Kanto and Kansai two high school students detective success guild, Suzuki Sonoko directly led the meeting detective team to the president's room on the top floor to meet her father, the current head of the Suzuki Foundation, Shiro Suzuki.

Chairman Suzuki got up from his seat and warmly stepped forward to greet Maori Kogoro and said, "This is not a Maori detective, thank you for coming from far away." Maori

Kogoro shook hands with Chairman Suzuki and said modestly: "Haha, where is where!"

President Suzuki waved at Rabbit Chuan and said with a smile: "Miss Xiaolan, Rabbit-gawa classmates and Conan are also here, Yuanzi, who are the two behind here...?"

In front of outsiders, Suzuki Sonoko's performance was still very serious, and he seriously introduced to President Suzuki: "This is Kansai high school detective Hattori Heiji and his childhood sweetheart Kazuha Toyama, Hattori, like Kudo on our side, is a famous local detective!"

Chairman Suzuki is an old man, and when he heard the surnames of Hattori Heiji and Kazuha Toyama, he immediately thought of the Osaka Prefectural Police's Hattori Headquarters and Minister Toyama, and smiled kindly: "Oh? Then please, Hattori-kun. Hattori

Heiji said casually, "Leave it to me, uncle!"

"You smelly boy, how can you talk to President Suzuki!" Maori Kogoro was scared into a cold sweat, he was really a smelly boy who didn't know the height of the sky, and he was not afraid of being put on small shoes, he had to criticize him first, so that President Suzuki could not come to the stage.

Maori Kogoro's worries are not unreasonable, that is, President Suzuki will be wide and fat, or Suzuki Sonoko her father, otherwise, he will rush to Hattori Heiji's rambling attitude and let him die for a while.

"Haha, it's okay." Chairman Suzuki really didn't care, "By the way, let me introduce you!" This is Mr. Sergei Ovchinnikov, First Clerk of the Russian Screw Embassy.

Sergey Ovchinnikov stood up and said with a straight face: "Please advise more." "

Rabbit Chuan felt like a bear standing up from his seat, so tall and strong, it looked like a person who lived to the end.

Chairman Suzuki continued, "Next to me is Mr. Shoichi, an art dealer. As soon as

the general stood up and nodded, a shriveled little old man, Rabbit Chuan looked like an art dealer, but like an inverted bucket.

The cheongsam woman beside General stood up, and President Suzuki introduced, "She is a researcher of the Romanov dynasty, Miss Pu Siqinglan.

Pu Siqinglan said in her broken Japanese tone, which was not inferior to Mr. Judy's, and said Chinese: "Hello." Rabbit

River hid behind Maori Kogoro and held back, he couldn't laugh yet, he wanted to be a gentleman, and he couldn't let the little sister be embarrassed in public.

Chairman Suzuki concluded, "Finally, Mr. Ryu Kankawa, a freelance photographer who came to photograph the Emperor's Easter Egg.

Everyone else stood up, and this Hankawa Dragon leaned on the sofa without moving, holding the camera to shoot around, and said in a smooth voice: "Please advise more~"

Dare to be so disrespectful to the president of the Suzuki Foundation, and at a glance, you can know that this kind of person will definitely not live long.

Maori Kogoro entered work mode and asked, "What is your negotiated price for this Easter Egg?" The

art dealer gave a figure and said, "800 million." "

Eight hundred million?!" Maori Kogoro almost bit his tongue.

The general said arrogantly, "Of course, if President Suzuki is willing to give up his love, I am willing to give up a little more."

"Grown-up, don't be deceived by such a businessman of unknown origin!" The clerk of the embassy interrupted the general in a domineering manner, "The Emperor's Easter Egg originally belonged to the treasure of our country, please be sure to donate it back to the museum of our country."

"Where I'm from is unknown!" The general was half dead in a fit of anger, and even wanted to fight this bear.

"Interesting, so interesting! Shooting people is much more fun than shooting eggs! Hanchuan Long took a camera to photograph their ugliness, and provoked Pu Siqinglan next to him and said, "Look at you who don't care about yourself, but you actually want to get that egg, right?"

"That's right, but I can't take out 800 million." Pu Siqinglan bit her lip and couldn't bear it.

"That said!" Tu Chuan leaned over and whispered, "That Uncle Xiong said so lightly, why didn't I see him return the Dunhuang artifacts from the museum to Hua Guo, right, Miss Pu?"

Pu Siqinglan was stunned, what did he just say? What Dunhuang? What Miss Pu?

Rabbit Chuan asked puzzled, "Did I say something wrong?"

Hanchuan Dragon mocked: "Haha, little brother, this is Miss Pusi, you are called wrong." Pu

Si Qinglan just wanted to nod with the trend, and heard Tu Chuan say: "It's your wrong name, most of the surnames in the next country are single words, and there is no surname Pu Si in the hundred family names, Miss Pu Si Qinglan can only be surnamed Pu, the name Si Qinglan, should miss a person named Qinglan, just like some people have the surname Xie, but take the name Lord Longen."

"And oh, the surname Pu is very famous over there, the surname Pu comes from the surname Jiang, and it is a descendant of Jiang Ziya in the Western Zhou Dynasty, am I right?" Miss Pu. Rabbit Chuan looked at the beautiful cheongsam sister.

Pu Siqinglan immediately nodded and said, "Yes, yes..." Hattori

Heiji exclaimed: "It's so powerful!" Miss Pu is actually the descendant of Jiang Ziya!

Yuanshan and Ye asked, "Is it powerful?" Who is Jiang Ziya?

"Uh..." Pu Siqinglan's brain was already messed up, how could she know who that Jiang Ziya was! The name Pu Siqinglan is just made up by her according to the pronunciation, how can there be so many why!

Hattori Heiji said to Toyama and Ye: "Stupid, Jiang Ziya is Jiang Taigong, the prime minister of the Western Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago. "

More than 3,000 years ago?!" Yuanshan and Ye were shocked, their island is only 2,000 years old, and that adult is still a prime minister, isn't that equivalent to being the prime minister of a country!

Tu Chuan then added: "Jiang Taigong holds the list of sealing gods, acting in charge of the great cause of sealing gods, and according to the decree of the law, he has sealed the leader of the three realms, eight three hundred and sixty-five Qingfu Zhengshen in the eight ways.

"Good, good!" Everyone has been shocked by this name, Feng Shenye, or the Qingfu Zhengshen of the 365 Road, this is also too powerful!

Conan couldn't bear to look at it directly, but he had watched the TV series "Romance of the Gods" next door with his brother, and knew that it was just a myth and legend written by later generations, and it was not a formal history at all.

Tu Chuan looked back at Pu Siqinglan, who was stiff, and smiled happily: "What I said is right?" Miss Pu! Pu

Siqinglan: "... Yes, yes, haha! "Does she dare to say it's wrong?

Suzuki Sonoko immediately apologized and said, "I'm sorry, it turns out that Miss Pu Siqinglan is surnamed Pu!" Sorry, I kept calling it wrong!

"Haha, it's okay." Pu Siqinglan explained with a clever move, "I am also a local custom, people here often call it that, I am used to it." "

Pu Siqinglan, in fact, is Skobin, gray eyes secretly glared at Rabbit Chuan, hey, this little devil almost ruined her good thing!

Rabbit Chuan was full of excitement, shut up and stopped, beautiful sister is not funny, in case she pissed her off, regardless of pulling out a big guy from under the skirt and directly killing the ring, then it would be a big deal!

the killer who specialized in eyeing the treasures of the Romanov dynasty - Skobin.

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