Hattori Heiji went to sleep after dinner, went to the restaurant and ordered a late-night snack, and said as he ate, "I received a strange letter earlier.

Conan asked, "What strange letter?" "

Just a week ago, someone sent me a letter containing 100,000 yen, asking me to go to Ogasawara to help him investigate a case, and the strange thing was that the banknotes were all old banknotes, and it was written that if I took these bills to the port and showed them to the crew, they would let me take the ship."

Conan found the letter of entrustment quite interesting and asked, "Who is that sender?" Hattori

replied, "The letter has Furukawa's name written on it, but there is no sender's address. Mao

Lilan and Conan exclaimed, "Is it Furukawa Da?!"

"You know him?" Where is he now? Hattori took out the envelope and said, "I've never charged money for solving cases, I came to Tokyo to take a boat to find Mr. Furukawa and return the money to him, and of course I want to know what case he wants me to investigate."

Rabbit Chuan said: "Furukawa Dai is the sponsor of our tour, but the crew said that he did not board the ship, and no one from the dockyard company has seen him." Hattori

Heiji was interested and said, "That's the case, I feel that this case is getting more and more interesting!"

Rabbit Chuan scanned the people around him, and in front of those involved in these cases, Rabbit Chuan did not directly poke at the fact that Furukawa was Ye Caisan, but handed Hattori Heiji a thumb-thick metal bracelet.

Hattori Heiji took this strange bracelet, there were several invisible buttons on the bracelet, put it in his hand to weigh it, felt quite heavy, and asked: "What is this thing?"

Rabbit Chuan introduced: "This is an emergency rescue bracelet, the first button is an emergency light, press it always, press twice will become three short three long three short SOS distress signal, press the second button will eject the airbag, press the third button will pop up the oxygen pump."

"What an interesting thing!" Hattori Heiji saw his name engraved on the inside of the bracelet, "Is this a gadget made by Dr. Agasa?"

Tu Chuan said with a smile: "Yes, I see that your Yintang is black, and if you pinch your fingers, I may have a bloody disaster today." "

Huh?" Hattori Heiji looked confused.

Conan saw that Rabbit Chuan only said the function of the three buttons, and the fourth button did not say, and asked: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, what is that red button for?"

"That's the bottom line that must not be touched as a last resort." Rabbit Chuan pretended to be mysterious, and suddenly laughed and said, "This is the record button, you can record the last minute recording." "

Silence, why is there a tape recorder in the rescue items?

"Isn't this the last minute of life's last words! Hey, you can't expect me to be good! Hattori rubbed his arm, and his goosebumps rose.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "This is called humanistic care, and I hope you won't have the opportunity to use it." "

This first aid bracelet has a lot of functions, so it's also bulky to wear, like wearing a small sandbag on your wrist.

Rabbit Chuan and Conan will definitely have wrist pain when wearing a bracelet, but for Hattori Heiji, who has been practicing kendo, it is not a problem at all.

The rhythm of this Hattori Heiji death is no worse than Conan, and he is often targeted by the murderer, shot in the abdomen, knocked on a stick, thrown into the sea, and sometimes beaten by people... Hey? Rabbit River suddenly felt that Hattori Heiji seemed to be bigger than Conan's life!

Nagisa Isobei felt that several people in the restaurant had no intention of returning to the room, so he proposed to go back to the room to play poker to pass the time.

Mao Lilan is worthy of being the emperor of Europe, and it is a good deck of cards to get started, but Rabbit River is not bad, and the cards of the opposite family are quite clear cards in his eyes, as long as they are played well, a bad hand can also turn defeat into victory.

As time passed, the people in the restaurant took turns, and the cards were completely in the hands of Rabbit River and Mao Lilan.

Maori Lan: "Airplane!

Hattori Heiji: "Don't!

Rabbit: "Bomb! Maori

Lan: "Bomb!

Hattori Heiji: "I'm sorry!

Rabbit: "Bomb! Maori

Lan: "Bomb! "

Heiji Hattori: Don't!

Rabbit Chuan: "King fried!"

Mao Lilan: "I'm sorry."

Hattori Heiji: "Don't! "

Junko!" Rabbit Chuan threw away a row of straights, "Haha, I won again!" "

Rabbit Chuan has a good card this time, two bombs, a pair of king bombs, and a group of five consecutive straights, but unfortunately did not grab the landlord.

Mao Lilan's cards are also good, not only grabbed the landlord, a group of small planes in his hands, but also three sets of bombs, but it is a pity that Wang exploded in the hands of Rabbit Chuan.

As for Hattori Heiji, of course, only some loose cards remained.

Hattori Heiji threw away the cards in his hand and complained, "It's not fun, it's almost all you and Xiaolan winning, it's really not interesting." "He hasn't played a single card!

"Huh? Didn't you win too? Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, "You forgot, the two of us are in the same group in this game!" "

Nagisa Isobe, who is in charge of providing playing cards, and several other uncles have long given up playing with these two children after seeing the card skills of Rabbit River and Morilan, don't these adults want face?

Only Hattori Heiji persevered in a hundred battles, and Rabbit Chuan proposed to play fighting the landlord instead, so that he and Miss Koran could win together with Hattori Heiji!

Hattori Heiji really wants to pull Conan to play with, but Conan says that he is still young and does not want to find abuse, and he can't stand the blow.

Conan still remembers that they went to Lao Mei's house last year, and his father took him and his brother to Las Vegas to see it for a long time, he and his father and those city people really saw it!

His brother was completely unafraid in the face of the gambling king, and he won the opponent's bottoms in three consecutive studs.

Fortunately, the mother gave them a transfiguration in advance, otherwise, they are afraid that it will be difficult for them to come out alive.

Conan patted his heart, he still had some palpitations when he thought about it now, not for fear of chasing and killing, but for fear that his brother would embark on a road of no return!

Rabbit Chuan was angry when he thought about it, he kindly told the other party about the loophole of Qianju, but he didn't expect the other party to be angry and directly bought a chase and kill order.

Boom! It's really kind and not rewarded!

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