Rabbit River is not very worried about this Osaka Rakuyu black chicken, because Hattori Heiji wears the life bracelet he gave him, which automatically ejects the air bag when the bracelet feels the pressure of the seawater, and the flashlight will automatically turn on to send out the SOS distress signal.

Conan's face on the other side suddenly changed, and he immediately looked up and asked the Maori father and daughter: "Did you hear a strange sound of water?" It seems that there is the sound of something falling into the water..." Maori

Kogoro said perfunctorily: "Maybe the fish in the sea are jumping!" I heard that there are many bonito and flying fish in this area.

Conan had a bad premonition and asked the crew on the side: "Excuse me, have you seen that brother with a Kansai accent?" The

crew replied, "I saw him on the stern side before, as if looking around for something." Conan

panicked in his heart, could it be that the sound of water was... No way!

Conan pulled out his legs and turned to run, shouting as he ran: "Hattori! Where are you? You're coming out! Feed! Hattori!!

But Conan ran all the way to the stern of the ship, and did not see the shadow of Hattori Heiji, only the silent sea and the icy sea breeze in front of him.

"Impossible! How is this possible? He couldn't have encountered such a thing... Hattori! Desperately, Conan climbed onto the railing and shouted to the sea, "Hey! Hattori!

At this time, a pair of hands took off Conan, and Miss Isobe held Conan and said: "Little brother, you are too dangerous like this, what if you fall, human beings are very small, if they fall into this ocean, no one can save them."

"Conan!" Mao Lilan didn't run over, "Why are you running around again, don't make a mess for the adults." "

But brother Heiji, he..." said Conan hesitantly, pointing to the sea.

Maori Kogoro said: "He must have gone looking for clues, and when he finds a clue in a while, he will pop out on his own."

Maori Kogoro turned to the other two and asked, "By the way, how did you two get here?"

Miss Isobe said, "I found out that I had lost my necklace before I went to bed, and I happened to meet Mr. Whalei while looking for something, so I asked him to help me find it."

Hearing this, Mao Lilan took out a necklace from his pocket and handed it to Nagisa Isobe, asking, "Are you talking about this necklace with a photo?" I picked it up at the bow of the boat, and because there was a hole in the photo, I didn't recognize whose picture it was.

Nagisa put the necklace back on his neck, squinted at Whalei and said, "This is a photo of my father and me, an old photo from 20 years ago, and the only relic left by my father is this thing." Hearing

this, Izuo Whalei broke out in a cold sweat again, and when he returned to the restaurant, Osamu Shimazaki excitedly reprimanded everyone who went out to mess around.

Conan had previously deduced that the murderer had been hiding outside, but these people in front of him were too suspicious, could it be that the events of 20 years ago still had hidden secrets that he did not know?

Under the pretext of going to the bathroom, Conan called Dr. Agasa to ask for off-site support.

It was already one o'clock in the morning, and Dr. Agasa and Haibara were still watching TV, just watching a special report on this case.

Dr. Agasa told Conan, "In addition to the main culprit Ye Caisan, there are three accomplices, and the police also found a photo of Ye Caisan holding a little girl in his bloody clothes.

Conan was shocked, he thought of the photo of Miss Isobe, could it be that Miss Isobe was Ye Caisan's daughter?

Dr. Agasa added: "By the way, there was also the murder case, when a robber was frightened by the alarm bell and shot and swept away, and a bank clerk, Miss Sagasaki, was unfortunately killed by a stray bullet.

Conan exclaimed, "What did you say?!" Miss Sagasaki?

Conan immediately thought of the Saki Police, no wonder the Sagasaki Police was so obsessed with this case.

It's outrageous! This is also too coincidental, too exaggerated! Why are all the people involved in that incident gathered on this ship tonight? Who is Furukawa Dai who organized this trip?

Bang——! Bang——!

Conan heard two more gunshots, quickly hung up the phone, ran out of the toilet and returned to the restaurant.

Inspector Sagasaki and Mori Kogoro ran out of the restaurant and outflanked left and right, but when they ran all the way to the stern to meet, the stern was empty.

Sagasaki shouted, "Impossible! Quick Search! Conan

wasn't in the mood to look for clues now, he wanted to find the missing Hattori Heiji now.

If he had heard this kind of sound in normal times, Hattori would have rushed out long ago, what the hell was wrong with him?

Saizaki gritted his teeth and said, "It's Ye Caisan, he must be shooting everywhere, disrupting our search sight!"

Maori Kogoro couldn't figure it out, and said, "But why did he do this..."

Izuo suddenly shouted in panic, "He's here to kill me!" No, I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die yet! What have I moved, please protect me! Izuo

wept bitterly, trembling all over, as if he saw the Grim Reaper beckoning to him.

Wait, it seems that it is not the Grim Reaper, but someone pointed a gun at him and slowly pulled the trigger.

With a bang, Izuo Whalei fell to the ground in pain holding his arm, his sleeves covered with blood.

"Rabbit, Rabbit River?!" Everyone present froze on the spot, and the colorful sequins bursting out of Rabbit Chuan's muzzle flew all over the sky.

Conan looked helpless, hehe, this gun in the brother's hand looks so familiar, isn't this the magic toy gun that Haihara used to scare him a few days ago!

Hey? Why did Tesuo Whalei get hurt? How did he get hurt?

"That's Mr. Whalei himself shooting through his own arm with a gun." Rabbit Chuan picked up the tennis ball that had fallen to the ground, "He clamped this baseball under his arm while shooting at his arm and suppressed the blood flow by compressing the artery.

Conan's mind froze, he seemed to grasp some important clues, and muttered blankly: "Why did he do this..."

Rabbit Chuan directly said his answer: "Of course, this is because of the murderers of Mr. Kamie and Mr. Kameda... It's Taiyo Whalei! "

Huh?!" Conan and everyone present were stunned.

Cetoi Dingxiong couldn't care about the wound on his arm and yelled, "I'm not!" I didn't! Don't talk nonsense!

Tuchuan helplessly spread his hands and said, "I didn't say nonsense, there is still Mr. Xie Jiang's body on the bow deck, if you don't believe it, you can see it for yourself." "

The others haven't come back to their senses, and then this progress... Did they skip any important plots?

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