Rabbit Chuan walked around a few more times, and after adapting to how to control the prosthesis with brain waves, he went home wearing his new leg.

Alas, with the new one, who wants the old!

Although this new leg is still in the experimental stage and does not currently carry other features, such as rocket launchers, it is really easy to use and has a good job ability.

As soon as Rabbit Chuan returned home, the white crow flew towards him, landed on his shoulder and said, "Lord Rabbit-kawa, the tanuki decoration team has reported that someone is competing with them for jobs.

Rabbit Chuan took off his coat and asked casually, "What job to grab?"

The crow flew up and said, "They said that someone had pulled a network cable for the Dusk Mansion and installed computers and monitors in it."

Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, it seemed that the two detectives of Dagami Zhuzen and Senma Destiny began to act.

Wait, didn't Ōgami Zhuzen say that he took out a loan to buy the Dusk Mansion?

But now... He is planning to empty gloves white wolf!

In fact, if the Dusk Mansion is still organizing the collection now, they will not stop the action of Dashang Zhuzen, after all, the organization only wants to find out the treasure, who finds out and how they find it does not matter, anyway, as long as they can find the treasure, in the end they can eat black and grab the treasure!

Therefore, the organization did not care who the Dusk Mansion was in their hands, they kept staring at this Dusk Mansion, waiting for the moment when the treasure appeared.

Rabbit Chuan and White Crow said: "Don't worry about them, don't decorate for free, you let the tanuki wait for these two people to leave, and then decorate the inside and outside of the mansion as I said." "

The bricks of the dusk mansion contain cinnabar, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, calming panic, calming the mind and mind, and brightening the purpose.

But this thing is also toxic, and long-term wearing of cinnabar is not conducive to pregnancy.

So, how many children does Karasuma Renye, who has been living in the Dusk Mansion, have?

Rabbit Chuan looked at the shivering snow rabbits outside the window, he didn't expect that these few had lived from winter to spring, but they definitely couldn't survive the summer here.

Rabbit Chuan sighed, still soft-hearted, opened the window and put these refined little snow rabbits in the refrigerator, but this was not the solution to the problem.

Rabbit Chuan thought for a while, picked up the phone and called lawyer Kuroda and said, "Hey, it's me, help me order a ticket to Hokkaido, and ask for the royal box of the North Star train tomorrow night."

"Yes, little young master." Lawyer Kuroda hung up the phone, alas, BOSS, he seems to have been caught by the little young master.

In fact, lawyer Kuroda was quite happy in his heart, after all, the BOSS has not had many heirs, and he lost several during that special period... Even if the little young master still has the adult's bloodline on him, the little young master is still...

Kuroda's subordinates asked, "Big brother, this year..."

Lawyer Kuroda put away his mobile phone and said naturally, "Little Young Master said to plant watermelons last year, and he will continue to plant them this year!"

The subordinate said hesitantly: "However, the boss didn't say a few days ago that he wanted to build an underground base there. "

The underground base is an underground base, and what does it have to do with what is planted on the ground." Lawyer Kuroda is well versed in the way of left and right, "In short, when the little young master comes home on a whim one day, just let him see a melon field. "

The next day, Rabbit River finally slept... Well, go to school the next day.

After school, Rabbikawa returns home, takes out the snow rabbit from the refrigerator and puts it in the fishing incubator, carries the box and heads to Tokyo Station.

The pressure resistance of the new leg is so good, if only in the previous time, Rabbit Chuan could only sit in a wheelchair by himself, and then hang the box on the wheelchair.

Kenji Hagiwara has something to say, isn't it because he is holding him underneath?

Rabbit Chuan sits in the royal box of the North Star train, which is really different, not only spacious and bright, but also the bed is very clean and soft, just like a luxurious suite in a hotel.

Rabbikawa remembered that Kuroda had said that he had been ordered the top French cuisine at the train restaurant for dinner.

Rabbit Chuan asked Kenji Hagiwara, who was lying on the upper bunk, "Hagiwara, do you want to go to the restaurant with me?"

Hagiwara Kenji refused, "I'm not going, I'll stay here to help you watch over this group of little rabbits." "

Even if he goes, he can't eat, the most important thing is that Kenji Hagiwara just got on the train and checked, this train is very safe, there are absolutely no bombs on board!"

Rabbit Chuan walked out of the box and turned around to see three familiar figures.

Across from them, a man wearing a mask yelled, "You don't have eyes!"

At this time, Rabbit Chuan stepped forward to greet and said: "Uncle Maori, Sister Xiaolan, and Conan, what a coincidence!" "Hagiwara, aren't your bottom line for safety a little low?

"Māori? Could it be..." The man across from the Maori family immediately put on a mask and ran away.

"One, two, three?" Maori Lan and Conan looked back in surprise.

Maori Kogoro asked, "Why is your boy here?" "And it's also Hokkaido's royal box.

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "I'm going to Hokkaido to release the little snow rabbit." "

Little snow hare?"

"This is it!" Rabbit Chuan returned to the box and showed the little snow rabbit to the Maori family, and then greeted three faces of confusion.

"It's quite cute ha..." Rabbit

Chuan silently put the little snow rabbit back, forget it, can't tell them that these snow rabbits have become fine, right?

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