Ayumi said excitedly: "Wow, it's like a castle in a fairy tale kingdom!"

Mitsuhiko continued, "Haha, there must be treasure hidden inside!"

Motata touched his stomach and said, "I wonder how many eel rice I can buy?" The

three little ones looked at the castle excitedly and chattered, and Maori Kogoro strode over and solemnly admonished them: "You little ghosts listen, you must not follow up!" "Good

!" The three little ones agreed happily, "We know!"

After waiting for a while, the general finally arrived, and he got out of the car with a large bag on his back and said, "Sorry sorry, a little delay in preparing things." Maori

Kogoro saw a large backpack and asked in amazement, "Why are you carrying such a big bag, are you preparing to go on an expedition?" "

Well, be prepared." A faint flash of determination flashed in Qian Jiangyi's eyes.

Now that everyone had arrived, the butler of Sawabe opened the gate of the castle, and everyone entered the beautiful castle in turn.

The housekeeper was about to close the door, when Maori Kogoro turned around and said, "Please lock the door, I'm afraid those children will break in." "

With what Maori Kogoro knows about those broken children, they will definitely sneak in.

The children stood obediently outside the door, quietly watching the castle gate close before their eyes.

Suddenly, Genta raised his arm and shouted vigorously: "Okay, the juvenile detective group is starting to act, GO!" "

Yay!" Ayumi and Mitsuhiko raised their hands in approval.

Dr. Agasa asked, "Wait, what are you going to do?"

Ayumi replied, "We're going to find the treasure first!"

Mitsuhiko said, "There must be other entrances around here, let's find them!"


"Hey, you guys..." Before Dr. Akasa could stop him, the three little girls all ran away.

Haibara said helplessly: "Doctor, hurry up and keep up!"

Dr. Agasa said weakly, "Coming, coming." "

However, Haihara and Dr. Agasa are not very worried.

Without their and Conan's help, how could these stupid imps find the secret entrance to this castle!

Sawabe Butler takes everyone on a step-by-step tour of the interior of the castle, first between knights on the first floor with knightly armor, then between noble ladies on the second floor decorated with paintings and painted pink walls, and then between emperors with plaster casts.

General Yi was already a little impatient, these rooms looked luxurious, but they didn't seem to have anything of value.

As soon as he proposed to go to the bathroom, he actually took the opportunity to sneak to other rooms, began to rummage through the cabinets, and finally found a safe embedded in the wall under an oil painting.

The general clenched his teeth, his eyes flashed with essence, and said with a smile: "I finally found it!" The

general immediately pulled out the toolbox from his backpack, picked out a suitable lock picker, and pried open the safe in three or two strokes, but inside the safe was not an egg of memory, but a pile of gold and silver jewelry.

The thief did not go empty, and the general did not dislike anything, reached out and grabbed a handful of jewelry, but he did not expect that an iron ring suddenly appeared under the jewelry and cuffed his hand, and then a row of swords fell from the sky, causing him to shout in fright.

"What happened?" When Maori Kogoro pushed the door in, he saw Kan collapsed on the ground, one hand handcuffed to the wall, and the sword hanging from the ceiling almost pierced his body.

Seeing this, the housekeeper Sawabe walked in strangely, and while taking out the key to open the handcuffs, he said: "This is an anti-theft device designed by Master Kiichi eighty years ago, and there are still many mechanisms in this castle, so please be careful." Officer

Shiratori squatted to the side and rummaged through his backpack, saw blades, electric drills, glass wheels, and tools for picking locks through doors.

"It seems that Mr. Qian cannot be left alone now." Officer Shiratori finally sent out a flashlight and threw it at him, "It's enough that you have this flashlight." The

general sat on the ground with a depressed face, he was really unlucky today, before he could do anything, he was arrested, and he mixed in a sliver, so that he had to tie his hands.

Rabbit Chuan walked in and looked at the mechanism in the safe and said: "This mechanism should be driven by gravity induction, once someone reaches out and steals the jewelry inside, the weight in the safe is reduced, and this mechanism will be activated, where it is light, where to grab."

Conan looked at these mechanisms in amazement, thinking that this Mr. Kiichi really likes to design mechanisms!

Suddenly thinking of something, Conan looked up and asked, "Steward Sawabe, does this castle have a basement?" Steward

Sawabe replied, "No.

Conan immediately thought, how could Mr. Kiichi, who likes to design mechanisms so much, not design a basement? There must be an underground chamber here!

Conan asked again, "Is there a room for Mr. Kiichi here?" The

housekeeper Sawabe replied, "There is an office. "

Sawabe butler led everyone to Mr. Kiichi's office, which displayed old photos of Mr. Kiichi and some photos of his life from the past, but there was not a single photo of Mr. Kiichi's wife.

The general pointed to a group photo and said in surprise: "Isn't this man Raspuchin?" The

Russian ambassador came over and took a look and said, "Yes, it's really him, and there is his signature on it!"

Mao Lilan asked curiously, "Dad, who is Raspuchin?"

Where did Maori Kogoro remember who Rasputschin was, and said vaguely: "Well, I only know that he is a sinner of history."

Tuchuan noticed that Pu Siqinglan's eyes changed, Pu Siqinglan did not wear the short cheongsam today, but changed into a cross-dressing suitable for sports, hiding guns and ammunition in the backpack in her hand, which seemed to be a big job.

The general turned back and said: "People call him the "strange monk Raspuchin", who flattered the emperor's family for the demise of the Romanov dynasty, and tried to seize power, but was finally killed by the royal nobleman Duke Yusupov, who is said to have been excavated in one eye when his body was found.

"One eye is gouged..." Conan thought this statement was so familiar!

Rabbit Chuan felt a wistful gaze fall on him, a little speechless, and felt that he should say something now.

Rabbit Chuan cleared his throat and said, "I wasn't dug, I was hit in the right eye."

"Yusupov fired a shot at Rasputin, piercing his lobes, and just as everyone thought he was dead and was about to dispose of the body, Rasputin suddenly woke up, broke free from everyone's uniform, and fled to the courtyard of Yusupov's palace."

"Priškevich chased out of the house and fired three shots at Rasputin, the last of which hit him in the right eye."

"Yusupov, fearing that Rasputin would not die, finally threw him into an ice cave in the Neva, and his body was found the next day."

However, the forensic autopsy showed that he drowned because Rasputin's lungs were full of water. If a corpse is thrown into the river, there is no water in the lungs, and Rasputin survived for 8 minutes in the icy water under the ice, which is a miracle.

"Empress Alexandra secretly ordered that Rasputin's body be transported to the imperial village, where catacombs and a monastery were built for him."

"But after the war, the royal family died, and the soldiers stationed in the royal village found Rasputin's body, and they transported Rasputchin's body to Petrograd for public display, and burned the body to ashes."

The others listened to it with hesitation, and on the other side, Tuchuan pulled Pu Siqinglan's hatred value to full.

Only Conan had some doubts, in terms of his brother's historical achievements, was this history serious?

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