Conan waited in the underground passage for a long time, but did not see Rabbit River come down.

He went up and shouted a few times into the floor blocking the entrance, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what's wrong with you?" Miss Qinglan? Officer Shiratori? Did you hear that? Feed!

Conan tapped the plank several more times, but received no response.

Conan chuckled in his heart, something must have happened!

Conan tried to recall what happened along the way, that Pu Siqinglan was very suspicious, he remembered that his brother once said that Chinese people basically have black eyes, and Princess Maria and Natsumi Kasaka are all gray eyes, is Pu Siqinglan Russian, why should she lie?

"Pu Si Qinglan, Pu Si Qinglan... Raspuchin? "Conan had an epiphany, as long as the katakana that made up the pronunciation of Pu Siqinglan was changed, he could form Raspuchin.

Conan suddenly remembered the picture frame he saw in Pu Siqinglan's room, and the signature on the back of that picture frame was not Raspuchin!

Therefore, Hankawa Ryuzheng was killed because he accidentally took this photo!

Could it be that Pu Siqinglan found out that her brother knew her secret and planned to attack her?

Conan fumbled with the wall and sneaked back below, making sure to turn on the entrance switch near here.

"What are you doing!" Maori Kogoro wanted to grab the little ghost's head jumping up and down, but was stopped by his own little cotton jacket, "Dad, don't disturb Conan."

Maori Kogoro looked at his girlfriend in disbelief, pointed to himself and said, "You said me? Excuse him?

Conan shouted, "Found it!" Conan

finally noticed a different stone on the wall, pressed it, the door opened, and Conan immediately rushed out, but there was no one in the office above.

Conan looked to the ground and found an empty bullet casing on the ground.

Mao Lilan asked worriedly, "Conan, what's wrong?"

Conan handed the bullet casing to everyone and said, "I found a bullet casing on the ground, and there was still a little temperature on it, it should be the gun that was just fired, and the person who fired it was probably Scobin."

"Oh my God!" Hearing this, the others were shocked.

Conan said: "But there is no blood around here, brother Rabbitchuan, they should not have been shot, but they must be in danger, we must find them as soon as possible." The

general shouted: "I don't want it, it's too dangerous above, I'm going back to the basement!" "

The general took the opportunity to run back to the basement, whatever Scopin he was, as long as he found the egg first, he could devour the treasure alone!

"Hey!" Maori Kogoro didn't expect this person to run away by himself, "Forget it, I'll go find the Rabbit River kid, and a few of you will also go to the basement and wait."

Mao Lilan said, "Dad, I'm going too!"

Maori Kogoro rebuffed, "What are you going!"

Mr. Ambassador suggested: "Maori detective, let's go together, there are many people and there are many powers, and it is dangerous for us to stay here." "

This... Well" Maori Kogoro looked at the ambassador, who was more than two meters tall, and his sense of security skyrocketed.

The group walked out of the office, and there was a mess in front of them, the walls were marked by fire, and the floor was full of water stains, as if the castle had just experienced a fire.

They carefully searched along the water stains, and finally found the missing three in the hall, fortunately all three were safe.

Rabbit Chuan excitedly shouted: "Uncle Maoli, Sister Xiaolan, you are here!" Officer Shiratori caught Scottin and is now fine! "

Slow down Scobin and the Monster Thief Kidd: No, we're in trouble!

Rabbit Chuan tells Maori Kogoro that Pu Si Qinglan is Skobin, and then puts all the credit on Officer Shiratori.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "I fell and accidentally tested Pu Siqinglan's skills, and then she was going to shoot me, it was Officer Shiratori who helped me dodge the bullets, then Officer Shiratori put out the fire, and finally Officer Shiratori defeated Skobin!"

Mao Lilan exclaimed, "Officer Shiratori is so powerful!" Officer

White Bird and Pu Siqinglan: "..." The

strange thief Kidd did not dare to speak, and as soon as Skobin wanted to mock two words, he saw Rabbit Chuan silently saying to her the "Law of Silence".

Rabbit Chuan secretly gave Scottin another look to let her experience it herself.

The law of silence refers to the rule between the mafia, no one can snitch to the police, which is a sacred and inviolable law in the mafia.

Skobin's teeth itched with hatred, this bastard imp, damn mafia, silent fart, who just said that he was going to send her to the bureau!

Rabbitakawa : First of all, I am not a mafia, and secondly, you are not a mafia, but anyone who tells the secrets of the mafia will be hunted down by the inner world.

Now the appearance of the monster thief Kidd is still a white bird police officer, and Rabbit Chuan did not expose the disguise of the monster thief Kidd, but let the police officer take the dangerous person in front of him back to the police station.

The strange thief Kidd stares at Rabbit River, so is it the scene he hasn't ended yet?

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said in a silent lip shape: "This police officer, you don't want everyone to know that you are the strange thief Kidd, right?" "

The skill is not as good as the people, the strange thief Kidd can only admit it, handcuff Scopin who is out early, and the two leave the scene sadly.

Rabbit Chuan and everyone watched the criminal duo leave the castle, and immediately felt refreshed and refreshed, shouting: "Let's go, let's continue the treasure hunt!"

Everyone looked at each other and laughed, seeing the murderer Skobin arrested, the big stone in their hearts finally landed, and now that there was no threat from the murderer, they could finally happily search for treasure.

Tuchuan counted carefully and found that there was one less person here, where did that general go? Isn't it already cold?

At this time, the juvenile detective team outside accidentally fell into the secret passage that had fallen into disrepair.

Haibara mourned, what kind of broken mechanism is this, how did they fall into it?

Therefore, Xiao Ou Huang Bumei, the name is worthy of the name!

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