Which plot did Rabbit River skip?

Rabbit River skips the plot of Conan's fishing with wrong reasoning, and he comes over to seize the opportunity to interrupt the murderer's tricks, catching him by surprise, leaving him defenseless.

The police officer saw that the little detective said that the shot and fell to the ground was the real murderer, although he did not understand what happened, but out of humanitarian spirit, he still stopped the bleeding of Izuo Whalei and controlled the suspect by the way.

"Would you like to quibble?" Rabbit Chuan turned the pistol in his hand, "What's the gunshot wound on your arm?"

"It must be Ye Caisan!" Izuo Whalei covered his wound and continued to quibble, "He just hid in the shadows and shot me, he wanted to kill me!" Maori

Kogoro said suspiciously, "But we didn't hear the gunshots?"

Izuo's mind spun quickly, and in an instant he thought of the reason and said, "Because he installed a silencer!"

"But why didn't he install a silencer before?" Maori Kogoro's brain is not slow either.

Izuo shouted hoarsely, "He is trying to sneak up on me!" He really wants to kill me! The

first time Rabbit Chuan saw such a cunning murderer, he sneered and said: "Then your life is really big, since that Ye Caisan wants to kill you so much, now seeing you jumping alive, why didn't he hurry up to make up for it?"

"Maybe he's out of bullets?" Whale Tingxiong's eyes rolled around, and he continued to make up nonsense, "He must have shot all the bullets and found a place to hide again!" "

Stop!" Rabbit Chuan stretched out his hand to interrupt Izuo Whalei, "Don't quibble, seeing is believing, we can still see the remaining two gunshots when we go to the bow of the boat." Whale

Jing Dingxiong panicked in his heart, and subconsciously shouted: "No! Can't go yet!

Rabbit Chuan greeted everyone and said: "Go around, hurry up, if you don't go, you won't be able to catch up with the whip."

Rabbitagawa ignored what Izuo Izui said, and turned and walked towards the bow of the boat.

Conan knew that there was the answer he wanted ahead, and ran to the front of Rabbit River, followed by the others.

Conan and Samazaki were the first to arrive at the bow of the boat, and the first thing they saw was that Kaijie was sitting on the deck, holding a gun in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun in his temple was still bleeding, and he was shot to death.

"How could Xie Jiang be here?!" The police officer was taken aback, he originally thought that the scorched corpse wearing a gold watch at the stern of the boat was Xie Jiang, but now that the body of Xie Jiang appeared here, who was the scorched corpse in the stern?

At this time, there were two thumps from the railing, and Conan and Osamu Saizaki immediately crouched down with their heads in their hands and looked up at the railing where the sparks were bursting.

Wrong! Why is the spark on the outside of the railing near the sea, is the person who shot in the sea?

No way!

Conan climbed onto the railing and took a closer look and found a burnt mark on the outside of the railing, and a small piece of paint had fallen off the tail of the scorch mark, which was certainly not a mark caused by the gunshot.

Conan suddenly remembered the first time Rabbit Chuan heard the sound of gunfire, and what he had just said, it turned out that it was really not the sound of gunfire, but the sound of firecrackers.

The murderer tied the firecracker to the tail of the cigarette, and then lit the cigarette, and ten minutes later the cigarette would light the firecracker, creating the sound of a gunshot, as well as the burning flag and the burning body, which was also lit by the time-lapse ignition device created by the murderer using cigarettes, and there was no need for the murderer to light the fire himself, so that everyone's alibi was broken.

Conan finally figured it out, he and Hattori were wrong! He chose C for this question!

And he also stepped into the trap set by the real murderer, and has been led by the real murderer's nose.

"Abominable!" Conan angrily patted his legs.

The one in the stern wearing Xie Jiang's clothes and Xie Jiang's watch, the real identity of the burned unrecognizable scorched corpse is indeed Kameda, but everything is not a trick designed by Xie Jiang, but the trick of the real murderer to Xie Jiang!

This is also the real murderer specially invited high school detectives to this ship? The purpose of the above is to use the detective to blame Xie Jiang, and create the illusion that Xie Jiang is cornered and forced to commit suicide to completely clear his name.

It's just that Rabbit River's sudden blow disrupted the murderer's script and exposed all the tricks in front of everyone, and the murderer was Taiao Whalei.

Rabbit Chuan did not give Whale Well Dingxiong a chance to quibble, opened the reasoning time to sort out the case process, and said: "The whole thing happened like this, first of all, the passenger in Room No. 1 who claimed to be Ye Caisan was a trick of Whale Well to play two corners, and this person did not exist on the ship.

"Secondly, the first deceased was Mr. Kameda, and the murderer shot Kameda after dinner, hid the body in a box, and then returned casually to pass the time with Kamie at the restaurant.

When Mr. Crab Jiang left at midnight, he followed and stunned Mr. Crab Jiang, at this time he exchanged Kameda and Xie Jiang's clothes, put Crab Jiang's gold watch on Kameda's hand, and deliberately untied the strap to leave a flaw, so that the detective suspected that this was not Xie Jiang's body, it was Xie Jiang who was in the old place, but in fact Xie Jiang was also a victim.

After that, he hung the crab river on the bow of the boat, returned to the stern, sandwiched the lit cigarette in the gap of the box containing the corpse and the gasoline drum, and when the cigarette burned to a certain extent, it would fall into the box and detonate the paint bucket.

"In the same way, the flag of the mast is also lit in this way, and the gunfire we hear is actually the sound of firecrackers lit by cigarettes, all this is a timed ignition device made by the murderer using cigarettes, as long as there are cigarettes, anyone can do it!"

Knowing that he was finished, he thought his plan was seamless, but he didn't expect the trickery of cigarettes and firecrackers to be exposed so simply, destroying his perfect alibi.

Rabbit Chuan continued: "But the murderer did not expect that Hattori Heiji accidentally found the crab river hanging on the bow of the boat halfway, and the murderer knocked Hattori Heiji unconscious and threw him into the sea without doing anything, anyway, there are many detectives on the boat today, not worse than Hattori Heiji."

Later, that is, just now, the murderer repeated the sound of firecrackers to lead everyone to the stern of the boat, at which time he brought up the crab river hanging outside the boat, put on the appearance of suicide in fear of crime, and tied two sets of firecrackers and cigarettes to the railing.

"He first shot the crab river, the gun has a silencer, then put a tourniquet on his arm, found a good angle and shot through his arm, and finally threw the silencer into the sea, stuffed the gun into the hands of the dead crab river, clamped a tennis ball under his arm to stop the bleeding, threw the tourniquet into the sea, and finally endured the gunshot wound and ran to join the army."

Maori Kogoro asked, "Why did he endure a gunshot wound?"

Rabbit Chuan looked at Izumi and replied: "Mr. Whalei didn't just say that someone was going to kill him, but also said that he made all moves, so that he could lead everyone back to the restaurant at the bow of the boat, and when the firecrackers sounded outside, he secretly released the tennis ball that stopped the bleeding, and used his own Yan Yi to pretend that he was hit by the murderer outside the window, at this time, everyone will definitely run out of the restaurant and find Xie Jiang who committed suicide in the bow of the boat."

"In this way, he can blame all the charges on Xie Jiang, who has no proof of death."

Rabbit Chuan looked at Whale Jing Dingxiong, this is not only a ruthless person, but also a Yan Yi Emperor, but also a time management master, the time of a cigarette can make him make a whole flower, and luck is also okay, at least none of the small firecrackers he bought are squibs, they all go off.

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