Conan heard Rabbit Chuan say that Raspuchin was shot in the right eye, and thought that Skobin was also the right eye of the target of sniping, and these two people are inextricably linked to the Romanov dynasty, will there be any connection between these two people?

"Don't talk about this, the most important thing now is to find that egg." Officer Shiratori pulled back the misguided thing.

Hearing this, Conan came back to his senses and looked up just in time to see the smoke of the cigarette in Maori Kogoro's hand swinging in the wind.

"Uncle, lend me a cigarette!" Conan snatched the cigarette from Maori Kogoro's hand.

"Hey! What are you doing! Maori Kogoro clenched his fists angrily and was about to smash it down.

Conan crouched on the ground, put the lit cigarette close to the floor, and explained: "You see that there is wind under this floor, and there must be a basement below!" Maori

Lan held the ashtray to Conan's hand, and Conan put out the cigarette.

Rabbit Chuan saw this scene in his eyes, this time Sister Xiaolan has made great progress, the last time the emotions were so excited that she couldn't help it, this time the emotions obviously converged a lot, if you come a few more times, you may be able to reach the level of stopping your heart.

Conan hadn't yet found his backyard on fire, and his bottoms were stripped naked.

Conan lay on the ground and fumbled around, sure there must be a switch to turn on the basement hidden nearby.

"Found it!" Conan lifted a floor, revealing an electronic board, the buttons on which were all in Russian letters.

Everyone gathered around and exclaimed, "Is this the switch to open the underground secret room?"

Conan said to the crowd: "I think this should require entering the correct password to open the basement door, can Mr. Ambassador trouble you to enter Russian?"

"Okay." Mr. Ambassador put down the suitcase in his hand and squatted next to the combination lock, "But what is the password?" "

Memories!" Maori Kogoro snapped, "It must be the Russian word for the word "memory"!"

Mr. Ambassador immediately pressed the Russian word "Memory", but there was no reaction on the floor, and Maori Kogoro's face was slightly ashamed.

The general shouted, "Kiichi Kasaka! Try "Kiichi Kasaka"! "

Mr. Ambassador pressed Kiichi Kasaka's name again, but it was still wrong.

Mr. Ambassador asked, "Miss Kasaka, do you know what the password is?"

Natsumi Kasaka shook her head slightly and said, "I don't know.

Conan suddenly read: "BA RU SHI KU KA TTA BE KA."

Natsumi Kasaka was stunned for a moment.

Conan said: "The words that Miss Natsumi said before may be in Russian.

Rabbit Chuan began, "It's Balushe Bunik Kantsa Beka."

Conan asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what does this sentence mean?"

Rabbit Chuan replied, "It's in Russian, which translates to "magician at the end of the century."

Conan remembered that Rabbit Chuan seemed to have said this on the train, and Kidd's payment in the teaser this time was also a magician at the end of the century.

If it's a coincidence, it's too much of a coincidence, right?

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "This password is easy to guess, this is originally the title of Mr. Kiichi."

Conan's eyes widened, it turned out that the old brother already knew when he saw Kidd's teaser? However

Conan asked curiously, "Brother Rabbitchuan, when did you learn Russian?"

Rabbit Chuan said with a smile: "Hehe, I can speak a lot of foreign languages, I have to work hard to learn, Conan!"

Conan felt a sense of urgency, called his self-esteem as a brother.

Rabbit Chuan knows all the languages in this world, but the brain is the brain, the mouth is the mouth, and he practiced for a long time to learn such a sentence.

Brain: Balushebunik kantsa beka

mouth: "What shells does Baruchebu see?" Mr

. Ambassador pressed the code again, and this time there was the sound of gears rubbing around.

Suddenly the floor under Conan's feet shook, Conan nimbly jumped to the side, and the floor he had originally stepped on retreated into the wall.

"Is this really

an underground chamber!"

Everyone was full of shocked expressions, and a one-meter-wide entrance appeared under the floor, and at the entrance was a spiraling down staircase, and it was dark inside.

Maori Kogoro walked in front, Conan and Mori Lan followed, and the others lined up to enter the underground entrance one by one.

Rabbit Chuan stood in the third to last place, behind him was Pu Siqinglan, who was second to last, and at the back there was Officer Shiratori pressing the formation.

Rabbit Chuan and Officer Shiratori at the back looked at each other.

Officer Shiratori was stunned for a moment, he didn't understand what this look meant, he saw Rabbit Chuan stretching out his feet and probing at the entrance for a while, and the Miss Pu Siqinglan wanted to help out, but was beaten by the little rabbit cub.

Well??? Hit a stick?

"Lying groove, such a beautiful sister, you can also get your hands on it?!"

Pu Siqinglan quickly flashed to the side and wanted to jump into the entrance, but Tuchuan took the opportunity to press the switch and close the underground entrance.

Now Rabbit Chuan, Officer Shiratori and Pu Siqinglan, the three remain on the ground.

Officer Shiratori: What's going on?

Conan felt that the light from the entrance above his head disappeared, took the flashlight and shone it back, and said strangely: "Huh? Brother Rabbitchuan, how did Officer Shiratori and Miss Qinglan close the door?

The general said casually: "I seem to have seen that kid fall, maybe he accidentally hit the switch!"

Conan felt something wasn't quite right and said, "I'm going to go up and take a look!" The

general stopped Conan and said, "Don't worry, with that police officer and beautiful lady taking care of him, it will be fine, let's go quickly!" "

The general secretly rejoiced, great, that strip was also locked up on it, he could finally move freely, and he took this Easter egg!"

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