Rabbit River and the Maori family came to the dining car to taste the famous French cuisine of the North Star Train.

Tuchuan sighed: "It is really worthy of the high-end train that claims to have a royal box, and it has specially invited a star chef to cook French cuisine on the dining car."

Mao Lilan said with a smile: "Yes, the things are delicious, the rooms are luxurious, it's really good and there are no words!" "

Ahem!" Maori Kogoro straightened his neckline and said proudly, "It is thanks to my detective Maori Kogoro that he solved the case, Miss Natsue invited us to take such a luxurious train, you must be very grateful to me!"

"Got it, Dad!" Mao Lilan said impatiently, "Really, you've said it eight times since you got in the car!"

Conan showed helpless eyes, please, the case is all solved by me.

Qiben Xiajiang is the granddaughter of the Qiben family in the previous serial murder incident of luxury passenger liners, and the murdered old man Qiben has already made a will and designated the husband of his granddaughter Qiben Xiajang as the heir.

However, Keimoto Natsue and her husband refused to inherit the family inheritance, and after that, the younger couple opened a ranch in Hokkaido and lived a fairytale happy life.

Therefore, in order to thank Maori Kogoro for finding out the real murderer of the old man Keimoto, and also returning her husband's innocence, Keimoto Natsue specially arranged the royal box of the Big Dipper train and the Hokkaido tour.

"That's right!" Conan asked curiously, "Brother Rabbit Chuan also booked a royal box, why haven't I heard you mention it?"

Rabbikawa said, "I wanted to go to Hokkaido yesterday, so I booked this royal box." "

You bought your own ticket?" Maori Kogoro sighed, "Did you win the lottery?" What a luxury!

Rabbit Chuan said with a smile: "I didn't win the lottery, but I took over an inheritance, ah, someone gave me a piece of property." Maori

Kogoro exclaimed, "There is such a good thing, why didn't I encounter it?"

Conan asked anxiously, "Who sent you?" "

If there is nothing to offer, it is either a traitor or a thief, where in the sky is there a good thing to drop a pie, this child is still young, he should not be deceived, right?"

Rabbit Chuan replied, "The other party seems to be my grandfather." "

As if?" Conan frowned, is there anything like this? Isn't that really a liar?

Tuchuan said indifferently: "It was said by my father's lawyer before his death, because my father was thrown out of the house by the old man before, maybe he was old and suddenly found out one day, so he gave me a piece of property."

"That's right, it's not easy for you!" Maori Kogoro understood that the old man felt sorry for his grandson and gave his grandson an inheritance before he died.

The gift of property by others and the acceptance of inheritance by heirs are two concepts, embodied in the gift tax of 20%, while the inheritance tax can reach up to 55%, and the property gifted by others is not subject to the age limit of the donee and can take effect immediately.

Mao Lilan said to Rabbit River regretfully: "I'm sorry, please mourn."

Conan also comforted Rabbit Chuan and said, "Brother Rabbitchuan, don't be sad, we will accompany you." "

This child rarely finds relatives, why is it gone?

Rabbit Chuan looked innocent and said, "Huh? What mourning? That old man is still alive and well, even today's ticket was bought by him at his expense ... Probably. "

This small amount of money may have been paid by Kuroda himself, and he will find an excuse to find an excuse to reimburse the organization after two days."

"This, this..." The three of them were suddenly a little embarrassed.

Thinking that Rabbit Chuan's grandfather was still alive, Conan became a little nervous and asked, "That, brother Rabbitchuan, are you going home?" "

Kudo Shinichi remembers that it was his father who couldn't contact the relatives of the Rabbit family, so he got the custody of his younger brother, and now that the grandfather of the Rabbit River family has found him, will the younger brother go back with the other party?

In fact, Kudo Shinichi also knows that his current situation cannot take care of his brother at all, and it may affect him.

If the old man of the Rabbit River family has the ability to take care of one, two, three, it is also a good thing for one, two, three.

"You said go home?" Rabbitagawa thought about it seriously for a moment and said with a smile, "I plan to play in Hokkaido for a few days before returning home."

"I'm not asking this!" Conan was anxious.

"Conan, what's wrong with you?" Mauriland was taken aback.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and patted his brother's head and said, "I know what you want to ask, don't worry, they don't plan to go back to me, and I don't want to go back." And that old man is almost a hundred years old this year, maybe there will be no people in these days, and then there will be no one over there, why go back and toss again? I don't covet his legacy. "

Uh..." Conan choked on his brother's straightforward words, "It's also a dusk..."

In fact, the old man not only gave Rabbit Chuan a dusk mansion, when Lawyer Kuroda came over yesterday, he sent a bank card to Rabbit-Chuan, saying that the card was Rabbit's maintenance over the years, and Lawyer Kuroda also said that before Rabbit Chuan became an adult, he would regularly send a sum of money into the card every month as pocket money.

Rabbit Chuan accepted the money happily, whether this money was given by his grandfather or Karasuma Renye, there is nothing kind, not to say that raising children to prevent old age, anyway, when they are cold in the future, only Rabbit Chuan can send these people to the end.

Rabbit Chuan has thought about it, and when the time comes, he will refine a golden urn for each of them, which can be regarded as his filial piety and the completion of this kinship.

Mao Lilan exclaimed: "One, two, three's grandfather is almost a hundred years old? It's really a long life!

Rabbit Chuan said modestly: "It's okay! "

After all, Karasuma Renye is now one hundred and forty years old, and it should not be difficult for the old man to live to be one hundred years old.

Maori Kogoro looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy in front of him, his brain was a little messy, this kid said that his grandfather is almost 100 years old this year, so how old is his father?

Maori Kogoro has never met Rabbitikawa and his father, but if he does the math, if that person lives until now, he will have to be fifty or sixty years old, right?

Mori Kogoro remembers that Kudo Yusaku's sister was only a year younger than him, and if she were still alive, she would be 36 years old this year.

No wonder that Kudo Yusaku did not agree to his sister's marriage back then, and this man can be his father at his age.

If Xiaoran finds a boyfriend who can be her father in the future, and dares to elope, Maori Kogoro will definitely kill that old man!

Rabbit Chuan had never thought about the age of the cheap dad before, because in Rabbit Chuan's impression, Rabbit Chuan's father and mother were obviously the same age, so they were not fifty or sixty-year-old old men!

Now that I think about it, if Rabbit Chuan's cheap dad wasn't born with a baby face, there was only one possibility.

Cheap Dad, like Belmode, is an APTX subject, and it's the kind that succeeds.

This also explains why Belmode came back to Rabbit Chuan's face.

Rabbit Chuan thought about it, it's not right! So why did Karasuma Renye expel this successful experimental subject from her home?

Moreover, when Belmod saw him, he still looked like he had seen the dead come to life.

Rabbit Chuan glanced at Kudo Shinichi beside him, could it be that there was something else going on here?

Shouldn't his father have deliberately run away from home to seduce his mother?

Could it be said that his mother had inadvertently saved the young master of this organization before, and then the young master of this organization was like Belmod who was obsessed with Sister Xiaolan and the old brother, and was lost under his mother's angelic aura.

In the end, the cheap dad arranged a suspended animation for himself in the organization, and after successfully leaving the organization, he successfully abducted his mother and eloped?

Rabbit Chuan picked up the cup, took a sip of tea to suppress the shock, don't say, it's quite a river carp to think so!

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