Matsuda Jinpei was shocked, he had heard about this Ye Caisan's deeds from the seniors of the police department.

"The plan is meticulous and leakless, the modus operandi is crisp and neat, and the police are played around, is Ye Caisan, known as the shadow planner?"

This set of sayings Rabbit Chuan is familiar to hear, uh... Isn't that a description of the strange thief Kidd?

I didn't expect that there was this type of genius 20 years ago, it's really big in the world, and there are all kinds of criminals.

Alas, that is, life is not easy, the bank sighs.

Matsuda Jinpei said: "Ye Caisan never kills people when he robs money, but in a robbery 20 years ago, he killed a bank employee when he was retreating, and he has disappeared since then, how do you know this person?" "

This little rabbit cub 20 years ago didn't even have a fertilized egg, so you can find half an oocytes, right?

Rabbit Chuan gave him a blank look and said, "I saw these cases from my uncle's notes, and you see, just put the name Furukawa Dai."

Rabbit Chuan rotated the newspaper 90 degrees clockwise to Matsuda Jinpei to see, and then said: "Isn't this becoming Cai Sanye, and then reverse the order of surname and first name, this is not Ye Cai San, so he often uses Furukawa Dai as his pseudonym."

Matsuda Jinpei saw that this was really the case, and hesitated and said: "But we don't have evidence now, and this may just be a coincidence, the most important thing is that this is a case that happened 20 years ago..."

Rabbit Chuan closed his eyes, nodded silently, and said expressionlessly: "Yes, the retrospective period of the murder is 15 years, even if Ye Caisan really appears on this ship, the police cannot arrest him on the charge of homicide, so he will bring a bomb on the ship." Matsuda

knew what Rabbikawa had not spoken, because the hatred of losing someone important would not fade with time, the law could not give him justice, and he could only take revenge himself.

Rabbit River does not tell Matsuda that the most dangerous thing on this ship is not the bomb, but the symphony of greed and revenge, all those involved in the robbery and murder case 20 years ago who were summoned by the name Dai Furukawa.

The captain hung up, they had not contacted the ship's employer, and there were still important supplies on board that had to arrive in Ogasawara tomorrow, and in any case they had to set sail in an hour.

Rabbit Chuan knows that this captain will not stop sailing honestly, and the materials that are more important than bombs should not be dangerous items, right?

"Captain, don't worry!" Rabbit Chuan said to the captain, "Officer Matsuda is an expert in bomb disposal, and the bomb can be solved in less than an hour, but in three minutes." Right, Officer Matsuda?

"Hey, you kid don't let me break discipline!" Matsuda didn't even know what to say.

However, the last person to deal with the bomb was not Matsuda Jinpei, but a professional explosive ordnance disposal team of the Metropolitan Police Department.

With the cooperation of the crew, the Twilight Police Department quietly sneaked into the cabin and arrested the prisoner Hai Lao Minoru without alerting the guests on board.

Quietly ended a luxury passenger ship bombing case, and when the police department left, he did not forget to call Matsuda Jinpei to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department with them to work overtime, oh, wrong, it was testimony.

Matsuda Jinping wailed, "Don't want it, Twilight Police Department, I'm taking a break today!"

The police department smiled and said, "Brother Matsuda, don't forget that you are a police officer!" "

Everyone else is working overtime, and you still want to take a vacation? What beautiful things do young people think about all day now!

"Oh, and brother Rabbitchuan!" The Twilight Police Department almost forgot about the old brother, the old brother Rabbit River is so good, until he took precautions and caught the bomber before the prisoner committed the crime.

Rabbit Chuan interrupted the Twilight Police Department and said, "Twilight Police Department, it is enough for Officer Matsuda to testify, I have to travel today!" "

Travel?" The Twilight Police Department didn't quite understand.

Rabbit Chuan pulled out an old version of the banknote from his pocket, showed it to the crew, and said excitedly: "I want to ask, your tenth passenger has been taken away by the police, can I be on board as the 11th passenger?" Rabbit

Chuan's operation stunned everyone present, how could he still do this?

"Yes, yes!" The crew nodded quickly, he wondered if this little detective should be just to fight for this reward quota and directly send the passengers in front of him into the bureau, right?

The crew pondered about where they dared not agree, for fear that if they slowed down for a second, the whole ship would be sent into the bureau by him.

Rabbit Chuan is speechless, as for him, he is no longer the poor Rabbit Chuan before, he is now Rabbit (gold billion) Chuan, his gold can smash through this broken ship!

Rabbit Chuan is afraid that he will get on the ship in advance and indirectly squeeze out the place of Hai Lao Minoru, when the time comes, Hai Lao Na Minoru will not be able to get on the boat, seeing that there is no hope of revenge, in despair directly detonated the bomb at the pier, and everyone at the event site will die together?

The bank clerk who died that year was Minoru Ai Lao Naru's girlfriend who was about to get engaged, and he was the love of his life.

Today, Hai Lao Naminoru is determined to die to avenge his girlfriend, he does not need to find the murderer of the year, as long as he blows up everyone on the ship, he will definitely be able to take revenge!

The ideal is very full, the reality is cruel, and Rabbit Chuan was seen through by Conan after knowing the behavior of Minoru Irao, and did not hesitate to press the detonator, and as a result, who did not blow up.

Rabbit Chuan felt that in that case, it was better to arrest Hai Lao Mingzhi in advance, now it is still an attempted crime, he can also be sentenced to two years less, and he can still board the ship smoothly, it is simply a double kill!

Hai Lao Mingzhi is like losing his soul, over the years, the driving force that supports him to live is revenge, but he didn't expect to die before he took over, if he can't avenge the beauty, then what is the point of him living?

When Minoru Hai Lao passed by Rabbit River, he heard a sentence: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, not not unreported, the time has not come."

Minoru Hai's eyes lit up, and even sitting in the police car muttered in his mouth: "Evil has evil retribution, the time has not come..."

Matsuda Jinpei stared at Rabbit River with resentful eyes, but he wore sunglasses, and in the eyes of outsiders, he was still the cold and arrogant police officer Matsuda.

On the way back to the Metropolitan Police Department, the Twilight Police Department and Matsuda Jin Ping sat in the same car, and Matsuda Jin Hei and the Twilight Police Department said something about Ye Caisan.

The Twilight Police Department said with a solemn expression: "Brother Matsuda, that's impossible, because that Ye Caisan died a long time ago.

"So that's it!" Matsuda Jinpei felt that there was something wrong with the expression of the Twilight Police Department, could it be that there was any hidden secret in this case?

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