Matsuda Jinpei drove the Toyota all the way to lightning drift, and finally rushed into the dock before the boat, at this speed, people who don't know thought he was rushing to the explosion site!

Matsuda stopped the car smoothly, put out the cigarette butt, quickly walked to Rabbit Chuan, who was sitting on the stone pier, bowed his head and said, "Sorry sorry, it's me who is late!"

Rabbit Chuan casually asked: "Overtime again?" Your Metropolitan Police Department has been really busy lately!

"Yes, I was temporarily called to work an extra half-day, and I almost couldn't get over." Matsuda Jinpei turned his head to see the crowd that began to slowly disperse in front of the passenger ship, "Is this already over?" Why didn't you get on the boat first, didn't you guess the answer correctly?

"What the hell! Such a simple puzzle, how could I possibly guess the wrong answer. Rabbit Chuan wordlessly took out two Showa era 10,000 yuan bills from his pocket and dangled them in front of Matsuda Jinpei's eyes, "Isn't the answer money, people can have nothing in their pockets, how can there be no money?" "

The paper figure on the 10,000-yuan banknote in Rabbitokawa's hand was Prince Shotoku, and before the Showa era, the paper figure of the paper money was mostly chosen among the shrines of folk beliefs, mythological heroes and royal families, and the most popular was the first legal tender, and the selected paper figure was Daikokuten, the god of wealth among the seven gods of good fortune.

In the Heisei period, influenced by the liberal ideas of individuals in the West, educators and scientists began to be selected as paper money figures, and the selected paper money figures were Natsume Soseki, Nitodo Inazukuro, and Fukuzawa Yukichi.

At the end of the 20th century, following the idea that everyone is equal, paper money no longer uses paper characters, which is a blank.

Matsuda Jinping's eyes lit up and said with a smile: "I guess this thing is also this!" Huh? Then why don't you go up first, shouldn't you be waiting for me?

Matsuda Jinpei was moved, and Rabbit Chuan said ruthlessly: "Don't think blindly, I'm not, I don't." "It's

not that I didn't go up, I didn't dare to go up." Kenji Hagiwara, who floated back from the passenger ship, said.

"Didn't dare to go up?" Matsuda Jinpei had a sense of foreboding.

Rabbit Chuan said pitifully: "It's not a big deal, it's that I saw a person in the crowd carrying a very heavy suitcase, and I was particularly vigilant and nervous, my intuition told me that the person was suspicious, so I asked Hagiwara to secretly take a look at the suitcase, but I didn't expect that the suitcase was full of bombs, and you didn't come, how dare I get on the boat."

"What are you talking about, bomb?!" Matsuda Jin stumbled on the soles of his feet, almost falling, and put his hand on Rabbitikawa shoulder, "My little ancestor! How did you encounter a bomb again!

Matsuda Jinpei turned to stare at the person carrying the suitcase in the crowd, there were too many people to see who had the problem, and asked Rabbitikawa and said, "By the way, you quickly tell me, where is that person and the box now?"

"On a passenger ship!" Rabbit Chuan's finger pointed to the passenger ship that was about to sail.

"Huh?" Matsuda Jinpei's mind couldn't turn around a little, and he asked stupidly, "Then why are you still outside?"

"Because it's safe!" Rabbit Chuan blurted out a big truth, blocked his mouth and coughed awkwardly twice to explain, "That person was the tenth to board the boat, and he just happened to occupy the last place, so I didn't go up."

Tuchuan sighed again and said: "Alas, I originally wanted to communicate with the crew, but I am just an ordinary person, I am afraid that the crew will not believe me, and then scare the snakes, at that time, the people around the passenger ship who came to guess the mystery had not yet dispersed, in case the gangsters noticed something, it would be bad to detonate the bomb in advance." Moreover, I think that you are also almost there, or it is up to you to tell the crew, after all, the words of the police officer are more convincing ... Hey? What about Matsuda?

Rabbit Chuan explained for a long time, looked up and found that there was not even a figure around him, what about Matsuda Jinpei?

Watching the lively Hagiwara Kenji turned his face in the direction of the passenger ship and said, "Kojinpei ran to communicate with the crew, you see, he is over there!"

Matsuda Jinpei hurriedly ran over, stopped the crew who were about to board the ship and leave the port, took out his police card, and said to him: "Wait! Hello, I am Matsuda Jinpei from the search class, I have received a report, someone has just boarded this ship with a large number of bombs, you cannot leave the port now, please cooperate with the investigation.

"What did you say?!" The crew shouted, "You said there was a bomb on board?!"

Rabbit Chuan came over and said: "Shh, you little voice, there are not only bombs on this ship, but also their suffocating killing intent that they have endured for 20 years."

A cold wind blew, the crew was full of excitement, he suddenly remembered the first guest before, he obviously did not see the man return at the dock, but inexplicably appeared on the ship, he should not have encountered a ghost, right?

Tuchuan said speechlessly: "What the hell, it is the mastermind of the robbery and murder case 20 years ago and his little brothers. The

crew and Matsuda Jinpei exclaimed together: "Robbery and murder?

Matsuda Jinpei also heard about this for the first time and asked, "What kind of robbery and murder?"

The crew remembered that the person who had just spoken was a child and asked, "Who are you?"

Matsuda Jinpei introduced him, "This is Detective Rabbitagawa who came with me.

"So it's a detective!" The crew relaxed, in the eyes of people in this world, the detective is much more reliable than the police officer, even if it is just a small detective.

At this time, the other crew members of the ship urged the crew outside to hurry up on board, and the crew member said to them: "Officer Matsuda, and this Detective Rabbit, this matter is too serious, I will take you to the captain now." In

this way, Rabbitagawa and Matsuda Jinpei smoothly boarded the symphony passenger ship, becoming the eleventh and twelfth guests today.

Rabbit River and Matsuda Jinpei came to the captain's room, Matsuda Jinpei explained the situation to the captain, and then said: "I suggest that you do not go out of port now, I will contact the Metropolitan Police Department to send someone over." Realizing

the seriousness of the situation, the captain assured: "I understand, Officer Matsuda, I will contact the company and the employer immediately, and we will do our best to cooperate with the police." "

The captain was calling the company's superiors, but it didn't seem to be going well.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the swivel chair, walked around, and said to Matsuda Jinpei resolutely: "He must not be able to contact the ship's employer, which is the man named Furukawa Dai."

"How do you know?" Matsuda Jinpei felt puzzled, "By the way, what happened to the robbery and murder case you said 20 years ago?"

Rabbit Chuan casually exposed an earth-shattering secret, and he said, "Don't you know? The winner of this prize quiz is the employer of this passenger ship, the one named Furukawa Da, who is the mastermind of the 400 million bank robbery and murder case 20 years ago, a genius criminal planner, known as the shadow planner Ye Caisan! "

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