After eating outside and returning home, Kudo Shinichi happily took out his school uniform.

Seeing this scene, Rabbit Chuan suddenly remembered something, and called Kudo Shinichi, who was going to wash his school uniform, and said, "Brother Shinichi, let me talk to you about something serious."

Kudo Shinichi threw his school uniform into the washing machine and asked without lifting his head, "What's going on?"

Rabbit Chuan lay on the back of the sofa, looked at Kudo Shinichi and said: "I recently got a new prosthesis, the doctor asked me to find time to go for a follow-up consultation, just because you came back today, then you accompany me to the hospital tomorrow!"

Kudo Shinichi replied casually, "Okay, I see." "

When Rabbit Chuan went to visit Conan at Mihua Hospital a few days ago, he happened to meet his own attending doctor.

Attending doctor: "Rabbit-san, you haven't come for a follow-up this month, have you?"

Rabbit: "What month is this?" "

Attending Physician:" ... Did you not have psychological counseling this month...

"Rabbitchuan: "Fu! Follow-up, let's make an appointment, it's next Monday!

When Kudo Shinichi finished washing his school uniform, he suddenly remembered and asked, "But don't you have to go to school tomorrow?"

"You want to go to school?" Rabbit River looked up at Kudo Shinichi's eyes, and his smile gradually became meaningful, making Kudo Shinichi a little weak.

Kudo Shinichi turned around and slapped the door on the head, hey, he forgot, he can't be in school yet.

Hey? Wait, why did the brother say this, is it reminding him of something?

Kudo Shinichi looked back into Rabbitakawa and wanted to see something in his brother's eyes, but unfortunately he was looking at Rabbitikawa who fooled people and did not make drafts.

Kudo Shinichi could only ask tentatively, "Haha, why are you asking that?" Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't love school? "

Isn't it?" Rabbit Chuan explained quietly, "I think you just happened to be on a leave of school, doesn't this save you from taking another leave tomorrow?"

Kudo nodded, but it still felt as if something was wrong.

By the time Kudo Shinichi came to his senses, Rabbit River had gone back to his room to sleep.

Rabbikawa didn't think Kudo Shinichi would expose himself, or that sentence, this era limited the spread of news.

If in the new era of smartphones blooming everywhere, even if someone inadvertently takes a photo and sends it, it will definitely put Kudo Shinichi on Twitter headlines and fall on the hot search list.

Astound! The vanished police savior is resurrected again!!

And now, Kudo Shinichi, who has not been seen for a long time, as a famous detective, ordinary people only think that this person is familiar, as long as he himself does not scream, who knows who he is!

And the students who know Kudo Shinichi are not as interested in Kudo Shinichi as air conditioning, it is estimated that no one mentioned it, and they forgot about it in two days.

The main thing is that no one in the organization except Belmode knows that Kudo Shinichi is still alive.

It's about ginjiu, with a bad memory, never remembering the appearance of a dead person, and Belmod is still a nest of rebels, it is impossible to say.

In the future, there are also strange thieves Kidd always come to steal numbers, and Kudo Shinichi, who appeared in the later period, found out that it was basically all strange thief Kidd.

Detective? Strange thief? Stupid can't tell.

Rabbit Chuan thought to himself, if Kudo Shinichi and the strange thief Kidd had not appeared at the same time a year ago, it is estimated that the police would have suspected that Kudo Shinichi suddenly disappeared, in fact, it was the strange thief Kidd.

Is it a distortion of human nature, or a decline in morality, the true identity of high school detective Shinichi Kudo turned out to be the strange thief Kidd?!

Therefore, Kudo Shinichi, who was on the organization's confirmation death list, is still safe, and the danger is Shiho Miyano.

Rabbit Chuan woke up, yawned and walked downstairs, rubbing his eyes and seeing that the old brother was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper, which was really a long time.

"New brother, you got up so early!"

"You woke up too late!" Kudo Shinichi smiled like a silly roe deer, "By the way, just now Xiaolan came over, and I told her to meet at the lookout restaurant of the Mihua City Building tonight, hehe."

Tuchuan secretly rolled his eyes and said, "Got it, I'll leave when I'm done eating, let's go early and return early, it's a marriage proposal..."

"Okay, good, I know it's a confession, it's a confession, so do you want to buy a bunch of roses?" Rabbit Chuan suggested.

"Flowers?" Kudo Shinichi reacted, "You mean gifts, wouldn't it be too ordinary to give flowers?"

"How else?" Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, do you really want to give a murder as a gift? It's not impossible either.

Before leaving, Tu Chuan asked with a bad smile: "By the way, brother, are you going home tonight?" "

Huh? Of course I'm back..." Kudo Shinichi's face turned red, "Smelly boy, what are you thinking!"

"Just wanted to remind you." Rabbikawa walked to the door and turned back to Kudo Shinichi and said, "If you use your uncle's credit card to make purchases, you will leave a bill record, so if you want to do bad things, remember to use cash!"

Kudo Shinichi roared, "This bastard little ghost! "

This time Rabbit River ran away directly, Kudo Shinichi smiled, the old brother's new legs are really good, at least now he can run two steps.

Of course, it is limited to two steps, and as for the rest, the help of the attending doctor and the rehabilitation therapist is required.

This is also the purpose of the attending doctor asking Rabbit Chuan to go for follow-up treatment, this child has great potential, and strives to rehabilitate and strive to participate in the Paralympic Games.

Rabbit-Chuan: ......

Goodbye you boo!

Kudo Shin's face was still red until the end of the follow-up consultation, and he was not without illusions, but... Can't beat, really can't beat, he can't beat that Maori couple!

After returning from the hospital, Rabbit Chuan has been staying at home, he doesn't know if the new brother has sent flowers to Miss Xiaolan, he only knows that the new brother will not come back tonight.

The next day, when Rabbit Chuan finished eating, he saw that the morning news was broadcasting the murder that happened in the Mihua City Building last night, and went out to say hello to the little friend of Haihara who had not been seen for a long time, oh, and the familiar little brother Conan.

Rabbitikawa remembered the phone call he received last night, and Uncle Yusaku complained that his son was too good at spending money, and his private money had shrunk.

Rabbit Chuan guessed that a certain girl was probably too sad and turned her grief into appetite.

Mao Lilan, who killed five desserts in one go last night: "Shinichi, this reasoning maniac! Big bastard! Left her alone again and ran away! "

Rabbit Chuan came to school, the annual school festival was over, and the campus returned to its usual peaceful life, but there were already waves under this calm.

“ Hello everybody, my name is Jodie Saintemillion." The blond foreigner said in a crappy translation, "I am your new English teacher, Judy Saint-Timilion, and the night dew is dead!" FBI

searcher Judy Stellin officially appeared on the rice stage.

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