"Dear passengers, the Symphony is now at your service, this ship is about to leave the port, and it is expected to arrive at its destination Ogasawara tomorrow, I wish you a pleasant journey."

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the sparkling sea.

Maori Lan slowly walked to the end of the deck, opened his arms to the setting sun-stained sea, and shouted: "I'm a king of the world!"

After the shout, Mauriland laughed sheepishly, leaned against the railing and said, "I've always wanted to try this!"

"I see you've seen too much Titanic, and they're all poisoned!" Maori Kogoro said in disgust, "Don't you think this sentence is very obscure?

Conan nodded and said, "Well, what if the ship sinks?"

Mao Lilan said speechlessly: "You two are really not interesting!" "

Haha!" A chubby middle-aged man walked to the deck and said with a smile, "The sunset dyes the sea red, facing such a beautiful scenery, no wonder there is such a cry, the sea is so beautiful!"

Mao Lilan replied: "Yes, seeing such a beautiful sea, I feel that all the troubles in my heart have gone with the waves!"

"Indeed, the sea can cover everything." The beauty Isobegi Nagisa, who was beside Maolilan, looked at the sea with a melancholy expression and said, "Painful memories, uneasy future, even... Corpse..." "

Corpse?" Mao Lilan was a little frightened, this young lady's words were so strange.

Nagisa explained to Moriran, "I'm sorry, because my father died at sea, so... Excuse me.

"No, it's nothing, I was embarrassed to accidentally cause your sadness." Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed, she was just a little afraid, but she thought about the corpses in the sea... It seems to be normal.

Conan counted the passengers on the deck, Uncle Maori, Ran and Saizaki watched, a young lady in her twenties standing next to Xiaoran, Nagisa Isobe, a chubby middle-aged man who talked to Xiaolan, and a middle-aged man with a seal that he met before, Miss Isobe said that he claimed his surname was Kameda, and the tall thin middle-aged man standing with Teruyoshi Kameda was called Kamie Yuhisa, Conan himself did not count the number, and now there are seven passengers here.

Conan mentally analyzed the other three passengers, namely the last passenger to board after them, the middle-aged man carrying a large suitcase; There is also the first passenger who came on board after disembarking and returning to the ship, which was said to be an old grandfather, who was now resting in his room unwell; Finally, there is the detective in the mouth of the receptionist who is completely unrecognizable to be a detective.

Conan thought to himself that this description was not his old brother, his children were still young, he did not like to be in the limelight in front of the media, except when he was serious about reasoning, few people regarded him as a detective.

And Xiaolan called his brother before leaving, and the brother said that he still had something to do, and if he had time, he would come by himself.

Conan tried to find someone, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Rabbit Chuan waving to him on the deck of the second floor.

Conan wanted to go up to the second floor to find Rabbit Chuan, when the waiter came over to inform them that dinner was ready, and when Conan looked up again, he found that Rabbit Chuan had disappeared.

Mao Lilan grabbed Conan, who wanted to run, and said, "Conan, we're going to eat!"

Conan pointed to the deck on the second floor and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I just saw Brother Rabbit Chuan standing there.

Mao Lilan looked up and saw that there was no one there now, and said to Conan: "He may have gone to the restaurant, why don't we go directly to the restaurant and wait for him!" "

Conan doesn't know that Rabbit River is now using the radio to talk to the ship's owner, and now the entire port of Kanto is under the control of Minato, and the other side of the phone is naturally Nakahara Nakahara, the leader of Shingang Black.

Rabbit Chuan sighed helplessly and said, "Alas! I feel like I forgot to say something, you are too daring, and you dare to ship things from the port of Tokyo, I don't think you want this cargo, right?

"I told you, I just helped you drive down an avenger with a big box of bombs who wanted to die with the ship, but now there are three little furry thieves on board."

"You ask me why I didn't drive them down together? There are ten people in total, I will get one down, you have to get three more, don't drive this boat!

Tu Chuan ignored the wail on the other side and said mercilessly: "Who is to blame for this?" The blame can only be blamed on your company being too careless and not checking the identity of the employer in advance!

"I know it's a business on the white road on your side, but it's not me who is alarmist here, in our pier in Tokyo, which famous ship has not lost a few lives, and some even the ship is gone!"

Rabbit Chuan's tone softened, and he sighed and said, "Alas, think about it!" Now there are former police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department and detective Maori Kogoro on the ship, these two don't matter, but the son of the head of the Osaka Police Department is young and vigorous, and he doesn't rub sand in his eyes, tomorrow the ship arrives in Ogasawara, it may not be needed at all, the police and military people will come on board to search, in case they search this shipment, I see what you will do then!

Rabbit Chuan felt that this education was not profound enough, and added: "Well, when Osamu Dazai knows, he may be able to laugh him to death!"

Rabbit Chuan threw the radio back and turned away at the admiring gaze of the captain.

In fact, Rabbit Chuan knows in his heart that Zhongyuan Zhong is also very suitable for being a Hong Kong black leader, and compared with the old tyrants, perverted lolikong and 007 black heart bosses of the previous three generations, Zhongyuan Zhong is also very in line with the new requirements of a modern and harmonious society for mafia leaders.

Central Plains is also the sun in the dark, he regards Hong Kong Black as his home, everyone in Hong Kong Black is his family, he has explosive combat effectiveness, will protect his subordinates, avenge the dead subordinates, he attaches importance to friendship, friends must help if they are in difficulty, the favor owed will definitely be repaid, the most important thing is to be kind-hearted, and will quietly help when he sees the grandmother crossing the road.

Such a Central Plains also used its own personality charm to lightly open the door to overseas cooperation markets for Hong Kong Hei, and the first three generations of leaders exhausted their brain cells and only touched a little threshold.

Things are gathered in groups, people are divided in groups, this is also no way, who makes such mafia leaders popular now?

Rabbit Chuan walked to the restaurant, and Mao Lilan immediately greeted him: "One, two, three, come and sit here!" "

Oh, it's Miss Xiaolan!" At the table of the Rabbit River Maori family, "Hello Uncle Maori, and Conan, who is this uncle?" Mori

Kogoro introduced, "This is the former search class of the Sagasaki police. Sagasaki alerted, this kid is Rabbit River, a little ghost who loves to play reasoning games. "

Hello, Sagasaki... Vigilance? Rabbit Chuan greeted, and then sat down.

Conan keenly noticed that Rabbit Chuan's expression was a little hesitant, and asked, "Brother Rabbit-Chuan, is there anything wrong with the Saki Police?"

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "No, I just think that the surname Sagasaki is very suitable to appear on this ship."

Conan asked suspiciously, "Why is it suitable?" Because is mackerel a fish in the sea?

Rabbit Chuan laughed and said nothing.

The police officer laughed and said, "Hahaha! It turns out that the detective that the crew said is you! It's really a hero out of a teenager, and we old guys can leave with confidence! "

The knife and fork in Rabbit Chuan's hand, the old police officer who can work in the Metropolitan Police Department until he retires, is really not a good stubble.

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