Rabbit River put all the rest of the Marley rings on his hand, and at the same time ignited the flames of 7 Marley rings, and a small iridescent enchantment instantly unfolded, encircling the part above the castle floor.

Rabbit Chuan's trick is learned from Pengele, the Pengellet Ring and the Marley Ring come from the same world cornerstone, what the Pengellet Ring can do, theoretically the Marley Ring can also do.

Since Sawada Tsunayoshi and the Guardians ignited seven Pengellet Ring Flames at the same time to form the Flame Enchantment of Dead Qi to keep Blanjeso out, then Rabbit River should theoretically be able to block Conan's influence by lighting seven Mare Rings at the same time.

However, it is prudent to put Conan in the basement first.

Conan in the basement is very anxious, why hasn't the door been opened yet, why hasn't the brother come down yet, nothing will happen, right?

Officer Shiratori swallowed, and although he didn't know what was happening now, he had a sense of foreboding, and this premonition he always felt a little familiar.

Officer Shiratori stared at the magical gem in Rabbit's hand, could this be the Pandora gem?

This is really an unexpected discovery, but there are so many gemstones in this kid's hand, except that the color is almost the same, which is the Pandora gem?

Pu Siqinglan's face changed suddenly, could this flame be the legendary power of the mafia that only circulates in the inner world, what does this little devil want to do?

"Let's open the skylight and say bright words!" Rabbit Chuan moved his arms and legs, "Pu Si Qinglan, no, it should be said that it is Skobin, and... Blame Kidd!

Officer White Bird's expression froze slightly, and then he said in shock: "You just said that Miss Pu Siqinglan is Shi Kaobing?

Rabbit Chuan looked at Officer Shiratori who was trying to struggle speechlessly, and said in a flat tone: "I just said that you are the strange thief Kidd, okay, don't pretend, do you need me to pinch your face myself?" I recognized you long ago on the steamer, and of course Skobin.

Officer Shiratori gave up resistance and said with a signature smile that belonged to the strange thief Kidd, "How did you recognize it?"

Rabbit Chuan's mind turned, and he casually made up a reason: "The dinner on the cruise ship yesterday was a rare bluefin tuna!" Officer Shiratori comes from a wealthy family, and if he were himself, he would have praised him exaggerated and politely from fish to chef to host, but not only did you not eat but you were also very nervous, which is not strange! "

The strange thief Kidd remembered last night's luxurious dinner, his legs are still soft, the Suzuki Foundation invited a top sushi chef to show the gorgeous knife work of cutting tuna sashimi on the spot, he can endure not running away is already very good, and want him to praise, he really can't boast ah!

The monster thief Kidd steadied his emotions, smiled, and maintained his pressing.

"Since you found out..." Kidd put his hand to his face, ready to tear off the human skin mask.

"Wait, don't tear it yet!" Rabbit Chuan stopped the strange thief Kidd, "You wait a while, the scene of Officer Shiratori is not over yet!"

Tuchuan pointed at Pu Siqinglan and said, "Now as a police officer, you first arrest this internationally wanted criminal." The

monster thief Kidd shouted, "Are you kidding? You made me a strange thief go to the wanted criminal?! Pu

Siqinglan gritted her teeth when she heard this, and secretly took out a pistol from her bag, since this little devil wanted the police to catch her, then she could only strike first.

Pu Siqinglan knew that this little ghost might be some great big person, so in order to avoid future troubles, she must not let the group of people who saw her leave alive, and now solve the two people in front of her!

Pu Siqinglan seized the opportunity to take out a pistol, aimed it at Rabbit Chuan's right eye, and pulled the trigger.

With a bang, the bullet split in half and fell to the ground with two clangs.

Pu Siqinglan and the strange thief Kidd's eyes are about to fall to the ground, what just happened?!

Just now, Rabbit Chuan pulled out his cane, and the blue knife light flashed, cutting the bullet aimed at him in two, and the two halves of the bullet fell directly at his feet.

Tu Chuan said with a look of disgust: "Why open your mouth so loud and hide a knife in your cane, isn't it a normal thing?" The

strange thief Kidd said dryly, "It's normal to hide a knife in a cane, but... But the knife splitting bullet is obviously not normal!!

"Hallucinations, all your hallucinations!" Rabbit Chuan calmly extinguished the blue dead qi flame on the knife and inserted the knife back into the stick.

The monster thief Kidd immediately retorted, "What an illusion! You're a liar! He

had just clearly seen a small cluster of blue flames in the eyes of the little rabbit, this was obviously magic, the magic that the little rabbit cub used when he locked them in the Dusk Mansion!

"I said what it is, the world must believe in Ke Xue, don't engage in those messy things." After Tuchuan finished scaring the monster thief Kidd, he turned his head and saw that Pu Siqinglan had long run away.

Rabbit Chuan hit the strange thief Kidd's thigh with a stick and shouted: "Officer Shiratori, what are you looking at, everyone has run away, hurry up and chase!" The

strange thief Kidd jumped forward and immediately chased out, and there was a sea of fire outside the door.

The strange thief Kidd subconsciously shrunk, and Rabbit Chuan, who was walking behind, kicked people out, and the strange thief Kidd fell into the fire without paying attention, he rolled desperately, rolled desperately, tumbled, tumbled....

"Huh? How did I not catch fire? Sitting in the fire, Kidd, the strange thief, was surprised to find that there was no flame on his clothes.

Rabbit Chuan walked slowly from the strange thief Kidd with his back to his back, and said, "Didn't I just say that this is all an illusion, an illusion!"

"Hallucinations? Do you want to say it's magic? The strange thief Kidd suddenly remembered the member of the organization he met before, the man who called himself a spider, and he used illusion, "So the things I encountered in the Dusk Mansion before were also created by you with illusion?" "

Bad, almost..." Rabbit Chuan looked at the lit Mist Attribute Marley Ring in his hand, which was actually quite a lot.

Most of the people who can use the Mist Attribute Ring are illusionists.

This fire is real, but Rabbit Chuan first extinguishes the fire with the rain attribute, and then uses the fog attribute illusion to conjure up a false flame, and makes a little joke with the monster thief Kidd.

Illusion is a basic skill of magicians, acting on the opponent's brain, interfering with the opponent's vision, making it feel that something is happening, but it is not actually happening in reality.

Rabbit River removes the illusion of Kidd, and takes the monster thief Kidd to find Scobin who sets fire to the house.

Scottin knelt straight on the ground, his eyes staring up at the ceiling blankly, looking like he had been played.

The strange thief Kidd exclaimed, "What's wrong with her?" "

It's a magic spell!" Rabbit Chuan said indifferently, "However, I just let her go through the death of those who were killed by her, and becoming what she is now can only be regarded as she deserves it."

Rabbit Chuan knocked on the strange thief Kidd again and said, "Don't be stunned, Officer Shiratori, quickly arrest the people, and remember to send the people to the bureau later." "

Oh, oh!" The strange thief Kidd pulled out the handcuffs and picked up Scopin and handcuffed, "Wait, I'm going to send her to the bureau?"

Rabbit Chuan knocked on the strange thief Kidd and said: "You borrowed the identity of the white bird police officer this time, you have to give people some performance as rent, just as the so-called good borrowing is good to repay, it is not difficult to borrow again..."

Rabbit Chuan..." Before Rabbit Chuan

could finish muttering, he heard a familiar shout in the distance.

The flame in the ring flickered on and off, and Rabbit Chuan took the initiative to extinguish the flame.

This Dead Qi Flame Enchantment still didn't stop Conan in the end.

It is worthy of being the god of death in their world, and it is even more resistant to the big bosses of other worlds that destroy the world!

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