocked that he was almost speechless.

Maori Kogoro suddenly realized: "So it is, the puppet in the egg is not a simple book.

Mauriland said: "That's a photo album..." Conan

also understood, and sighed: "So it's called the "Egg of Memory", which is worthy of being a magician at the end of the century!"

Rabbit Chuan pointed to one of the photos and said, "Miss Natsumi, look at that photo, one of the people in the photo is Mr. Kiichi, and the background of the photo is still this castle." Miss

Natsumi said movingly: "That's right, that's my great-grandfather, is it my great-grandmother sitting with him?" I finally met her!

Rabbit Chuan quietly looked back at the trembling bone shelf that tried to sit up secretly, and it was really red and dry!

Rabbikawa walked up to Natsumi Kasaka and whispered, "It's more than that!

Then Tuchuan looked at the group photo of the four princesses of Emperor Nikolai, and quietly did not speak.

Natsumi Kasaka followed Rabbit's gaze, her expression stunned, and her eyes were fascinated.

Natsumi Kasaka covered her mouth, then, wasn't that her great-grandmother?

No wonder there is no picture of the great-grandmother in the house, it turns out that she is the princess Maria who was executed but the body was not found.

The projection disappeared, ending this exhibition of photographic photography of the royal family of Nicola.

The ambassador was so moved in his heart that he held the two eggs in Natsumi Kasaka's hands with trembling hands and said, "This egg is a precious work of Mr. Kiichi, and I give up the ownership of this egg on behalf of my country!"

Natsumi Kasaka burst into tears and said, "Thank you!" Thank you very much, but here is an egg from President Suzuki. Mori

Kogoro assured Natsumi Kasaka: "Miss Natsumi, President Suzuki will leave it to me, and he will definitely agree to give up his love."

Natsumi Kasaka said excitedly, "Thank you very much!" "

Of course, Maori Kogoro didn't mean to convince President Suzuki to give Natsumi Kasaka the egg white, his face is not worth 800 million, but he believes that this young lady with a castle in the family must be able to afford these 800 million!"

The trip to the catacombs ended successfully, without Scoping's indiscriminate killing, everyone talked and laughed together, sang songs and left this beautiful... The appearance is still a beautiful dream castle.

Next, the most exciting time came.

Maori Lan held the pigeon and sat silently in the office chair of the Maori detective agency.

"Sister Xiaolan... Sister? Conan sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

Mao Lilan gently put the pigeon back into the nest, walked to the window, and said to the window: "Conan, you look very handsome today, it's the same as Shinichi..."

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