Hattori Heiji approached the corpse, pointed to the gold watch on the corpse, and said, "You can see that the button of this gold watch is loosened.

Maori Kogoro picked up the paint buckets on the ground with a small stick and said, "I think it must have exploded when these paint buckets were placed in the box with the corpse."

"It is indeed possible that the plastic sheet wrapped around the box was also blown away." Hattori

asked rhetorically, "The box is still wrapped in plastic sheeting?" Maori

Kogoro said, "Yes, when I came here to look for Ye Caizan with the police officer before Sakisaki, the box was covered with a plastic sheet with an emergency escape ladder written on it. Hattori

asked, "Did you lift the plastic sheet to see what was inside?"

Maori Kogoro replied, "No, because there is still a rope tied to the outside of the plastic sheeting, and there is no way for anyone to hide inside." And when I returned to the restaurant, wasn't Mr. Crab still playing cards with you? In short, he was alive at that time, and it was impossible to be in the box.

Hattori stopped talking and put on a pensive look.

Conan pulled Hattori Heiji by his sleeve and pulled him to the corpse, pointed to the corpse's face and said, "Hattori, look! There was something strange on the face of the corpse. Hattori

Heiji took a closer look and exclaimed, "Isn't this silicone?" Could it be that this guy has had plastic surgery?

Conan analyzed: "Well, he is likely to be one of the 4 robbers who robbed 400 million yuan and escaped, and Mr. Kameda, who walked with him, is likely to be an accomplice of the robbers." Hattori

turned his head to look at the travelers behind him and said, "There is another person, Mr. Whalei, who has just been breaking out in a cold sweat and is very weak-hearted, he should also be one of those robbers." Hattori

Heiji and Conan whispered in front of the charred corpse, while Rabbit Chuan struggled to find an upper wind outlet to catch his breath.

To be honest, what Rabbitikawa couldn't stand the most was this charred corpse, which always reminded him of the barbecue he ate with Matsuda Jinpei the other day.

Speaking of Matsuda Jinpei, Rabbikawa touched his heart, he seems to have accidentally asked Matsuda to work overtime again, but he asked Hagiwara to help, they should be able to leave work soon, right?

At this time, Matsuda Jinpei was standing on the speedboat, and there was nothing in the endless dark sea in the dark night.

Matsuda Jinpei shouted into the radio: "Twilight Police Department, are we looking in the wrong place?" I saw Ogasawara here, but I still didn't see the passenger ship? The

police department replied: "I asked the dockyard company, it is the port in front, we are waiting for the rabbit in the port, we will definitely be able to wait for that ship!"

Matsuda Jinpei said, "But now that the statute of limitations has expired, we have lost the power to arrest them, so how are we going to go up and arrest people?"

The Twilight Police Department said resolutely: "Don't worry, Brother Matsuda, the news from the dock company said that the plague god of Maori is also on the ship, as long as he is there, something will happen on the ship!"

Matsuda Jinpei was silent for a moment, and what the Twilight Police Department said seemed to make some sense, and the hapless little rabbit cub was also on the ship, so...

Matsuda Jinpei suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility and shouted: "Twilight Police Department, do you say that there is a possibility, that ship has sunk!" "

Twilight Police Department chuckled in my heart, don't say, there is really this possibility!

Back in the restaurant, Osamu Shimazaki begins to interrogate Izuo, who already knew that this man was one of the four robbers.

"Say it quickly!" Osamu Sagasaki slammed his fist on the table and yelled, "What do you mean by saying 'he's alive' on the splint!" Is that Ye Caisan!

Whalei Teshio was covered in cold sweat and said in a panic: "I, I don't know, I haven't said anything, I really don't know..." Whalei

seemed to have a broken mentality, and even Maori Kogoro could see that he was weak.

Mori Kogoro asked the crew on the ship, and the crew members were acting in groups of two, all of them had alibis, and some crew members saw Cewai appear at the stern around midnight.

But both Izuo was with them when the gunshots rang out and the box exploded, and Nagisa Isobe was with them when the box exploded, both of whom had full alibi.

The police officer said: "Could it be that the murderer is really Ye Caisan who is hiding somewhere on the ship?"

Miss Isobe reminded, "You have forgotten one person, Mr. Kameda, who said that he was not feeling well at dinner and had been resting in his room.

Osamu Saizaki was stunned, he really forgot about this man, and shouted to Maori Kogoro: "Maori , go and find him!" "

Yes!" Maori Kogoro immediately turned to leave, followed by a string of small tails, "Why are you guys coming with you?"

Conan and Hattori Heiji laughed and said nothing, and Morilan smiled and said, "Because people are so safe!" Mori

Kogoro walked to the door of Mr. Kameda's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door, knocked for a long time and no one answered the door, he twisted the doorknob, only to find that the door was not locked at all, and Mr. Kameda was not in this room.

Morilan turned around and said, "We're going to hurry up and tell Uncle Samazaki about this, right, Hattori?" Hey? What about people? Hattori! Conan? Maori

ran out of the room, looking left and right without seeing Conan and Hattori, and I don't know when Rabbit River disappeared.

"This group of boys is really!!"

When did Rabbit River disappear?

Rabbit Chuan had never gone to a restaurant with them before, and Rabbit Chuan looked up at the starry sky while breathing fresh air, and inadvertently found that this route was about to deviate to the Aegean Sea, and Zhongyuan Zhong should not want to drive the ship directly overseas, right?

Rabbit Chuan also cares about what kind of murder, directly killed the captain's room, grabbed the captain's radio that was communicating, and asked: "I said what do you want to do?" Take our people across the Pacific and straight to the Mediterranean? "

Zhongyuan Zhong also has a headache, he thinks that it is too troublesome to change the goods, it is better to take advantage of the middle of the night when the passengers on the ship are asleep, secretly change these 11 passengers to an identical ship, but he didn't expect that there would be a life case?

"You can pull it down!" Rabbit Chuan rolled his eyes, "Although these detectives on the ship are not as random as Edogawa, they are not so easy to fool, the more you are in trouble, it is better to go directly to the Mediterranean!"

Tuchuan finally suggested: "Hey, go straight back, go to your territory, you decide." "

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