If you don't understand it, you don't want to, no one in this world can stop a strange thief who wants to get out.

Just as Black Feather Kuaidou was about to lift his clothes and perform a big change, the voice of the little demon came from his ears: "Don't want to run, blame the thief Kidd!" "

Black Feather Kuaidou was shocked in his heart and immediately stopped the escape plan, where was he exposed? Or is this imp scamming him?

"Your monocle disguise can fool everyone, but not me." Rabbit Chuan looked at Black Feather Kuaidou indifferently with one eye, "This strange thief, you don't want your little Qingmei to know that you are doing such a thing, right?"

Rabbit's face that covered his right eye with a bandage met Kuroba's eyes, like Kidd, a monster thief wearing a monocle.

Black Feather Kuaidou has some soft legs, Ma Ya, this little ghost he can really recognize people!

Kuroba Kuaidou glanced at Aoko Nakamori who was standing outside the crowd and looked at Aoko Nakamori here with a curious expression.

Black Feather Kuaidou calmed down and snorted softly, nothing terrible, there was no basis for his words, he didn't believe that this little ghost hand still had evidence in it to prove that he was the strange thief Kidd, otherwise he would have sent him to see his husband.

Black Feather Kuaidou said with a grin on his face: "Monster thief Kidd? I don't know the kind of thief who doesn't know the class, and I'm a magician who will shock the world in the future! Black

Feather Kuaidou snapped his fingers, Rabbit Chuan felt that his clothes were suddenly empty, white smoke spread out in his clothes, and Hei Feather Kuaidou skillfully performed a golden cicada shelling, changing into the public's Didan school uniform and quietly blending into the masses.

Black Feather Kuaidou is a magician and can transfiguration things, everyone knows in Jiang Gutian High School, it can't be any evidence at all, as long as he Black Feather Kuaidou doesn't admit it, what can this little devil do with him?

Black Feather Kuaidou smiled treacherously, and the student standing beside Black Feather Kuaidou turned his head and was startled.

"Huh? Kudo-san, how do you... You weren't over there just now, when did you stand next to me?" "

Kudo?" Black Feather Kuaidou immediately touched his face, bad, how could it be his own face?

Rabbit Chuan shook the human skin mask in his hand, stood in place and waved to the black feather Kuaidou not far away.

Hehe, the face of Black Feather Kuaidou plus the Didan school uniform is more like the new brother, is there?

Kuroba Kuaidou immediately looked at his magic equipment, that Kudo Shinichi's face instantly faded, his human skin mask was all gone, what did this little devil want to do?

"Okay, students, seniors, be quiet!" Rabbit Chuan clapped his hands twice, and the scene immediately calmed down, "This is Kuroba Kutoto-san from Ekoda High School, thank you very much for bringing us all a magic show - a big change!" "

Ekoda High School?"

"Black Feather Fight?"

"Isn't it Kudo from our school?"

The students of Teidan High School talked about it, although Rabbit Chuan said no, but they still didn't believe it, this is obviously Kudo Shinichi?

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "It's true, there are also Aoko Nakamori and Koizumi Hongko over there, the three of them came to our Teidan High School for a school festival exchange performance, and this Kuroba Kudo-san next to me just happened to look exactly like Kudo Shinichi."

"That's right!" Aoko Nakamori rushed over and hugged Kuroba Kuaido's arm and said, "His name is Kuroba Kudo, he is a childhood sweetheart Kuroba Kurotsuchi who grew up with me, and he is not Kudo Shinichi!" "

Huh? Māori-san, did you change your hairstyle? "The sharp-eyed Year 2 Class B students found out that this is not the Maori Lan of their class? It's just that one corner is missing.

"Māori-san?" Aoko Nakamori didn't understand this terrier, "Hello, I'm not Māori, I'm Aoko Nakamori." "

Rabbit River almost died of laughter, Kudo Shinichi and Kuroba Fight, Morilan and Nakamori Aoko, these two pairs of childhood sweethearts are really just a hairstyle thing.

Now if you want everyone to believe that these two are people from Ekoda High School, you can only rely on the unique Koizumi Hongko.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Koizumi Hongko curiously, it was the first time he had seen a real witch, this kind of witch without the seed of lamentation.

Koizumi Hongko is the real witch, and Rabbit River can see that she is using hints, so when she opens her mouth to say that the two are Kuroba Kototo and Nakamori Aoko, most of them believe it.

Koizumi is secretly observing Rabbitikawa the last descendant of the alchemist in her eyes.

A long time ago, the relationship between witches and alchemists was very tense, and in the eyes of alchemists, witches were nothing more than a material.

No, not only witches, in their eyes everything can be refined, and there are even rumors that the so-called philosopher's stone is refined from the hearts of a large number of humans and witches.

According to the records of the Koizumi family, one hundred and eighty years ago, when the last alchemist in the country was refining the Philosopher's Stone, the Philosopher's Stone devoured the lives of his sons and daughters during the refining process.

The alchemist was devastated from then on, and there were even rumors that he was devastated and died soon after, and gradually the legend of the alchemist disappeared in the land.

At that time, in order to commemorate this event, the witches also held a temporary gathering of witches, singing and laughing for a whole year.

Probably because of the instinct that flows in her DNA, Koizumi always has a sad and desolate feeling when she sees the Philosopher's Stone.

The head of the Usami family at that time was indeed unable to refine the complete version of the Philosopher's Stone due to insufficient materials, but the moment Rabbikawa used the Philosopher's Stone to refine gold, it proved that the Philosopher's Stone had been completed.

The reason is very simple, the law of alchemy is equivalent exchange, and the material for refining the philosopher's stone of the elixir of immortality is naturally ... So the missing material was naturally made up in the massacre forty years ago.

Let's put aside the philosopher's stone from one hundred and eighty years ago, and now let's talk about the black feather fast fight.

Rabbit Chuan said loudly to the students: "Next, the magician of Ekoda High School, Kuroba Kutoto, will give a wonderful magic show to our school's school festival on the stage built by the gymnasium, and everyone applauds and welcomes!"

To the applause of Teidan High School, Rabbitikawa pushed Kuroba Kutoto to the stage of the gymnasium with a smile on his face.

"Hey! What the hell do you want to do? "Do you just want him to perform a magic trick?" Black Feather Kuaidou felt that his guess was a little outrageous.

"Didn't your student council president tell you?" Rabbit Chuan directly admitted, "In order to strengthen the friendship between schools, the school festival planning department of our school specially invited you, the great magician of Ekoda, to come to our school school festival to perform, right, senior sister Nakamori?"

"yes!" Aoko Nakamori nodded sharply, "Kuaidou, have you forgotten?" Didn't the president of the student union say, let's come to Didan to see the school festival here, and bring them a little surprise by the way. "

Surprise?" Black Feather Kuaidou almost doesn't know these two words, it's shock, who frightens whom!

"Okay, okay, isn't it a magic show, isn't that your strong point?" Rabbit River pushed Kuroba Jetto into the gym, "However, you have to use this face and this suit to tell everyone that your name is Kuroba Speedo, not Kudo Shinichi."

"Don't you really have any conspiracy?" Kuroba Kutoto couldn't figure out where Kudo Shinichi had offended this little devil and wanted to rectify him like this.

"You think too much, Kudo Shinichi is my brother, but I'm helping him." Rabbit Chuan's expression was rather helpless.

The corner of Black Feather Kuaidou's mouth twitched, hehe, do you say he believes it or not?

"Stop grinding!" Rabbit Chuan pushed Kuroba Kuito onto the stage, "Hurry up and perform, there will be a stage play performance here!" Black

Feather Kuaidou walked onto the stage wearing an imperial school uniform, and for a while the fake Conan in the background, and the fake Kudo Shinichi in the audience were stunned.

Haihara Mourning / Hattori Heiji: Who is this person?!

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