The riots of Shinichi Kudo were washed away by the ordinary daily life, and now the hot topic on campus is the beautiful and moving English teacher.

Morilan also bounced back from the sadness of Kudo Shinichi's departure again, and anyway, she finally saw Shinichi alive.

As the saying goes, as long as a person is alive, there is hope, and she will always wait here, always waiting for the day when a new one comes out.

Rabbit Chuan agreed, the bastard reasoning mad who deceived the feelings of a pure girl should sentence him to 20 years in prison without a wife, suspended for 100 million years, and executed immediately.

If you think about it, the next time I see Shinichi of the big one, I will have to wait until two or three hundred episodes.

Hey? It seems that it is also a real and fake Kudo Shinichi, there is a Kudo Shinichi's illegitimate meal, to be precise, in order to take revenge on Kudo Shinichi, the enemy family has his face shaped into Kudo Shinichi's appearance.

However, that person only has a form, no god-likeness, and does not copy and paste Kudo Shinichi Shinichi Shinigami Skill, so he can only do it himself.

Therefore, this person first sent a letter of entrustment, intending to make an appointment with Kudo Shinichi and Hattori Heiji, and then used Kudo Shinichi's face to kill several people in front of Hattori Heiji, hoping to make Kudo Shinichi bear the charge of murder.

Most of all, he also wanted Kudo Shinichi's friend to personally send Kudo Shinichi in, but of course the murderer went in himself.

Kudo Shinichi has also seen it for a long time, and the first time he saw this kind of dazzling murderer, of course, he had to send him directly in.

When Rabbit Chuan comes home from school, the first thing is to open the mailbox at the door and take out the letter in the mailbox.

There were not many letters in the mailbox, and Rabbit Chuan stood in front of the door and flipped through them one by one, most of them were letters from Yusaku Kudo's fans, and a small part were advertising leaflets, but today there was a letter that was different.

The black envelope was written in white letters, and it said Mr. Shinichi Kudo (received).

"How unlucky!"

"What is unlucky?"

"This letter!" Rabbit Chuan looked back at Amuro Toru carrying the food box, "Mr. Amuro, you came so early today!"

"Because today's cooking still needs to be refined." Amuro smiled and picked up the food box in his hand, "For a long time, my boss said that you wanted to eat an iron pot stewed goose before, but in the end it didn't stew, and today a batch of pear wood just came to the store, so I made this."

Rabbit Chuan asked suspiciously, "Burning goose?"

Amuro smiled and shook his head.

Rabbit's desire to eat goose stew in an iron pot dates back to this winter.

Rabbit Chuan: "It's cold, it's time to stew a goose!" "

Kume Teruki: "Grab whichever one you want to eat." "

After three hours of fighting, Rabbit River was finally won by the goose.

The goose raised its neck proudly, stepped towards 2580,000 steps, swaggered through the market, and became a street leader of the Chinese Cuisine Research Association.

Rabbitchuan: "Abominable! Isn't it bullying me that my legs are not good, and my eyes are not good, and when I finish upgrading my equipment, I will stew you sooner or later! "

Rabbit River came close and smelled a familiar fragrance, it turned out to be a hanging oven roast duck, but what does this have to do with the goose?

The roast duck in Jiume's restaurant refers to the practice of Peking duck, but it cannot be said to be Peking duck, it can only be said to be a roast duck in a fruit wood hanging oven.

Beijing roast duck is divided into two genres, hanging oven roast duck is represented by the old family, and the stewed oven roast duck is the most famous for the old cheap family.

The hanging oven roasting method is not to open the duck, only open a small hole in the duck, take out the internal organs, and then tie the small hole and hang it in the hanging oven, roasted with jujube wood or pear wood over an open fire, so that the roasted duck skin is very thin and crisp, becoming the most delicious part of the roasted duck.

Amuro arranged the green onions, cucumbers, radish, sweet paste, and lotus leaf cakes on a plate, and finally roasted duck.

Amuro pulled out a knife, the knife reflected a cold light, the eyes were cold, the knife was like a god, first cut off the duck's head, starting from the wing flesh, the slice to the duck buttocks, after the right slice, then the left, the piece with belt meat, thin but not broken.

This roast duck slice produced no more than 108 pieces of meat, which shows Amuro's obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Finally, chop off the duck's beak, cut the duck head in half from the middle of the head, and then slice the tip of the duck's tail, tear off the left and right tenderloins attached to the duck's sternum, and put them on a plate together.

Rabbit Chuan applauded and said, "It's so powerful, it's really worthy of..."

Amuro put away the knife and said humbly, "Please use it slowly." "

Rabbit Chuan picks a little sweet noodle sauce with chopsticks, spreads it on the lotus leaf cake, covers it with a few roast duck slices, puts a few green onion and cucumber strips, not radish strips, rolls up the lotus leaf cake and puts it in his mouth.

In fact, Amuro also prepared a plate of white sugar, which is another way to eat roast duck.

It is said that it was raised by the wives and ladies in the gate of the mansion, who did not eat green onions or garlic, but liked to eat the crispy and crispy duck skin dipped in fine white sugar.

Rabbit River has tried it once before, how do you say the taste?

It's like northerners drink sweet bean blossoms, southerners eat white sugar zongzi, which has nothing to do with whether it's hard to eat or not, that is... Haha, they all understand.

Amuro took the duck skeleton to the kitchen, half of it stewed in soup, and the other half made a salt and pepper duck rack.

Rabbit Chuan looked at Amuro's figure who was busy coming and going, really worthy of being a working emperor, really virtuous, why is Hagiwara Kenji not this type?

Amuro collected the kitchen waste, which is to be taken away later, and the kitchen waste in the residential area is recycled once a week, but the restaurant has hired someone to collect it every day.

Amuro thought to himself, "By the way, Mr. Rabbitagawa, what did you say unlucky when you were just at the door?" "

I probably feel that I am a little familiar with Rabbit, and after dinner, Amuro Toru will always find a topic to chat with Rabbitagawa and try to deepen the relationship.

Isn't this the social cow? I'm afraid, I'm afraid!

Rabbit Chuan took a sip of tea, this cup of lemon black tea brewed really well, and replied: "I'm talking about this letter, it's really unlucky to use a black envelope and white words."

Amuro looked over and said in surprise, "Is this a letter to that high school detective Kudo Shinichi?" But isn't Kudo Shinichi already missing? Amuro

Toru remembered that this Kudo Shinichi had been confirmed dead, or was he personally killed by the organization's first killer, Kotojiu, there could be no fake, but the outside world had not yet found his body, and did not know the news that he had died.

Amuro would not tell Rabbit River these words, he did not want this innocent little detective to fall into the abyss of that organization in order to avenge his brother.

"Missing?" Rabbit Chuan looked surprised, "Yes, I haven't heard from him recently. "

Hehe, the intelligence of this distillery intelligence officer is really outdated, and his brother was performing a big change in the Didan High School Garden a few days ago!"

Tu Chuan sighed and said helplessly: "Maybe you are entangled in some tricky case, or you have provoked some incredible enemy... Hided?

Amuro's eyes were dark, and he murmured, "Yes, it's a terrible enemy..."

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