At this time, Osamu Dazai was floating headfirst down on the water, and Atsushi Nakajima struggled forward in the sea, grabbing one of Dazai's floating feet in the water with one hand and trying to paddle towards the shore with the other.

Rabbit Chuan covered his eyes, he couldn't bear to look at it, this Atsushi Nakajima is too tiger, didn't Minatoguro teach him how to save Zaiko who fell into the water? At least show your head!

However, Rabbit Chuan carefully recalled the development process of Hong Kong Black, Osamu Dazai really slept at night in those years in Hong Kong Hei, not only 007, and even wanted to break a second into two seconds, indeed there was no time to enter the water, and it was normal that Atsushi Nakajima would not save people.

Osamu Dazai really didn't come to the water specifically, he came to wait for the rabbit, but this sparkling little goblin was always tempting him in front of his eyes, and he persisted, but he didn't hold on.

After disembarking, Conan and Hattori Heiji went to care about Irizumi-sensei, and Rabbikawa said hello to the Maori family and turned to leave the dock.

Rabbit Chuan is not sensitive to this script, he doesn't believe that Osamu Dazai happened to appear here, the heart of this script is like honeycomb coal, all holes are still very black, must be uneasy and kind!

However, Rabbit River is not worried that Osamu Dazai is not good for Conan, the Psychic will only take care of the Psychic's affairs, they will not do anything to Conan, don't expect them to deal with the Black Organization.

And it is better to count on the literary heroes against the black-clothed organization than on the six remains, this pioneer model who is inspired to destroy all human experimental bases, and one day can bump into the black-clothed organization.

Rabbit River took a taxi, he came to Yokohama on a whim this time, on the one hand, he wanted to see Conan's influence on the alien ability, and the result was very good and did not affect each other; On the other hand, there are invitations.

Rabbit River asked the world consciousness before, and the world consciousness very honestly said that it did not eat it on its own initiative, but accidentally fell into its mouth when it ate Yokohama with its mouth open, and it was fed to its mouth.

Rabbit Chuan was so angry that he puffed out his cheeks, bah! It is clear that someone deliberately stuffed it in, and that person is now in the town of Namori!

Is this world a sieve, he just went out to play and someone stole the house, too bullying!

At Chuanpei Real Estate Company, Uncle Kawahira ate ramen and said lightly: "Don't get cheap and sell well, this is the 3rd power of 7 given away for nothing."

Rabbit Chuan twisted his head to the side and said very spinelessly: "Shh! I don't want to give it away for nothing!

"Really?" Uncle Kawahira gestured to take the box back, and Rabbit Chuan hugged it, "Hmph!" Don't be in vain! "

Rabbit Chuan opened the box, and what was in the box was one of the 3rd powers of 7, 7 Marley rings.

Rabbit Chuan fiddled with the Marley ring that looked like a pigeon's egg, and said in amazement: "I thought it was a pacifier."

"In this world, the children of the rainbow do not age, they can survive for a long time." Uncle Kawahira boldly finished the ramen soup, put down his chopsticks and said, "Okay, leave this to you, and I will retire." Rabbit

Chuan and Chuanpei's kung fu in a few words decided the belonging of the world, and the tone was always light, as if they were not discussing the world, but about toys.

The 3rd power of 7, the "7 Pengellet rings", "7 Mare rings", and "7 pacifiers of the rainbow son" divided by the cornerstones of the stable world, 7 each, a total of 21 are called the 3rd power of 7.

The ring and pacifier are divided into seven attributes: big sky, arashi, rain, sunny, thunder, cloud, and fog, which are the colors of the rainbow.

And this person who cuts the cornerstone of the world is the ordinary real estate developer Uncle Kawahira in front of Rabbit Chuan, whose real identity is the supervisor of the rules of the world, in other words, he is the same as Rabbit Chuan.

A long, long time ago, there were no humans in the world, and Uncle Kawahira's ancestors used to light flames to maintain the stability of the world.

However, due to the continuous reduction of the clansmen, the strength of the remaining people was not enough to ignite the flame, so Uncle Kawahira had to divide the task of lighting the flame into three parts.

The "Pengellet Ring" controlled by Pengele, the "Pacifier of the Rainbow Son" controlled by the Rainbow Son, and the "Maré Ring" controlled by the Kirionairo family created by Uncle Kawahira's clan are the origin of the birth of the 3rd power of 7.

The Pengellet ring is well preserved by Pengele, not only is it proof that the heirs and core members of the Pengellet family, but also the consciousness of the members of the Pengellet family lives in the ring, and these consciousnesses can also materialize and walk!

It is really worthy of the protagonist's equipment, which can be called the otherworldly version of Goldfinger's grandfather.

The children of the rainbow are more miserable, they were originally the seven strongest in the mafia, guarding the pacifier at the cost of their own soul, igniting the pacifier with the flame of life, and because of the cursed body of the pacifier from an adult to a baby, and the pacifier is one, alias "cursed baby".

It's really miserable, worse than Conan, Conan has become a schoolboy, and this group has directly become a baby.

And the rainbow baby looks young, but it is especially not prohibited, and once the flame of life burns out, it will be replaced with a new batch of human pillars.

The Mare Ring was originally passed down from generation to generation by the Kirionairo family, that is, the clan of Uncle Kawahira, but it was taken away by Blanc Jesso someday in the future.

Blanc Jessau, the big boss of the destruction of the world, has the ability to spy on other parallel worlds, and he uses this ability and the Marley Big Sky Ring to destroy eight trillion parallel worlds.

In the destruction of the last world, Bai Lan is defeated by the past Pengellet 10th Generation Mezumi Sawada Tsunayoshi, so the influence of Bai Lan's use of the Marley Ring on each parallel world will also be completely erased and disappeared from the past.

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