When Rabbit Chuan returned home and got the biography of the gambling king from his uncle, he found that he had helped out, no wonder the gambling king was so angry.

The gambling king said in his small biography that he was burdened by gambling luck with ups and downs in his life, and he was especially envious of the ordinary life of ordinary people.

Rabbit Chuan understood!

Although small gambling is pleasant, big gambling hurts the body, but gambling is not a good thing, and gambling luck is not a good thing!

It is worthy of being a gambling king, consciousness is deep, and it is true that after going through the storm, I realized that plainness is true!

Rabbit Chuan deeply reflected, as a good boy in the new era, he must not step into the abyss, and at the same time, he must help those old gamblers who have begun to repent quit gambling! Must quit! Quit fundamentally!

Rabbit Chuan believes that the gambler must now be living the kind of bland happy life he envies.

The God of Gamblers who has never won a single game since then: ... Who did I mess with with TM?

It was almost midnight, Rabbit Chuan yawned and withdrew from the card table, and Mao Lilan was embarrassed to keep playing off the table and left with Rabbit Chuan.

Only Hattori Heiji said that he would not play, and he was still shuffling cards in his hand, and called the three adults who did not play much to play four-player poker.

Hattori Heiji is unwilling, he must win today!

Rabbit Chuan dragged his head with one hand, stroked Conan's hair with the other, and said: "Conan, remember, don't gamble small, you can't learn from your brother Heiji in the future!"

Conan saw Rabbit Chuan squinting, head down a little bit, and then glanced at his watch, there were still three or four minutes to zero o'clock, usually at this time the brother should already be sleeping.

Rabbit Internet addict teenager often hi until three o'clock in the morning · Chuan: Ha ah ~ no net, so sleepy!

Maori Lan heard the sound of pushing the door, and when he turned around, he saw Maori Kogoro walking in with heavy steps, and asked, "Dad, you are back, have you found someone?"

"No, you can't find it anywhere." Maori Kogoro walked weakly to his daughter's side, found a chair to sit on, and spread it back.

Hattori Heiji turned his head only to see Uncle Maori returning alone, and asked, "What about the police uncle who was with you just now?" Maori

Kogoro said: "The police officer said to hold out until the last second.

"Then I'll go back first." Mr. Xie Jiang got up and left.

Miss Isobe also said, "It's not early, and I'm going back to sleep." The

game was dispersed, and Mr. Whalei helped Miss Isobe pack up the playing cards.

Mr. Kamie and Miss Isobe went back to their room to sleep, Mr. Whalei said they were going to the bathroom, and the three left the restaurant together.

There was silence in the restaurant, Maori Kogoro stared at the time on his watch, the second hand ticking forward one by one, he wished that the time would slow down, maybe another second Sagasaki police could catch that Ye Caizan, but finally skipped 12 o'clock and came to zero o'clock the next day.

Now that only the detective team is left in the restaurant, Rabbit Chuan feels that he can take this opportunity to explain Furukawa's affairs clearly.

Rabbit River was about to speak, when someone pushed the door and entered, this time it was Sagasaki Alert.

"When the time comes, I can't do anything to them, although I have long been retired and I am not qualified to arrest them." "But tonight is their night of revelry, and it's their most relaxing moment, and now there's no need for him to hide anymore." I believe that as long as he is still on this ship, he will definitely come out to see me.

Osamu Shimazaki went to the bar and opened a bottle of wine, sat down next to Maori Kogoro, and said, "Mori, have a drink with me, and we will wait together, waiting for the big thief who deserves to die to pop up and show off to us!" "

Oh..." Maori Kogoro trembled and held up his wine glass, how strange is Saizaki's state today?

Hattori Heiji whispered to Conan, "That uncle is so strange, although he was a prisoner who was tracked down before, he seems to be too serious, right?"

Rabbit Chuan said in confusion: "The status of the shadow planner back then was equivalent to the current monster thief Kidd.

"That's so..." Conan and Hattori looked at each other, and they understood a little.

"However, the most important thing is because the person Ye Caisan killed back then was the Saizaki Police


Before Rabbit Chuan's words were finished, he heard a thump from the deck, and in an instant, the faces of the police and detectives changed in an instant.

Mao Lilan asked suspiciously, "Huh? What was the sound just now? Maori

Kogoro looked up and said, "It seems to have come from the deck above..."

Rabbit Chuan continued in a trance, "No, the second kick is two, maybe it is..."

Hattori Heiji continued: "Gunshots? The

police immediately rushed out and shouted, "Maori! Take a look at the time!

"Zero eight!" Mori Kogoro followed behind the police officer of Sagasaki, and Conan and Hattori Heiji also ran out.

Rabbit Chuan rubbed his eyes and sobered up, and left the restaurant with Mao Lilan, and Mr. Whalei, who had just returned from the bathroom, was still stunned at the door, turned and ran to the deck with the large army.

Rabbit River stood on the stairs and looked up to see the flag on the mast burning with a raging fire.

Behind Rabbitagawa , Miss Isobe also came to the deck and asked, "What happened?" What was that sound just now?

Rabbit Chuan replied, "I sound like firecrackers." "

Huh? What is it? Hattori Heiji found a knife stuck in the deck floor, and he crouched down to see an old 10,000-yuan bill nailed to it, "Look, there is writing on this 10,000-yuan bill!"

Maori Kogoro also crouched down and read, "Poseidon has given me life, and my shadow has been resurrected!" "

Help!" Terao Whalei was so frightened that he retreated half to death and shouted in horror, "He's still alive!" He is indeed alive!

Rabbit Chuan muttered: "Poseidon is in the Aegean Sea, this is the Pacific Ocean, he is not so wide!"

At this time, there was a sudden explosion in the stern, and the flames burst into the sky to illuminate the pale face of Izui Dingxiong.

Everyone ran to the stern of the boat again, and saw that the box of the emergency escape ladder was burning, and the fire was fierce, and it was not a normal fire at first glance.

The crew took the fire extinguisher, and when the fire went down, they found that the box on fire was not a lifeboat, but ... Alone!

To be precise, it was a corpse, so burned beyond recognition that it was impossible to tell who this person was with the naked eye, nor could it be determined when he died.

Maori Kogoro stepped forward and said to the police of Kayagasaki, "Is it possible that he disappeared Ye Caizan?"

Saizaki shook his head and said, "I can't see it, this needs to be investigated again."

"This person may be Mr. Xie Jiang." Miss Isobe said, "You can look at the watch on his wrist, and I saw that Mr. Kamie was wearing a gold watch like this when I was playing cards. Saki

and Maori Kogoro took a closer look and found that although the corpse's top was burned black, looking at the ashes, they could still tell that it was a wool dress, and among the travelers, Kamie was the only one wearing a sweater.

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