The town that Rabbit River now sees is from a world that was destroyed by Bailan and then restarted.

It's just that there was a little problem with that world during the factory reset, causing the world to collapse into pieces.

Uncle Kawahira saw that the big thing was not good, and immediately seized the cornerstones of the world, looking for opportunities to integrate the fragments of his own world into other worlds.

As long as the cornerstone of the world remains, the world will not disappear completely, and even consume all the souls of people held by the 3rd power of 7 in all parallel worlds, and a new world can be created like Bailan.

However, Uncle Kawahira is not as crazy as Bailan, he only wants to protect the world he has lived in for thousands of years, not destroy the world he has existed and create a new whiteboard world.

It's not good to inherit the family business, why do you have to start from scratch, he has been working for thousands of years, he should have retired a long time ago at this age, that is, the young head iron, have to engage in some Genesis, and finally play off!

Coincidentally, at that time, Rabbit River's world was just ready to fuse with the Wen Ye world, and Uncle Kawahira saw that this was really dozing and sending pillows, and he was sorry for his own world if he didn't make a move, so Rabbit Chuan was stolen.

Rabbit Chuan huffed and accused, "What is going on!" I call those four words, no vain disaster! Fly to wreak havoc! Woe from heaven!

"The blessing of no vain, flying windfall wealth, joy descends from heaven!" Uncle Kawahira silently went back.

This little rabbit cub really took advantage and sold well, the cornerstone of the world is a good thing, unlike the "book" will also be its own demon, this thing does not have its own consciousness, but can stabilize the balance of time and space, alas, who can use it is good.

If it were not for the help of the world's cornerstone Stable Time and Space this time, Yokohama would have suffered heavy losses in this integration process.

World consciousness sucks saliva on the side, recalling the taste of the cornerstone of the world, hehe, the cornerstone of the world that fell to the mouth, don't eat for nothing, who doesn't eat for nothing, really, old fragrant!

Rabbit Chuan really wants to wake it up by grabbing the ears of the world consciousness, and does not look at the essence of our world, knowing what is the pig killing plate? Wait until you are fattened and then killed, dare to eat anything, and are not afraid to die!

However, Rabbit Chuan also has to admit that the cornerstone of the world is indeed a good thing, but it is a bit laborious.

World Awareness: ... Our world is more desperate.

Rabbit Chuan flew the world consciousness and continued to wrestle with Uncle Chuanpei about historical legacies.

Rabbit Chuan pointed at the box of Marley rings and said, "It stands to reason that the timeline of your world should go back to when Tsunayoshi Sawada was preparing to inherit Pengele, but now it is clear that the timeline of your world has retreated.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi is still an ordinary waste firewood, did not meet a tutor, and did not get the ring of Pengele's heir."

"Therefore, Sawada Tsunayoshi simply could not receive the memory of Bailan's destruction of the world transmitted through the Pengellet Ring ten years later."

Because the Pengellet Ring represents a longitudinal timeline from the past to the future, after defeating Blan, in order to prevent the Marley Ring from ten years ago from being used by Blan again, Pengellet decided to transmit the memory of Blan's destruction of the world to the stakeholders ten years ago through the vertical timeline, hoping that they could stop Blan before he obtained the Mare Ring.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "After the integration of the world, you must already understand the particularity of our world, and don't expect them to receive memories ten years later."

"I am afraid that this Brandeso will return to the path of destroying the world, and the tragedy of your world ten years later will repeat itself in this world."

Of course, Rabbit Chuan is a bit alarmist when he says this, but in fact... It is alarmist.

Uncle Kawahira put down the ramen bowl, he has lived for thousands of years, and he doesn't believe a word about this little rabbit's words.

Uncle Kawahira calmly put the bowl and chopsticks into the delivery box of the ramen shop, poured a cup of tea, turned around and sat down, and almost lay down leisurely.

Uncle Chuanping took another sip of tea and said without care: "I gave you all the Marley rings, although they are not as good as the pacifier, but as long as you don't give the Marley ring to Bailan, he can't do anything even if he has the heart."

Rabbit Chuan put the Marley rings on his fingers, dangling the rings on his fingers in front of Uncle Chuanping, and the expression on his face suddenly collapsed, complaining: "Uncle, are you sure you're not harming me?" What if Bai Lan came to grab it hard? I'm still young, I can't beat the big bad guy of Bailan!

Uncle Kawahira almost choked on the tea, the corners of his mouth twitched, took a deep breath and said: "You are too polite, the Marley Ring represents a balanced and expanded parallel world, so you chose Bailan, who has the ability to share knowledge of parallel worlds, and in the same way, you can also use it." "

Uncle Kawahira is just an ordinary purebred earthling, not an all-knowing and all-powerful god, but he can see anything after living for a long time.

The moment this little guy stepped into the town of Namori, Uncle Kawahira felt that this little guy could also glimpse parallel worlds, had the ability to share knowledge, and he never concealed his understanding of the other world, which was the ability that this little guy showed him.

Because knowledge is the embodiment of wisdom, Rabbit River can obtain the knowledge of this world in a breath.

Rabbit Chuan saw a white light reflected from Uncle Kawahira's lenses, and subconsciously hugged his pitiful, weak and helpless self, how drops, he still wants to use his hands?!

Suddenly, Uncle Chuanping covered his face and said bitterly: "Alas, after all, Bailan is the host of Marley's ring, and the palms and backs of my hands are all meat, I just can't bear to hit the child, I can only watch Bailan destroy the world before I clean up the mess."

Rabbit Chuan secretly glanced at Uncle Kawahira's heartbroken look, he is worthy of being an old guy who has lived for a thousand years, and he has a bit of acting skills!

Rabbit Chuan was moved, and tried to light the flame of Marley's ring, and in an instant the seven-colored flame jumped between his fingers, and a stunning color flashed in front of his eyes.

"This thing is amazing! It's really not hot at all!

But in the next second, Rabbit Chuan extinguished the flame on the ring and rejected the Marley ring.

Only the flame of life can ignite the ring, so for ordinary people, they can only find the consciousness to fight for their lives, and maintain this consciousness to ignite the flame, the higher the consciousness, the more life is consumed, and the stronger the ability to get.

Rabbit Chuan has a long life, not worse than this life, but Rabbit Chuan is still distressed, and his life is not so spent!

Rabbit Chuan carefully summed up, looked up and said to Uncle Chuanping: "Otherwise, I would better give the Marley ring to Bailan!" As for ten years from now, it should ... Not a big problem. After

all, even Rabbit Chuan himself doesn't know where this world will be ten years from now.

And Rabbit Chuan also thought of a possibility, maybe before this year passed, Bailan was directly consumed by the Marley ring?

Uncle Chuanping waved his hand casually and said casually: "As you like, just be happy." "

Anyway, the defender of this world is not him Gakaface, and he doesn't need to clean up the mess when something happens."

Uncle Chuanping was happy in his heart, after living for thousands of years, Lao Tzu can finally retire!

However, in the end, Rabbit Chuan still took the Marley ring and let Gakafaces, the harmless Uncle Kawahira, seal the ring on and off the ring.

No zuo no die, he doesn't try!

Before leaving, the little guy and the old guy look at each other and smile, the old guy still wants to retire? Don't look at your age, you can't leave early!

Rabbit River came quietly and left quietly, without alerting the forces in the secret of Kamori Town.

Uncle Kawahira ordered another ramen takeaway as usual, except when the Rainbow Son was replaced, even if Bailan destroyed the world, he never came forward to expose himself, Gou is their instinct in this industry, and he will not expose the identity of this little guy.

Gakafis looked at Rabbitakawa departing back, pushed the frame of his glasses, and muttered, "Overseer of the rules of the world... What a vigorous child, it seems that the world will become more and more lively. "

When Rabbikawa arrived at Yonekacho, it was already after dark, and I sat in the taxi and calmly watched the quiet and peaceful lights of Manka.

Di Woo


"Found that guy! Hurry up! Hurry up and catch the monster thief Kidd! The Nakamori Police Department commanded loudly.

Rabbit Chuan poked his head out the window and looked at the boy in white in the light, and the taxi driver slowed down the speed of the car very insightfully.

Rabbit Chuan looks at this apartment is quite familiar, isn't that little loli with roses Ayumi Ayumi!

Gee, look at this strange thief Kidd, the arm is an arm, the leg is a leg, there is no missing parts, can come out to take work, and the spirit to flirt with the little loli, it seems that there is no problem.

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