Rabbit Chuan walked up to the 2nd floor and saw that Heiji Hattori had joined the luxury detective package.

Hattori Heiji raised his hand and greeted Rabbitakawa with a greeting: "Yo! You're here too! "

yes, I'm here too, haha." Rabbit Chuan doesn't want to come, but there is no way, who has caused some turmoil in the world recently, he has to determine the degree of loss of Ke Xue's aura.

After Rabbitagawa left, Shimaharu Saizaki sat on the steps of the stairs in silence for a long time.


Mikai Saizaki is a bank clerk who died that year, the daughter of Osamu Shimazaki, and the girlfriend of Minoru Kaizaki.

Osamu Sagasaki always felt that he had killed his daughter, and that day his daughter was very happy to say that she had asked her boyfriend to meet him at night, and he was still immersed in the melancholy of his daughter who was about to marry, but he did not expect that side was forever separated.

Osamu Saizaki regretted it, if he could solve those cases quickly that day, even if he went to the bank on time to meet his daughter earlier, as long as he was there, his daughter would definitely not die!

Over the years, Osamu Saizaki has never given up looking for Ye Caisan who killed his daughter, he doesn't believe that Ye Caisan is really dead, he and Ye Caisan have been fighting for half their lives, he knows Ye Caisan better than anyone, how can that kind of shocking thief die easily!

Even though the retrospective period for murder has passed, but Osamu Saizaki still hasn't given up, today is the deadline, he smells the smell of those three accomplices, if Ye Caisan is really alive, it must be on this ship!

Osamu Saizaki didn't know how he would face Ye Caizan if he really found him, but he must find him!

Live to see people, die to see corpses!

Osamu Saizaki wiped his face, still the same resolute face, stood up, stomped his numb feet, and walked downstairs.

At the same time, in the interrogation room of the Metropolitan Police Department, the interrogation of Hai Lao Zhi by the Twilight Police Department finally made a major breakthrough.

"What did you say?!" The Twilight Police Department exclaimed, "You said that Furukawa is Ye Caisan, and he and his accomplices are going to have a sea party tonight?!" Hai

Lao shrunk and said, "I, I'm just guessing, I'm not sure..." The

Twilight Police Department slapped his palm on the table and roared: "Are you not sure? Then you still go up with a bomb! And the police have not already announced that Ye Caisan is dead! Dead!

"I'm just in case, the police only found Ye Caisan's bloody clothes with bullet holes in the sea, and they didn't find Ye Caisan's body, I think in case he didn't die, I can personally avenge the beauty poster..." In order to confirm his conjecture, Minoru Hai also mentioned, "Moreover, and I saw Mikai's father get on the boat..."

The police department had a headache, "Do you think there is a possibility that he just happened to be traveling?"

Hai Lao Zhi secretly glanced at the Twilight Police Department, and said firmly: "No..." The Twilight Police Department

walked out of the interrogation room to catch his breath, what is going on day by day!

The police officers in the classroom were watching a special report on the TV news about the 400 million robbery and murder case 20 years ago, and the commentators in the news splattered and scolded the police for being incompetent, and the group of tax thieves not only could not catch people but also recover the stolen money.

Twilight Police Department breathed deeply, can't be angry, can't be angry, can't be angry, it's too late, it's useless to be angry.

"Sato! Takagi! The Twilight Police Department roared, "Go contact the helicopter and the speedboat, and the rest of the people are ready to go with me to the sea to arrest people!" "


The Metropolitan Police Department began to move in search of the passenger ship adrift at sea in the direction of Ogasawara.

On the passenger ship, the police and detective team converged, and Hattori Heiji had just shared the news he had heard from his father before, saying, "So Ye Caizan is dead."

"He's not such a dead little character!" Osamu Saizaki suddenly appeared behind the detective team, "That bloody suit may be a trap he set to trick the police into pursuing."

Osamu Sagasaki frowned and said, "This ship is too big for a few of us to search for it."

Maori Kogoro suggested, "It's better to wait until we get to Ogasawara and call the police and look for it with the local police, anyway, now that he is at sea, he can't escape at all."

Osamu Saizaki said: "No, there is no time, today is the final retrospective period, once it is midnight today, they will be completely free!"

Maori Kogoro glanced at his watch and exclaimed, "Then there are only two hours left!" "

Tuchuan knows that even if they find someone, it is useless, the legal retrospective period is not only to catch people, but also to make the prisoner confess and draw a bond, the most important step is that the police must transfer all the materials of the case to the procuratorate within the retrospective period, and the procuratorate accepts the case to be completed."

Rabbit River has always found it strange, why didn't Osamu Sagasaki immediately call the police to arrest people after seeing the news left by the murderer of his daughter in the newspaper?

Osamu Sagasaki is now just a retired police officer, and he has no right to arrest prisoners, let alone sort out materials and send them for inspection.

Rabbit River originally thought that Osamu Shimazaki wanted to avenge his daughter, but Rabbit Chuan could see that Osamu Shimazaki was a person with a strong heart, or there was a trace of vacillation in his heart, but he would never violate his principles.

Osamu Sagasaki simply wanted to find that person, and he wanted to know if that person was really dead or if he was living with a human life.

"Huh? Hattori, you're here too! Mao Lilan ran over with a smile, "Did you come with Ye Ye?"

"Why are we still coming together?" Hattori Heiji said with a look of disgust, "I'm me, she's her, I have nothing to do with her, don't confuse us with you guys." "

Huh?" Mao Lilan looked puzzled.

Rabbit Chuan saw Conan's face beating red again, cold sweat again, dancing, looking like he wanted to surround Hattori Heiji, very lively, no sequelae at all.

Conan wailed in his heart, really! Can't this Hattori Heiji pay attention when he speaks!

Hattori Heiji smiled sarcastically: "Haha, I mean the relationship between your father and daughter is so good, haha..." Mao

Lilan was speechless, this Hattori Heiji was always like this, talking strangely.

Mao Lilan got down to business and asked, "Have you found the old gentleman named Shadow?"

Osamu Saizaki replied, "Not yet, your father and I will go and look for it again."

"Then we'll go to the restaurant and wait for you!" Mao Lilan forcibly pushed Conan and Hattori Heiji to leave one by one, and did not forget to call Rabbitakawa this good child.

Conan hurriedly shouted, "Wait, Sister Xiaolan!" Hattori

Heiji followed suit, "Wait a minute, we're going to help find someone too!"

Maori Lan said with a straight face: "What do you say? Now that there is such a dangerous person on board, you will leave me alone!" "

Haha, that's what I said..." Hattori Heiji was a little embarrassed, but when he saw Rabbitchuan, he thought about it and said, "By the way, leave this kid with you!"

Conan nodded, this is a good idea, he doesn't want his children to wander outside.

Rabbit Chuan looked down and looked at Conan who was not yet his waist height, who are they children now?

In the end, it was Maori Kogoro who shouted, "What are you kids doing together!" All for me to go to the restaurant and wait! "

Rabbit River consciously followed behind Maori Lan, unlike Hattori Heiji and Conan who were pushed away by girls, what a shame!

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