"It turns out that there are so many criminal police and detectives on the ship!" Miss Isobe quipped, "We don't have to be afraid even if something happens on the ship now!" Maori

Kogoro sorted out his clothes and said solemnly: "Don't worry, Miss Isobe, if something happens on the ship, it will all be wrapped up in my famous detective Maori Kogoro!"

Rabbit Chuan said helplessly: "The words... Why do you assume that something will happen to this ship? "

Although something will definitely happen to this ship, this sister, what you said is too natural!

Mr. Kameda stood up shakily and said, "I'm sorry, I'll go back to my room and lie down first."

Mr. Xie Jiang, who was at the same table with him, said while eating: "You are really prone to seasickness!"

Maori Kogoro looked at the empty restaurant in front of him and said, "It's really deserted to be on such a big ship, with only a few of us in it!" "

This restaurant has dozens of tables, and if it were a banquet hall, it can hold a large dance party of more than 200 people, but now there are only three tables of guests, and after Mr. Kameda left, not counting Conan, only seven people were still in the restaurant.

In fact, Conan is right, except for the protagonist group and another person, the names of the passengers on this ship are all related to the sea, Samazaki, Isobe, Crab E, Kameda, Whale Ii and the captured Umi Lao.

As for the other person ....

The waiter said: "If you add the two passengers resting in the room, not counting this little brother, there are 10 passengers in total."

Mao Lilan said, "Are those two the old man who came on board first and the gentleman who got on board last?"

"It's not the gentleman, the gentleman who got on the boat last..." The waiter's gaze unconsciously looked towards Rabbitchuan.

Rabbit Chuan took a sip of lemonade and said calmly: "He accidentally made a small mistake that all rice flower people make and went where he should go, so I was lucky to be on board as the 11th passenger substitute." "

Yes, it's probably so..." The waiter didn't dare to retort, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem to be wrong to say so.

Mr. Whalei was also interested in this topic, and turned from his seat to the waiter and asked, "Speaking of which, I passed by the old man in the hallway, looking taciturn, what did he do?" "

I heard that it is an expert in marine research, and his name is..." the waiter took out the passenger list from his pocket and read, "Ye Caisan."




All the insiders present were shocked, and the police officer of Sagasaki even stood up directly from his seat and shouted to the waiter: "Where is his room!" The

waiter subconsciously replied, "Room No. 1." Maori

Kogoro still said in the clouds: "The name Ye Caisan... I seem to have heard it somewhere...

"Saizaki roared, "Stupid! Have you forgotten? He is the main culprit of the 400 million gun case that we previously hunted down together, shadow planner Ye Caisan!

Conan was intrigued when he heard this, and trotted all the way to the door of Room One.

The waiter trembled and took the spare key, and the police officer directly opened the room and rushed in, but the room was empty and there was no one at all.

"Abominable! There is no one here, I'll look below! Sagasaki turned and ran out of the room, turning back and ordering Maori Kogoro as he ran, "Mori, you're in trouble from above!" "

Yes!" Maori Kogoro was taken aback, Saizaki is really old and strong, not losing back then!

"Huh?" Maori Kogoro turned to look at the closed door next door and asked, "Whose room is room number 2 next door?"

The waiter replied, "Oh, this is the detective's room." Maori

Kogoro walked to the door of room 2, stared at the door and said, "Huh? As soon as you get on the boat, you stay in the room and not come out, how suspicious! Maori

Kogoro was not polite at all, raised his hand and slammed the door, shouting: "Hey! Is there anyone inside? Open the door! Maori

Kogoro smashed for a long time and no one responded, turned to the waiter and said, "It seems that there is no one, you come and open the door!" The

waiter took out the backup key and prepared to open the door, when with a snort, accompanied by a roar from the room, the door slammed into Maori Kogoro's face.

"It's noisy! What the hell are you doing! Hattori Heiji looked down and saw his good brother Kudo, and when he looked up again, it was Uncle Maori who looked up, "Huh? Why are you here? Maori

Kogoro was splashed with nosebleeds, and he wanted to know why!

On the other side, Sagasaki watched Maori Kogoro hurry downstairs, but actually stopped in the stairwell, covering his face and slowly sitting on the staircase bench.

"Sagasaki Alert." At this time, Rabbit Chuan suddenly appeared under the stairs and looked up at the old and helpless old policeman.

"Little detective, you know all about it, right?" Sagasaki took the hand that covered his face and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Rabbit Chuan walked step by step in front of the police officer with a smile, looked into his eyes, and said with a smile: "You know too, don't you?" "

Hehe, I've been a criminal police officer all my life, it's a feeling, as long as a criminal appears in front of my eyes, the criminal's eyes, movements, and even taste..."

"Then why are you sitting here?" Rabbit Chuan said lightly, "That robbery and murder happened 20 years ago tomorrow, and it is also the death day of the only victim who died in that robbery and murder, your daughter Mikai Saizaki."

Sagasaki stared at Rabbitaka's eyes, but why, such pure and flawless eyes, but made him tremble, and he realized that he had just wanted to step into the abyss.

Sagasaki closed his eyes and said, "So what, the prosecution period for murder is only 15 years, and I was powerless 5 years ago.

Rabbit Chuan said: "Although the statute of limitations for murder has passed, but the statute of limitations for civil actions is 20 years, if you catch the gangster and prosecute before midnight tonight, you can still recover the stolen money, but..."

Rabbit Chuan turned his words, and the police officer opened his eyes and said indifferently: "There is no point anymore, and I am no longer a police officer."

"Then leave everything to fate!" Rabbit Chuan bypassed the police of Saizaki and walked upstairs, "If you want to make it perish, you must first make it crazy." "

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