"What a big life, it's really miserable." Hattori complained, "My clothes sank to death after absorbing water, so I had to take off all my clothes and swim desperately in the cold water with my air bags." "

Stripped?" Rabbit Chuan didn't expect this to happen, he had obviously given the equipment, what kind of force majeure was at work.

"Yes, all I have left is these panties."

As he spoke, Hattori lifted the blanket on his body, and his body was not rough.

Mao Lilan blushed, Conan stinked, and Rabbit Chuan grinned.

"And this amulet that I don't know when to run into my pocket." Hattori Heiji took out the amulet hanging around his neck and stared at the note on the amulet with a pin "Don't forget, stupid!" , laughed unconsciously, stupid people will believe this kind of thing.

Morilan burst out laughing, and Conan looked at Heiji Hattori with a playful look.

"Huh?" Hattori Heiji was confused, "What are you laughing at?"

Mao Lilan laughed loudly and said, "Less garlic, weren't you just looking at Kazuha's talisman in a daze?" Hattori

Heiji was stunned for a moment, blushing and saying, "What can I be in a daze!" I was just wondering if I would throw away this unlucky amulet.

After hesitating, Hattori Heiji decided to put the amulet back into the blanket and said stubbornly, "Don't get me wrong, I'm just afraid of retribution." Mao

Lilan covered her mouth and couldn't help but laugh out of her aunt's laughter.

Rabbit River went to the side to find the fisherman Guangjin Liu Lang of Minato, and Nakahara Nakaya was too polite and sent all the troops directly under the leader.

Hirotsu Willow Wave's special ability is Falling Tsubaki, which can bounce objects touched by his fingertips with repulsive force, and the small fishing boat is what he bounced all the way over, which is really not easy.

Rabbit River also knew that the police department was sniped by the evil forces this time, and the port stalked in the dark and fooled the police's speedboat to Ogasawara, when in fact they were almost to Yokohama Port.

Rabbit Chuan was stunned, he was worthy of being a mafia, and he was on the same page with the police as soon as he came!

The sky was dimly lit, and the symphony arrived safely at the port of Yokohama.

Rabbit Chuan looked from afar and saw a row of black-clothed men in black suits standing on the pier, was he dazzled, how could he mix a brown one?

Does anyone in Hong Kong wear brown? Well...... Sakunosuke Oda?

Before Rabbit Chuan could observe clearly, the brown one fell, fell?!

"Look, someone jumped into the sea!" Conan's little eyes are good.

"Mr. Dazai!!"

Rabbit Chuan seemed to hear a tiger roar, and then a white thing flashed in front of him.

"Huh? Hey? Hey?!!! Rabbit Chuan was shocked, "What was that just now?" Big cat cat? Izumi

Kagami replied calmly, "It's Aden." "

Rabbit River took a closer look, and sure enough, it was Atsushi Nakajima who was swimming desperately in the sea, and the speed directly broke the world record.

Rabbit Chuan said very regretfully: "I thought I could see a big cat, oh, I forgot, cats and cats can't swim."

Izumi Kagami shook her head slightly, indicating that they could not use alien powers in the watch world at will, but Rabbikawa saw Yasha's phantom of white snow always guarding behind Izumi Kagami.

Izumi Kagami's alien ability, Yasha Hakuyuki, is the ability to manifest the Alien Yasha Hakuyuki tool who holds a stick and sword.

Yokohama is a municipality of the table world, and the supernatural of the inner world governs the superpower, and the supernatural is managed by the three-moment concept, and the supernatural is hidden in the city, and lives the same life as ordinary people.

The first of the Yokohama Code states that a person with a supernatural cannot use an alien ability in front of ordinary people, and the second rule is that a local of Yokohama cannot mention the matter of a supernatural in front of an outsider.

Just like now, Izumi Kagami's special ability has not disappeared, but in front of these out-of-town people, she will not easily use her special ability, and even Atsushi Nakajima, who is eager to save him, has not broken this rule.

Hattori Heiji looked at the shore and frowned, "What are those people in black doing!" Why don't you save people! "

The Man in Black?" Conan was sensitive to the word and immediately climbed the railing to look at the row of men in black on the pier.

Conan adjusted his glasses and carefully observed the row of men in black, only to jump down from the railing in disappointment and said regretfully: "Alas, just a group of ordinary staff in black suits." "He thought he had met them again!

Seeing the regretful expression on Conan's face, Rabbit Chuan was surprised that Conan did not mistake the members of the Hong Kong Black for the black-clad organization.

But brother, that's not an ordinary worker, people are mafias!

But why, Conan actually divided so clearly today, is it because of Yokohama specialties, or does Conan also have a distillery radar?

Rabbit Chuan realized, it is possible that although Conan is reckless, he is basically right that Conan suspected that the members of the organization were all right, although some were undercover, and it seemed that few wore black.

Although Conan called it a black-clad organization, in fact, in addition to gin and vodka, some members of the organization usually do not wear black clothes, such as Belmode, Bourbon, Kiel, and Rum all wear civilian clothes... Hey? Who is left of this?

Hattori Heiji also wanted to jump into the sea to save people, and Rabbit Chuan quickly took the person down and said, "Don't worry, that Dazai can't die, and Atsushi Nakajima has already gone to save him." "

As long as Osamu Dazai doesn't die and runs to jump Tamagawa, he won't die of suicide.

"Osamu Dazai? Atsushi Nakajima? Hattori Heiji chanted these two names in his mouth, "What familiar names..."

Conan said excitedly, "It's Dazai-sensei, who loves entering the water, and Nakajima-sensei, who is known as 'Kowasagawa'."

Hattori Heiji suddenly realized and said, "Oh, I remember, it's the teachers who wrote 'Human Disqualification' and 'Yamagetsuki'. "

Hattori Heiji didn't dare to be interested in literature, but after all, he is a detective, and he must understand a little about all walks of life, so he has also heard a little about Dazai-sensei's strange hobby of entering the water.

Hattori Heiji suddenly reacted and shouted, "Wait, isn't this Ogasawara, how did you meet Dazai-sensei?"

Conan held his head and said indifferently: "Maybe it's coming here to collect wind in the sea!"

Rabbit Chuan grabbed Conan's brain and twisted to the other side, pointed to the sign on the pier not far away and said, "Yokohama Port!" "

This is Yokohama?!" Conan and Hattori Heiji both glared at each other.

Rabbit Chuan patted Conan's brain and said, "You guys can grow snacks!" It is said that there is no free lunch in the world, and you don't check before you get on the boat, in case this is a black ship, maybe now you are all pulled to Siberia to dig potatoes! Conan

and Hattori Heiji swallowed sharply and patted their chests to suppress the shock.

Hattori Heiji scratched his cheek and said with a playful smile: "No, it won't be!" Although there is no road on the sea, I can still see the general direction, how can I be turned to Siberia.

Rabbit Chuan gave him a blank look and said, "What if you recognize it?" Where to escape? Jump to feed the sharks? A

light bulb suddenly lit up on Conan's little head, and he quickly changed the topic and said: "Brother Rabbit-kawa, this is Yokohama, I remember that Brother Rabbit-gawa likes Mr. Random Walk's novels very much, maybe we can see the world's number one detective Mr. Random Step in Yokohama!" Hattori

Heiji immediately continued, "Yes, yes, I remember that Mr. Random Buke's publishing house is in Yokohama, let's go find Mr. Random Bu for an autograph in a moment!"

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Conan and Hattori Heiji who were full of excitement, this acting was so bad that I really didn't see it.

Tu Chuan turned his head in disgust and said in a light tone: "Don't, you two don't go and cause trouble for the random steps, if you two go, I am afraid that the random steps will scratch me to death."

Rabbit Chuan's voice became quieter and quieter, and Conan and the two of them didn't hear the words behind, but this stubble was over.

Hattori Heiji crouched down and whispered in Conan's ear: "Kudo, didn't you say that the world's number one detective is Sherlock Holmes?"

Conan put his hands in his pockets and replied, "Yes, but Sherlock Holmes is Sherlock Holmes, and Mr. Random Walk is Mr. Random Walk, this is different!" Hattori

Heiji was impressed by the good brother, and gave a thumbs up and said, "I really didn't expect that your kid's desire to survive is quite strong!" "

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