The Twilight Police Department ordered a search of the suspect Nishino's secretary's room to begin.

Officer Takagi found a ring in the room of Nishino's secretary, which the deceased Kankawa Ryu showed off to everyone in the evening, and it was said to be the ring of Princess Maria, the daughter of Alexander III of the Romanov dynasty, in short, it was an antique and worth a little money.

But now the ring is in the room of Secretary Nishino, and Secretary Nishino's ballpoint pen appears at the scene of the crime, and now all the evidence points to this Secretary Nishino.

Twilight grimaced and asked, "Mr. Nishino, do you have anything else to explain?"

"I'm not, I don't!" Secretary Nishino was stunned, what the hell was going on? He really doesn't know anything!

Rabbit Chuan stood up and said, "Twilight Police Department, I think Mr. Nishino should not be the murderer.

The Twilight Police Department asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, have you made any new discoveries?"

Rabbikawa said justifiably, "Because today's chain of evidence is so obvious, I suspect that Mr. Nishino was framed." "

Rabbit, Rabbit Chuan brother..." The Twilight Police Department was pretended to be speechless.

"Haha, I'm kidding, Twilight Police Department." Rabbit Chuan laughed, cleared his throat again, and turned on the serious crime solving mode, "Mr. Nishino, are you allergic to feathers?"

Secretary Nishino said, "Yes.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Twilight Police Department, the room of the deceased Hankawa Ryu is full of feathers, the prisoner cut the goose feather pillow in order to find something, Mr. Nishino is allergic to feathers, and generally he should not be a prisoner."

Twilight turned his suspicious gaze to Secretary Nishino and asked him, "Mr. Nishino, is this true?" Are you really allergic to feathers?

"It's true! I'm really allergic to feathers! Secretary Nishino desperately tried to prove his innocence as if he had caught a life-saving straw, "President Suzuki, he knows about this, and I have a diagnosis certificate from the hospital, I really have an allergy to feathers!"

Officer Shiratori, who had returned, asked Rabbitagawa, "What about unusual circumstances?"

Rabbit Chuan gave another explanation, and said with a smile: "In order to clear his suspicions, Secretary Nishino deliberately cut the feather pillow after committing the crime, and the feathers all over the room are just a trick, and the person who seems to be the least likely to commit a crime is actually the real criminal." "

Click, Secretary Nishino heard the sound of shattered hope, heaven and hell are one step away!

Rabbit Chuan said again: "However, if this is the case, Mr. Nishino must be a thoughtful person, how could he leave important evidence in the room of the two?" "

Secretary Nishino's hope is back, another step from hell to heaven.

"But..." Rabbit Chuan's words just started a head, and Secretary Nishino raised his heart to his throat again, afraid that something would happen again.

Sure enough, Rabbit Chuan said again: "Mr. Nishino and the deceased Hankawa Ryu should have an old grudge.

Secretary Nishino quickly denied it: "I'm not, I didn't, I didn't see him before!"

Rabbit Chuan said: "You think about it, otherwise Hanchuan Dragon would not have deliberately thrown the ring into your room and stole your ballpoint pen."

The Twilight Police Department exclaimed, "You are saying that the deceased did these things himself, but why?" Maori

Kogoro suddenly understood, and said, "Twilight Police Department, I have all understood that the deceased must have committed suicide in order to blame Mr. Nishino for the murder!"

Conan came back and listened for a short while, he thought that Rabbit Chuan was clearing the suspicion of Nishino's secretary, but he didn't expect that the painting style was getting more and more off.

Secretary Nishino patted his thigh and said loudly, "I remembered!" Three years ago, when he was in Africa, he was proudly photographing a little girl who was crying because of the war, and I urged him to restrain a little, but he just didn't listen, and I punched him directly in anger. Maori

Kogoro said excitedly: "That's right, it must be because of this incident, Hankawa Ryu has always held a grudge against you, and he will not hesitate to die, so as to blame you!" "

Conan almost fell, hey, as for this, he killed himself for this little thing.

Conan set his sights on the culprit who strayed his reasoning.

Tuchuan coughed twice uncomfortably and said, "Ahem, no, really not!" Ryu Kankawa deliberately threw the ring into Mr. Nishino's room and stole Mr. Nishino's ballpoint pen, he simply wanted to blame Mr. Nishino for stealing the ring.

"But he never expected that he would return to the room and be brutally killed before he could do anything, and inadvertently make a big mistake."

"The video tape that disappeared in Hanchuan Dragon's room was taken away by the real murderer, and he has been shooting around with the camera since he got on the boat, maybe he was too free and shot something fatal."

"And the real murderer scratched the pillow to find something, I think it should be the ring that Kankawa Ryu threw in Mr. Nishino's room."

Conan couldn't stop nodding, the old brother was so naughty, he almost ran away from everyone else just now, but fortunately he brought people back again, otherwise he could only let Uncle Maori sleep.

The police department pondered for a moment and said, "It makes sense, but who is the real culprit who killed the Hanchuan dragon?" "

Rabbit Chuan knows that the real murderer is Skobin, and this Skobin is Pu Siqinglan.

But the highest-end killers often only use the simplest ways to kill, and Scottin is a professional killer who never engages in those bells and whistles, so there is no useful evidence left on the scene.

As for the tapes and pistols she took from the room, it is estimated that she threw them into the sea before the police came, and it is estimated that she could not catch them, and it was useless to catch them.

Against this professional killer, unless she is caught in the current situation, it is difficult to prove her crime afterwards, and....

Rabbit Chuan looked at these people from the Metropolitan Police Department around him, and couldn't help but speak, hey, none of them can fight!

This kind of vicious international wanted criminal is really handed over to Shugu Zero, or to Akai Shuichi, one is the public security and the other is the FBI, and they don't need evidence to arrest people at all.

Rabbit Chuan sighed in his heart, isn't it evidence, he can also make it up, but I don't know if the plot will change from "magician at the end of the century" to "shipwreck in the sea".

"Twilight..." Rabbit Chuan looked up and was about to speak, when he inadvertently saw Officer Shiratori staring at Conan with interest, while Conan was looking at him with relief, and the three of them looked at the other one by one, completely closed.

Rabbit Chuan closed his mouth, it's time to wake up the unlucky old brother, brother, leisurely, you are exposed again! ! !

Conan shared his information with everyone with a big grin, saying, "Twilight Police Department, do you know Scorpion? "

Scopin?" The Twilight Police Department tried to recall that he was not impressed at all, "I haven't heard of it."

Conan said: "It is the bad guys who specialize in stealing the treasures of the Romanov dynasty around the world and sniping at the right eye of the target." The

Twilight Police Department thought for a moment again and said: "Listening to you say this, I remember, there seems to be such a number one person in the list of internationally wanted criminals, wait, do you want to say that the prisoner who killed Hanchuan Dragon is Shi Kaobing?!"

Conan affirmed: "It's very likely, and he is also the person who sniped the monster thief Kidd, I remember that Kidd was also shot in the right eye at that time, he must be trying to take the Easter eggs of the Romanov dynasty from the monster thief Kidd."

Conan's words shocked everyone present, no one expected that this ordinary murder case would involve an internationally wanted criminal.

"Why do you know about Scobin?" Maori Kogoro bent down and sent a soul torture to Conan.

Conan danced and said, "This, that, hahaha, I'm on TV..." Suddenly

someone interrupted Conan and said, "Dr. Agasa told him." Conan

was so frightened that his eyes turned Skobin, and when he looked back, he saw that the man turned out to be Officer Shiratori?!

"Right, Conan." Officer Shiratori smiled meaningfully.

"Uh-huh, yes." Conan was in a trance.

Oops, was the sight he felt when he called Dr. Agasa Officer Shiratori?

Conan recalled that the divination on the signature said that the travel secret would be exposed, was it talking about Officer Shiratori?!

Rabbit Chuan no longer dared to speak, the old brother must not have noticed, not only Officer White Bird, but also Miss Xiaolan's eyes were so terrifying!

It's so exciting, this is the Asura field, ask for blessings, brother!

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