Rabbit River really doesn't have any bad intentions, he just wants to use the black feather fast fight that looks exactly like Kudo Shinichi as a shield.

Speaking of today's school festival in the future, when some people say that they saw Kudo Shinichi performing a stage play, others will say that it is not Kudo Shinichi, but Kuroba Koto, who looks exactly like Kudo Shinichi, performing magic.

Rabbit Chuan is just in case, who let his brother come back and reason loudly in front of the teachers and students of the whole school and outsiders, can this be stopped by Hattori Heiji's "Please everyone, please don't tell others about Kudo"?

Kudo Shinichi should be glad that now is not the era of a smartphone and taking photos and sending moments of friends, otherwise Rum will not have to wait for a thousand episodes later, and he will be able to kill tomorrow.

Rum: Give me information about Shinichi Kudo! Time is money! Fast!

Rabbit Chuan goes backstage and is shocked not only by a fake Conan, but also by Morilan and Sonoko Suzuki, as well as a fake new doctor.

Today's background fake and shoddy ingredients are a bit high!

Toyama and Ye asked curiously, "That's Kudo on stage!"

"Uh... I'm also not quite... Are you sure? Mao Lilan looked down at Conan, a little suspicious, isn't Conan Shinichi? How can there be two new ones?

The new doctor wanted to stick it up and tear the man's face off, but he knew very well that this person's face had no makeup or transfiguration.

Is he really Kudo Shinichi? But that APTX4869....

And the fake Conan Mahaibara was so scared that even the organizational radar dropped, this person cannot be Kudo Shinichi!

Who the hell is he? Could it be someone sent by the organization? What to do, Kudo!

Rabbit Chuan gave a thumbs up to Kuroba Kuaido, I have to say that this strange thief pretending to be Kudo Shinichi really has a set, and that face is really flawless!

As long as Kuroba Koto seriously plays Kudo Shinichi, I am afraid that only their respective childhood plums and parents in this world can tell who the two of them are.

But today Rabbitikawa asked Kuroba to be himself, and then he had to put on a posture that clearly distinguished Kudo Shinichi.

“ Ladies and gentlemen, let's show time!"

Black Feather snapped his fingers, and the Didan school uniform on his body immediately turned into a black dress, took off the black magic top hat, and with a gentle tap of the magic wand, the white dove flew out of the top hat continuously, causing a cheer under the stage.

"He is the Black Feather Quickfight of Ekoda High School, and he is a famous high school student magician in Ekoda Ego High School." Rabbit Chuan explained to the confused people in the background, "But I didn't expect him to look so similar to Brother Xinichi, I almost recognized the wrong person when I first saw him!" "

Regarding the actor's self-cultivation, Rabbit Chuan believes that he definitely has the true biography of Aunt Kiko more than the new brother!

"Ekoda High School... Black Feather Fight..." Mauri Lan thought thoughtfully.

Morilan remembered that this Kuroba Kutoto was the same person she had seen last time in Shibuya, the one who looked a lot like Shinichi.

Mao Lilan secretly peeked into the audience under the stands, and sure enough found the girl who was walking with Kuroba Kuaidou at that time, at that time, she almost thought that Shinichi deliberately ignored her in order to date other girls, which was really a shame!

Haihara breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this guy was not a member of the organization, it didn't matter who it was.

Haibara didn't know Kuroba Kuaidou, but the fake doctor knew this person, this is the son of the teacher who taught Belmod Transfiguration, and he didn't expect that this child has grown so big now.

"Wow! He's so handsome! Suzuki Sonoko held his face and his eyes were red, "Such a cool magic trick, how can it be Kudo's smelly fart detective." "

Sonoko," Maori Lan said to his girlfriend, "he has a girlfriend, and don't forget that you still have Mr. Kyogoku!"

"Oh, don't mention it." Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand tiredly, "Ajin, he said that he went to participate in that challenge around the world, so I haven't seen him since I promised his confession." "

So..." Mauriran looked down at Conan wearing a mask, she understood Sonoko's mood now, this feeling of not being able to meet her beloved.

At this time, the black feather fast fight is closing the curtain, after all, it is a temporary duck on the shelf, there is no preparation, without exposing the magic props of the monster thief Kidd, it is already rare to be able to perform for half an hour.

The lights in the audience came on again, and Kuroba Kudoto sat next to Aoko Nakamori, after working so hard for so long, he had to take a good look at what would happen next.

Sonoko Suzuki suddenly shouted, "Oops, there are only fifteen minutes left to leave the field!" Xiaolan, go change your clothes!

Conan turned and left, saying as he went, "Then I'll go to the audience first." "

Hmm..." Mauri Lan frowned, today's Conan is so cold!

"Don't be too nervous!" Maori Kogoro is also gone.

"Come on, Miss Xiaolan!" Rabbikawa went down with Maori Kogoro.

The lights dimmed, the opening bell rang, and the stage play of Year 2 Class B officially kicked off.

Seeing the princess appear, Maori Kogoro stood up excitedly and shouted: "I've been waiting for a long time, my Royal Highness!" Haha, sorry, she's my daughter. "

Yuanshan and Ye and Rabbit Chuan don't look at each other together, I really don't want to say that I know this uncle.

Behind the scenes, Sonoko Suzuki turned around and asked the new doctor to prepare for the stage, and it turned out to be...

"Black Feather Fight?" Suzuki Sonoko quickly glanced at the audience, no, who is this?

In the audience, a white-skinned high school student wearing a hat suddenly walked over and sat next to Rabbit Chuan.

Conan, who was sitting on the other side of the Rabbit River, turned to look at him, oh, it was that black feather fast fight.

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