Seeing that Conan did not dare to speak easily, Rabbit Chuan concluded: "So the real murderer who killed Hanchuan Dragon is Skobin, and he should be killed in order to get the ring of Hanchuan Dragon."

The Twilight Police Department exclaimed, "Could it be that that Scobin is still on this ship?" Officer

Shiratori reported: "Twilight Police Department, regarding this matter, I found that there was one lifeboat missing during my search.

Maori Kogoro exclaimed, "What? Shouldn't Scopin have escaped in a lifeboat?

Officer Shiratori replied: "The police have launched an emergency search in the nearby waters, but there is little hope."

Mr. Ambassador said, "So, the murderer is no longer on board, right?" The

art dealer Ganji also breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's great, at least for now the ship is safe."

Officer Shiratori reminded, "However, since Skobin's goal is the 'Egg of Memories', he will most likely go to the Kasaka family's castle, or he will go now."

Natsumi Kasaka said worriedly, "Then what should I do?"

Officer Shiratori said, "Megumi Police Department, for the safety of Miss Kasaka, why don't I accompany them to Miss Kasaka's castle tomorrow?"

The Twilight Police Department agreed to Officer Shiratori's proposal, and on the other side, Maori Kogoro admonished Conan, "Do you hear that? It's too dangerous, you are not allowed to follow it tomorrow!

Officer Shiratori said, "Mr. Maori, let Conan go with you, his whimsy may surprise you." After

that, Officer Shiratori showed an evil smile, Conan's heart was cold, did this Officer Shiratori really know something?

Rabbit Chuan did not speak, arresting prisoners in the theater version is not the same as capturing ordinary prisoners, and arresting prisoners in the theater version generally requires two conditions.

The first condition is that conclusive evidence is required, and after reasoning, the prisoner may confess, but the prisoner will never be tied down.

At this time, another condition is needed, that is, physical persuasion, to put it bluntly, it is to first subdue the person, and then capture the game.

When it comes to subduing Skobin, if it is one-on-one, Rabbit Chuan still has one or two points to grasp, but now there are too many idle people on the ship, and there is a real fight, and one is counted as a whole hostage.

Rabbit Chuan gave up capturing Skopin on the ship, or else would he call Amuro Toru later and inform him to arrest someone?

Rabbit Chuan believes that Amuro Toru will never let such a dangerous person wander around the country, and the public security is a special department, which can arrest people first and then find evidence.

But Rabbit Chuan thought about it carefully, or forget it, he had just performed a play in front of Amuro Toru with Matsuda Jinpei two days ago, and now it was exposed that they were not playing for nothing.

Alas, people hate less when they use it, and they really want to fast forward to the main line, when the time comes, they can shake people at will!

The case is temporarily closed, and Scottin will not do anything more until another egg is found.

Although some people are dead, the living should still eat, and dinner is a seafood meal freshly fished from the sea, including small abalone, sea cucumber, lobster, king crab, and bluefin tuna at the finale.

No wonder the voyage of this ship is so slow, it turns out to go around the far sea and salvage seafood, this is the cruise journey of the rich!

After a belated dinner, go back to your room to sleep, and have another breakfast the next day, the cruise ship arrives at the port of Tokyo.

Officer Shiratori drove the car with Rabbikawa and Urasi Aoran, as well as Natsumi Kasaka and her butler.

The Maori family of three and the Russian ambassador took a taxi, and they went together to Natsumi Kasaka's castle in Yokosuka.

On the way, the Russian ambassador talked about the ring of Hanchuan Dragon, and casually mentioned that the original owner of the ring, Princess Maria, was the gentlest of the four sisters, and she had big gray eyes.

Conan immediately remembered that Natsumi Kasaka and Pu Siqinglan also had a pair of gray pupils.

The ambassador also said that during the execution of the emperor's family after the war, the remains of Princess Maria and the crown prince were not found.

Rabbit Chuan was also chatting with the people in the car, for example: "Skobin may be among us!" Pu


: "..." Another example: "Maybe the monster thief Kidd will also come!" Officer

Shiratori: "...,"

and finally asked, "Miss Kasaka, did your castle buy insurance?"

Natsumi Kasaka: "... Bought it, butler? Butler

: "Bought it!" Everyone

came to Yokosuka Castle, which was built on the edge of a cliff.

Mao Lilan exclaimed, "What a beautiful castle!

Officer Shiratori said: "This is the style of Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany, which is said to be the prototype of Cinderella's castle. Everyone

stood at the gate of the castle, admiring this rare castle while waiting for the general who said that he wanted to take something.

However, I didn't wait for the car of the general one, but first waited for a familiar yellow Beetle.

"Hey! Conan! Conan's friends got out of the car, "Wow! What a beautiful castle!

Mao Lilan asked strangely, "Doctor, why are you here?"

Dr. Agasa smiled and said, "Haha, I received a call from Conan before, so stop by and take a look." He secretly shoved a pair of glasses to Conan.

"Thanks, Doctor." Conan put on his new glasses and whispered, "Why did you bring a few of them with you?" "

Rabbit Chuan greeted the children on the side, forgetting that there is still a scene of the juvenile detective team in this castle... What kind of scene do they have?

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