"Important items owned by almost all neon people in the Showa period... Do you still have it? "

Just come with this rare item that has now almost completely disappeared, and the top 10 will have the opportunity to participate in the Ogasawara Dolphin Tour for free!" (three days and two nights) Date October 9, 17 o'clock, Muzu Port, Furukawa Dai.

"It's a record!" Maori Lan in the Maori detective agency also saw the newspaper, "This answer must be a record, Dad, let's try it with the record!" "

Forget it!" Maori Kogoro refused, "I just came back from that deep mountain and old forest, and this time I really suffered a big crime, so you let me rest this holiday."

Mao Lilan said puzzled: "But Dad, haven't you been sleeping in the gas station?"

Maori Kogoro said angrily, "What are you talking about!" I was stripped naked and tied up in a gas station! The

intimate little cotton jacket came over to rub his father's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Then we should start a new trip, forget those bad experiences, and relax!" "

It's boring... Huh! A voice that looked like a bone crack came from Maori Kogoro's shoulder, "Loose, let go!" "

Tip, your sweet little padded jacket has stylish steel nails in it.

"Go! Go! Let's go together! Maori Kogoro softened, and his shoulders were unconscious.

"Great! Yes! Morilan cheered, "Conan, we can go to Ogasawara to see dolphins together, are you looking forward to it too?" "

Uh-huh!" Conan nodded without hesitation, but what is there to see about dolphins.

Maori Kogoro poured cold water on the side and said, "But your answer is not right at all, if it is a record, he will not specifically say that it is a neon man."

"So what the hell are you talking about?" Mao Lilan showed an unkind look.

Maori Kogoro said confidently, "Of course, it's the samurai spirit of the Showa boy!"

Mao Lilan yelled, "What! I've never had anything like this before! Maori

Kogoro quickly changed his tone and said, "Or it's a yo-yo, an explosive head, flared pants or something, or an alternative answer like a scarf lizard." "

Huh? What is that thing? "Maori Lan has never heard of it.

At this time, Conan came over and said, "Sister Xiaolan, I think the answer will be Prince Shotoku?" "


The next day, the Maori family of three successfully boarded the passenger ship bound for Ogasawa with three 10,000 yuan bills issued during the Showa period.

During the Showa period, the character on the 10,000-yen bill was Prince Shotoku, and in Doraemon, there is a story of Nobita using an animation spray to make Prince Shotoku move on the 10,000 yen coin.

Walking into the luxury passenger ship, Mao Lilan looked at the exquisite decoration of the passenger ship and exclaimed: "Wow! The inside of this passenger ship is so beautiful, just like a hotel! Maori

Kogoro sighed: "With such a big ship, but only 10 guests, this organizer is really a rich man!" Maori

Kogoro and Mori Lan took Conan to the reception, and the lady at the reception asked, "Are the three of you a family?" "

Hmm!" Maori Kogoro nodded.

The waitress smiled and said, "Then please stay in the double room at No. 10, there are two beds in the room, do you think it is okay?" Maori

Kogoro said no problem, and the usher lady handed him the key to the room.

Morilan stepped forward and asked, "Miss, where is Mr. Furukawa who held this event?" I would like to thank him for hosting us on this trip. The

usher lady said with some embarrassment: "Actually, we have not met Mr. Furukawa, he called our company, and the charter fee was directly credited to our company's bank account." "

So..." Mao Lilan felt a little regretful.

The waitress comforted her, "However, I think he should be waiting for you at Ogasawara." Please register your name. "

Oh, okay." Maori Kogoro introduced himself, "My name is Mori Kogoro..." At

this time, someone continued: "Originally a criminal police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department's search class, now he is a detective who scares the bad guys, right?" Maori

Kogoro looked back and exclaimed, "Sagasaki Police?!"

Osamu Sagasaki said with a smile: "Haha, I'm no longer a police officer, I retired two years ago, and now I'm just a bad old man." "

Long time no see, Uncle Saizaki." Maori Lan went up to say hello.

Hearing Mao Lilan's voice, Osamu Saizaki's expression was stunned, and he said with a smile: "You are Xiaolan, even Xiaolan has grown so big, time flies really fast!"

Maori Kogoro asked curiously, "Saki Police, why did you get here?"

"Oh, I just want to see the sea." Osamu Sagasaki patted Mori Kogoro on the shoulder and said, "Have you forgotten? Today is a special day.

"Special day?" Maori Kogoro is confused.

"Excuse me..." A Mediterranean uncle walked over and took out a seal and dangled it in front of Maori Kogoro and Osamu Kizakijima.

Maori Kogoro turned around, not understanding what he meant by this, and asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"

"No, nothing." Uncle Mediterranean scratched his head in embarrassment and left, walking in a hurry, and the seal in his hand accidentally fell at the feet of Conan and Mauriland.

Mao Lilan crouched down to pick up the seal, and Conan looked at the seal, which had the word Furukawa engraved on it.

"Sorry!" Uncle Mediterranean's expression was very nervous.

Mao Lilan and Conan looked at each other and smiled, returned the seal to the Mediterranean uncle, and said thank you to him.

"Huh?" Uncle Mediterranean was a little confused, but this place should not stay for a long time, turned around and left.

Maori Kogoro looked a little dumbfounded, and asked his girlfriend, "Why did you thank him?"

Mao Lilan didn't say anything, just smiled slightly.

With another click, the tenth lucky passenger finally boarded the ship with his bulky suitcase.

The crew member in charge of checking the correct answers at the port held the list and said: "Apart from the little boy, this is the tenth lucky passenger, and now the quota is full, but the first guest said to go back and get something and has not yet returned." The

waitress said, "The guest has returned, and he said not to disturb him before dinner."

"Is that so?" A drop of cold sweat fell on the crew's cheeks, and he stood guard at the door, how could he not see this person on board.

At this time, Rabbitagawa was still in the port, waiting for Matsuda Jinpei, who was late for temporary overtime.

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