Rabbikawa got up early in the morning and is now sitting with the Mori family on the shinkansen to Osaka.

"From the lion at dusk to the maiden at dawn, when the 12th word is engraved on the clock without a second hand, it is when I worship the "egg of memory" from the glowing pavilion of heaven - the magician thief Kidd at the end of the century." Tuchuan couldn't help but yawn, "Haah, I finally stopped for two days, went to school for two days, and took another holiday."

Mao Lilan smiled and said: "The "Egg of Memory" in the teaser letter is something from the Yuanzi family, which is said to be the secret treasure of the Romanov dynasty found in the treasure house of the Suzuki Foundation last month, the Emperor's Easter Egg!"

Rabbit Chuan couldn't help but whisper: "It's a rag pulled out of the warehouse!" Maori

Lan helped Maori Kogoro sort out his tie and cheered: "Dad, you must help the garden guard the treasure!"

Maori Kogoro patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry! With my Maori Kogoro here, I promise that the little furry thief can't even touch the eggshell! Hahaha! Conan

stood in his seat still staring at the teaser, from the lion at dusk to the girl at dawn, it should refer to the dusk of August 22, the last day of Leo, to the dawn of the first day of Virgo, indicating that the date is August 22, but what does the next sentence mean, does it mean a specific time?

Osaka's glowing sky tower is supposed to be the castle tower they last visited, but what does the magician at the end of the century mean? Blame the thief Kidd's new nickname?

“balushe bunik kantsa beka!" Rabbit Chuan suddenly said, interrupting Conan's train of thought, "Balu what?

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "The magician at the end of the century."

Conan froze slightly, always feeling that he had missed something important.

Sonoko Suzuki was waiting for her girlfriend at Osaka Station early.

When he saw the Maori family and Rabbit River coming out of the platform, Suzuki Sonoko waved his arms and excitedly shouted, "Xiaolan! Over here! Over here!

"It's the garden! Garden! Maori Lan waved in response.

Leaving the platform, Rabbitikawa and the Maori family rubbed into Miss Suzuki's luxury car, an extended version of Rolls-Royce.

"Bold! Eldest sister! Rabbit Chuan accidentally said the words in his heart, and after knowing Miss Suzuki for so many years, it was the first time he had seen Suzuki Sonoko so proud.

"Because today is a special day!" Sonoko Suzuki said excitedly, "Wait, what did you just call me?"

"Oops, it's not important." Rabbit Chuan waved his hand and smiled.

"Why doesn't it matter!" Suzuki Sonoko held his hands and said, "My male god Lord Kidd will appear today, of course I want to be solemn!"

Rabbit Chuan said helplessly: "Uh-huh, show up tonight and go to your house to steal eggs." "

It's worthy of being the eldest lady of the Suzuki Foundation, and the cost of this star chasing is too high, right?

Maori Kogoro is also helpless, sure enough, the birth daughter is outgoing, whose little cotton jacket is leaking!

"By the way, the driver driving is my father's secretary, Mr. Nishino." Sonoko Suzuki introduced.

Nishino Majin nodded in greeting and said with a smile: "Please advise more."

Sonoko Suzuki continued, "He has always lived abroad, so he is fluent in French, English and German. "

Rolls-Royce drove directly into the Suzuki Museum of Modern Art, Rabbit Chuan got out of the car and scanned a circle, three steps and a post, five steps and a sentry, and there were helicopters patrolling in the air, heavily guarded, and surrounded the Suzuki Art Museum.

Maori Kogoro looked at the helicopter flying in the air and said, "The security is really tight, it is simply invulnerable."

Suzuki Sonoko smiled proudly, "Of course, after all, this opponent is Lord Kidd, a strange thief, he is..."

Suddenly, a male voice appeared to take Suzuki Sonoko's words, and everyone looked back.

"Whether it is a strict guard or a solid vault, he can solve it like magic, not to mention appearance, even his voice and personality can be perfectly imitated, he can be called a master of transfiguration."

Hattori Heiji took off the hard hat on his head and said with a deep face, "The enemy this time is tricky, Kudo." "

Scare Conan, this Hattori!!

Mao Lilan pinched his waist with both hands, frowned, and said dissatisfied: "Really, why do you call Conan Kudo every time in Hattori!" Hattori

Heiji was so frightened that he quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, because this guy has eyes similar to Kudo, and he treats him for Kudo if he doesn't pay attention." "

Rabbit Chuan gave this explanation a score of 59, out of 10 points, because the homophonic terrier deducted points, today Hattori Heiji is useless, add 50 points to Hattori Heiji, and there is still 1 point deducted from Toyama and Ye.

Toyama and Ha began to unveil behind Hattori Heiji and said, "I really can't stand it, I quarreled early this morning that Kudo is coming, Kudo is coming, I said if you should take medicine!" "

Stupid Hiranji! Let's live with Kudo in this life!

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