The plot of the stage

drama on the stage has ups and downs, the princess's carriage is ambushed by the enemy country, and Princess Xiaolan unfortunately falls into the hands of the enemy.

"Let go of me!" Princess Xiaolan kept struggling, and the enemy's blade approached step by step.

At this moment, the black crow feathers fell, and the black-clothed knight wearing a black helmet jumped down and protected the princess behind him, and the enemies fled in fear.

The princess standing behind the black-clad knight asked, "What kind of divine are you who have rescued me one after another?"

The black-clad knight bowed and said, "I'm just a nameless knight dressed in black. "

O nameless knight, if you are willing to fulfill my humble wish, can you..." The

princess's voice did not fall, and the black-clad knight turned and took the princess in his arms, and in the flying black feathers, the princess and the knight hugged each other tightly.

Xiaolan on the platform's cheeks were slightly red, nervous to death, behind the back of the audience quietly said to the knight: "Doctor, it seems that there is no paragraph in the script..." The knight

in black was silent, and the old father in the audience roared: "That bastard, what do you have for my daughter!" "

Maori Kogoro has reviewed the script, and he has also played against his daughter, and there is no such paragraph in the script, it must be that bastard who took advantage of his daughter!

"Don't go up, uncle!" Toyama and Ye Death grabbed the angry Maori Kogoro, "Now it's a critical moment!" Maori

Lan on the stage saw Suzuki Sonoko excitedly holding a sign that read: It's okay, keep performing!

Mao Lilan didn't understand what was going on, but continued to act according to the script.

The princess said in amazement: "You must not be the prince of spades I met when I was a child, right?" If you haven't forgotten our vows when we were young, prove it on my lips..."

Xiaolan, what are you talking about! Maori Kogoro was anxious, fortunately there was still the god of Toyama and Ye assisting, "Uncle, you be quiet, Xiaolan, come on!" Edogawa

Komour, who was sitting on the right side of Rabbit-River, secretly glanced at the high school student wearing a baseball cap sitting on the other side of Rabbit-River, he was completely indifferent and even a little excited, it seemed that this was not Kudo either.

Rabbit Chuan silently despised Hattori Heiji, his childhood plum is about to kiss someone else and sits firmly here on Mount Tarzan, heck, this acting skill is not as good as Conan!

The princess and the knight got closer a little closer, the princess slowly closed her eyes, the knight slowly lowered her head, and the exciting moment was about to ...


A scream rang out from the audience!

The black-clad knight on the stage immediately blocked the princess behind him.

Rabbit Chuan kept watching the stage, and he saw that his brother hesitated when he heard the scream, but he really wanted to kiss it!

The lights in the auditorium came on, and the audience stood up one after another, and they saw a man lying to the ground dead.

Rabbit Chuan sighed, this person died at what a time!

Tuchuan helplessly raised his hand and clapped twice, the applause was particularly loud in the audience, and then a group of men in black broke in to control the scene.

"Don't move! Heretic Inquisition will get things done!

Tu Chuan coughed sharply twice, how to say like a cult leader, and corrected: "Wind discipline committee members do things!" Give me all to be honest! "

Rabbit Chuan tried to put it another way, but... It doesn't seem to make a difference?

The students of Didan High School are used to it, obediently sitting on their seats, and the people outside the school do not dare to move, what is this thing? They haven't seen it!

Seeing that this situation Koizumi Hongzi's DNA has moved, it is the end of the 20th century, how can anyone still want to engage in witch trials? He wouldn't be fancying this witch's heart, would he?

Didan High School was near the Metropolitan Police Department, a police call came over, and within three minutes, the police department led the team to the scene of the crime.

"The deceased is 27-year-old Putian Gengping, who works at Mihua General Hospital, and fell in the middle of watching a stage play?" Twilight asked.

Yumemi Noda, who came with the deceased, replied, "Yes, he suddenly showed a painful expression, and then..."

Officer Takagi picked up the paper cup that had fallen to the ground with the deceased and speculated: "Could it be that he drank this drink before he fell down?"

"But the drinks in the paper cups are already drunk." Twilight thought it was unlikely.

The potassium cyanide on their side is a poison that kills, if it is poisoned in the drink, how can the deceased have the life to drink the drink?

The Twilight Police Department asked Yumemi Noda, "Do you know when he fell?" "

Where does Noda Yumemi remember this kind of thing, I can't say it.

"It should be around 2:40." Rabbit Chuan stood up and said, "When the lights came on, I saw that the time was 2:40. "

Brother Rabbitchuan?" The Twilight Police Department was taken aback, "Why are you here?"

Officer Takagi said in surprise: "By the way, this is the school of Detective Rabbit River and Miss Xiaolan!" "

Xiaolan?" Twilight had a bad premonition and glanced around, "That man won't be here too, right?"

"Who are you looking for?" Your Excellency. Maori Kogoro followed the sight of the Twilight Police Department and looked for it together.

The police department said, "That's you! "This plague god even brought misfortune to his daughter's school!

"No one came near the body until the police arrived, did they?" Twilight Police Department indeed.

Rabbit Chuan assured: "Twilight Police Department, don't worry, everyone obediently sits in their seats." "

Twilight Police Department looked at the group around this group of people dressed up like Rabbit Chuan's brother, wearing black cloaks and holding scythes, he understood, Gakuen Festival, that cosplay or something... He wants to believe that this is not a cult.

Officer Takagi asked the coroner, "Have you found out the cause of death?" The

coroner replied, "It should be..."

The high school student wearing a baseball cap walked up behind Officer Takagi and said, "Unlike other poisons, potassium cyanide is damaged by the electron conduction system in the cell, resulting in enzymes in the blood that cannot be used, so the lips and nails of the deceased will appear pink, which is proof of potassium cyanide poisoning."

Then the high school student crouched down next to the deceased and said, "If he still has the taste of almonds in his mouth, he can't be wrong!"

As if listening to a book from heaven, the police department immediately asked the coroner: "Is what he said true?" The

coroner nodded and said: "There is indeed a bitter almond smell, and it can be preliminarily judged that the deceased died of potassium cyanide poisoning."

"You know that you really know!" Maori Kogoro said that the kid was a little suspicious, "Were you sitting next to the deceased?"

The high school student in the hat laughed: "No, I am sitting in the eighth row of the audience over there, sitting with my brother."

"Your brother?" Maori Kogoro approached this rampant kid, and suddenly felt that this kid was a little familiar, "You boy, have we met somewhere?"

The Twilight Police Department also asked, "Who are you?" "

Which dude is this?

"Have you forgotten me? It's been a long time since I came back, and you forgot about me. The high school student in the baseball cap looked back at Maoriland.

Mao Lilan was embarrassed and covered in cold sweat, as if she was a negative woman, no, who is this person?

"That's me! I..." the high school student took off his baseball cap to reveal that smug face, "Shinichi Kudo! "

(⊙o⊙) What????"

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