"So, I'm handling the letter of entrustment sent to him now."

Rabbit Chuan simply tore open the envelope neatly, took out the black letter paper, gold lace, and the top was a white name with a capital letter, which looked like an inscription on a tombstone.

What kind of letter from Hades is this? Whistles, those two detectives are quite good at playing.

"Mr. Shinichi Kudo, I admire Your Excellency's wisdom and hope to invite Your Excellency to come and have dinner..." Rabbit Chuan looked down at the address and sure enough, it was the Dusk Mansion, "The final payment is... The Phantom Boy forsaken by God.

"The Phantom Boy forsaken by God?" Amuro thought for a while and said, "The phantom is phantom, and the term "forsaken son of God" in the New Testament refers to a goat that is not blessed by God, and the cub represents the young beast, that is, the little goat, and the English word for the little goat is kid.

"Phantom and kid?" Amuro suddenly thought, "Isn't that it..." "

Kid the phantom thief." Rabbit Chuan raised the invitation in his hand, "With gorgeous techniques as if he is magic, the prey he aimed at has never missed, and with flawless transfiguration and changeable voices, the world's police are toyed with the world's police in applause, the genius criminal art master, blame the thief Kidd!"

"Oh, play the police in applause... Then I really want to ask him for a good lesson. Amuro's eyes smiled with Bourbon's color, strangely scary in the light.

Rabbit Chuan blinked his curious eyes and asked, "What to ask?" Tricks?

"Uh... How could you think that? "Amuro is speechless, does he look like a bad guy?

Rabbit Chuan hesitantly said: "Haha, it's not very similar, it's ... It's really similar, Mr. Amuro's expression just now is so scary!

"Is it? Haha...," Amuro scratched his head in embarrassment, "Sorry, didn't I say that my job is a detective, I like Mr. Kudo Yusaku's detective novels, and I envy Kudo Shinichi as a detective, and rushed here to deliver food just to get close to the water terrace, so I can ask them for advice."

Rabbit Chuan smiled: "That's really embarrassing, now I'm the only one here."

Rabbit Chuan calmly took a sip of tea, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, what to play here to chat, in Bourbon's heart, isn't Kudo Shinichi a dead man?

Don't even let the dead go, this bourbon, ruthless enough!

Amuro said modestly, "Wherever, I would like to thank Detective Rabbit River for giving me this opportunity to learn, and also allowed me to visit Kudo-sensei's collection."

Amuro looked at the Kudo's library-like circular library and sighed, "But Kudo-sensei's collection is really large!" It was Kudo-sensei, and I read a lot of good books that I hadn't read. "

Are there a lot of books you haven't read..." Rabbit Chuan became alert, and seemed to solve this matter sooner.

World Consciousness recently ate a good thing, just in time to take advantage of the trip to the Dusk Mansion, trapping the two protagonists Conan and the strange thief Kidd in the Dusk Mansion.

Rabbit River can take this opportunity to go next door and take Edogawa home!

As for how to trap Conan and the monster thief Kidd, isn't there a good tool man in front of him?

Rabbit Chuan specially emphasized that the strange thief Kidd is a genius-type criminal art master who makes the police helpless, even if Amuro can endure, Bonmoto can endure, and he definitely can't bear it!

Sure enough, Amuro said to Rabbitugawa, "I also want to see that person... The rumor makes the police helpless

" Rabbit Chuan held his chin and said with a helpless expression: "But the problem now is not to blame the thief Kidd."

Amuro asked suspiciously, "Huh?" Any more questions?

Tuchuan shook the invitation in his hand and said, "The problem is that this invitation was not sent by me.

Amuro replied, "Of course it's not yours?"

Tu Chuan slapped the invitation on the table, pointed to the address, and said, "But this dusk mansion is mine!"

Amuro was stunned for a moment and opened his mouth: "... Yes? "

In Amuro's heart, the strange thief Kidd's forcing plummeted, using someone else's house to invite people to dinner, and then invited the head of the house owner, this thing is really not authentic!

Rabbit River is not afraid that Amuro Toru knows about Karasuma Renye, with Amuro Toru's status, he has not yet been able to contact the true identity of the organization's BOSS, as long as the Haneda Koji case is not solved one day, Karasuma Renye's identity will not be exposed.

And even if Karasuma Renye is exposed at that time, Amuro Toru thinks of Rabbit River through the Dusk Mansion, Rabbit River is not afraid, and it is Bourbon who should be afraid at that time.

Oh, another organizational undercover!

Rabbit Chuan went on to talk about the Dusk Mansion, saying, "And I don't think Kid the strange thief would be interested in the treasure of the Dusk Mansion. "

The treasure of the Dusk Mansion?" Amuro remembered one thing, the horrific murder that occurred in the Dusk Mansion forty years ago, and the truth is still buried in the dusk.

A little golden light flashed in Rabbit Chuan's eyes, and he said in a seductive tone: "That's a sum of money obtained by making a contract with the witch... 10 tons of gold! "

Amuro was stunned, 10 tons of gold!!

Wait, what? Witch Pact?

All of a sudden, it became unreliable.

"As we all know, the strange thief Kidd is only interested in gemstones, so I don't think it's an invitation sent by the strange thief Kidd, I guess someone invited various detectives to help him find the treasure in the name of the strange thief Kidd... Help me find treasure? Rabbit

Chuan and Amuro looked at each other, this person is not authentic, not only in the name of the monster thief Kidd, but even the house is borrowed, he wants to empty gloves white wolf ah!

No, in fact, Rabbit Chuan is the one who is the white wolf with empty gloves, because it was sent with the invitation, and there was a check for 3 million from the Bank of Tokyo.

Rabbit Chuan was hunting for treasure in his home, and someone gave him a check for 3 million, which is really polite!

Rabbit Chuan's money was received for a valid reason, and this was not a commission money, but a compensation payment for Dashang Zhushan breaking into a private house.

It was the Dusk Mansion, although there was no gold now.

Even though Rabbit Chuan explained that it was not an invitation from the strange thief Kidd, Toru Amuro, who was aroused by interest, offered to go to the Dusk Mansion with Rabbit.

Even drove his own car Mazda, and the two went to the dusk mansion overnight.

Before getting into the car, Rabbit Chuan specially asked: "Mr. Amuro, have you bought insurance for this car?"

Toru Amuro: "Huh?" "

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