Rabbit Chuan said very clearly, all the evidence pointed to Taiao Whalei, but Rabbit Chuan has not said why, why is it so troublesome, and what is the motive for killing?

Maori Kogoro spoke: "Isn't this simple, it must be an uneven sharing of the spoils!"

Tu Chuan walked to the corpse, pointed to the open neckline of Xie Jiang and said: "Not only that, look at the old gunshot wound on the collarbone of Xie Jiang, do you think of Ye Caisan, who was betrayed by his accomplices and shot several times and fell to the bottom of the sea 20 years ago?"

Osamu Shimazaki shouted in shock, "You said that Crab River is Ye Caisan?!" He wants to take revenge on his former accomplices who betrayed him, only to be used by his accomplices to kill him?

"This can't be!" Nagisa Isobei stood up and shouted, his attitude was extremely firm, "Impossible! He couldn't be Ye Caisan!

Maori Kogoro was surprised and asked, "Why are you so sure that Xie Jiang is not Ye Caisan?"

"Because I am Ye Caisan's daughter, he can never be my father, I will not mistake my biological father, even if he has plastic surgery, even if we have not seen each other for 20 years..." After speaking, Isobegisa held the pendant tightly, turned his head, and couldn't help but shed sad tears.

Osamu Saizaki said with certainty: "I don't think he is Ye Caisan, that shadow planner will never be calculated to death so easily!"

"Why is it impossible!" Izuo Whalei exploded at once, "He was just used by me!" What a genius! What a shadow planner! In the end, it is not dead at my hands! I just didn't expect my plans to be spotted by detectives, and why was his daughter on this ship too?

Osamu Sagasaki scolded, "You have a hole in your brain!" Don't you know that the police still keep the bloody clothes left by Ye Caisan, even if there is no daughter here, we can go to DNA testing. "

Huh?" Cedario was stunned.

Rabbit Chuan blinked his eyes slyly and said, "As the saying goes, the one who knows a person best is always his enemy!" If you want to find someone to impersonate him in front of Ye Caisan's daughter and enemies, heck, you have no chance of winning this kind of thing from the beginning. "

Aaaaah!" Izuo Whalei collapsed, "Why! Why is that! I just wanted to win him once, to win over Ye Caisan, who had ridiculed my plan for being too naïve, but why, obviously the name I published in the newspaper was a pseudonym that only the three of us knew, why did everyone who was related to Ye Caisan come? By

now, Conan understood, but he also wanted to know why all the people involved gathered on this ship, the key point is Furukawa Dai, why did Izuo Whalei use this name?

Conan stared at the name on the newspaper, the annoying autumn wind helped Conan, blowing the newspaper flying, across the railing, Conan's eyes lit up, so it was!

Rabbit Chuan picked up the newspaper, held it sideways in front of Izuo Whalei's eyes, and said: "Back then, after you killed Ye Caisan, you hid the money in the bank safe that Ye Caisan opened in advance under a false name, and the three of you kept the seal, key and signature as a token respectively, and agreed to use this pseudonym to advertise in the newspaper a few days before the retrospective period, and then recognize each other by virtue of the token. "

Ye Caisan is a genius, who would have thought that the money robbed from the bank would end up being put into the bank's safe.

Rabbit Chuan saw the face of Osamu Saizaki and suddenly asked Izuo Izui: "Why did you kill Ye Caizan back then?" Izuo

laughed loudly and said, "It's ridiculous, that guy is obviously a vicious robber, and after knowing that his plan kills people, he had to turn himself in, and we had to kill him to avoid future troubles." "

Surrender yourself..." Osamu Sagasakijima wet his eyes.

As a family member of the victim, Osamu Saizaki Shimaji has had the urge to let Ye Caisan kill more than once, but he wants to know whether Ye Caisan has a heart of repentance, or is still obsessed.

Now, Shimaji Saizaki finally knows that Ye Caisan insisted on turning himself in, so he was killed by his accomplices.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Izuo Whalei with a look of anger and corruption, sighed and said: "I've been here for a long time, haven't you found it yet?"

Izuo Whalei said stunnedly: "What did you find?" "

Hahaha!" Osamu Saizaki laughed loudly, "The little detectives have put Furu Okawa in front of you, can't you see it?" Rotate the

three words Furukawa


90 degrees clockwise, and it will not become Cai Sanye, which is why Ye Caizan took this kana.

"How so?!" Izuo Whalei grabbed the newspaper, this turned out to be true!

Osamu Sagasakijima sneered: "Hmph! You can't even see this, you can't compare with Ye at all, it's just dancing with Ye. "

Whether it's the case 20 years ago or the case now, it's all over, and the rising sun on the sea illuminates all the gloom.

Rabbit Chuan yawned and said, "I'm almost sleepy, I always feel as if I forgot something, forgot something?"

Conan yawned as well, and he seemed to have forgotten something, forgot something?

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his eyes again, looking at the sea level, how could he feel that the bright light on the sea was getting closer and closer?

"Oops!" Rabbit Chuan clapped his hands, "I remembered, it's a soup chicken!" "

Falling soup chicken?" Mao Lilan asked suspiciously, "Chicken soup?" "

It's Osaka Black Chicken... Ahem, look over there! Rabbit Chuan pointed to the sea with a slight disheart, "You see that Brother Heiji is back!" Maori

Lan and Conan looked over together, and there was a bright light on the sea level slowly approaching, and a closer look was the light of the fishing boat, and Hattori Heiji was standing confidently at the bow of the ship in a blanket, like a general returning from victory.

"What?! The case has been solved? Hattori Heiji said unwillingly, "Damn, if I hadn't accidentally been knocked into the sea by the murderer, I would have solved the case first!" "

Yes, I forgot, I thought you..." Mao Lilan realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly covered his mouth, "You really have a big life..."

Hattori said helplessly: "Yes, the bracelet popped out of the air bag to make me float at sea, I desperately swam in the direction of the cruise ship, just to come back and tell you the truth, fortunately I met those fishermen who rescued me and carried me to catch up with the cruise ship."

Rabbikawa looked at the legendary fishermen behind Heiji Hattori, Hirotsu Yananagi, Atsushi Nakajima and Izumi Kagami.

"Well, it's a big life!"

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