"What are you doing, why did you book me a small box!" The man sitting at the table behind Maori Kogoro roared angrily, "Didn't I ask you to book me that royal box?"

"Boss, I'm very sorry!" Kayue Li, the secretary standing in front of the man, bowed with trepidation and said, "But boss, although you said you would take this train a week ago, this train is very popular, and we are already lucky to be able to buy a B-class car."

That boss, Keitaro Izumo, was still complaining, "Hmph! How can I live in the same class of carriages as you! Even my wife said that she didn't want others to see her living in such a broken carriage while traveling, and she still hides in her room and does not dare to come out.

The secretary of Canada bowed his head and said, "I said long ago that we should fly." Boss

Izumo yelled loudly, "Shut up! I'm just going to take this train!

"Is the ticket for this train so hard to book?" Mao Lilan asked in a low voice, "But, didn't you also buy the royal box with the ticket you bought yesterday?"

Rabbit Chuan said with a smile: "Maybe I'm lucky, I just happened to meet someone else to refund the ticket!" "

Rabbit Chuan doesn't know how Kuroda's lawyer bought the ticket, but it shouldn't be enough to kill the ticket owner... Should it?

Watching the lively Maori Kogoro suddenly interjected: "Excuse me, where did we meet?" Boss

Izumo glanced back at Maori Kogoro and wondered who this person was?

The secretary of Kayuga said: "You must have seen our boss on TV, because our jewelry store was robbed last week, and this matter was on TV. Maori

Kogoro remembered, "Ah, you are the jewelry store owner who single-handedly drove out the robbers!" "

Huh? Is there such a thing? Conan turned to Rabbitikawa and asked.

Rabbit Chuan said casually: "Yes, isn't it normal for jewelry stores to be robbed?"

Rabbit Chuan didn't say a word, but this jewelry robber didn't succeed in robbing Conan's absence, which is a bit abnormal.

Boss Izumo said lightly: "It's nothing remarkable, when the gangster was holding a gun, the clerk was so frightened that he shivered, I yelled at the gangster, pressed the alarm bell, and he fled with his tail, that's all."

Maori Kogoro said, "But everyone admired your courage at that time.

"It's just a trifle, it's not worth mentioning." Boss Izumo was completely unmoved.

At this time, a middle-aged Mediterranean man came and said: "But just for this year's mayoral election to publicize, this means is really high-end." Boss

Izumo gritted his teeth and said, "Mayor Hammer, I don't understand what you're saying?"

Maori Kogoro asked, "What's going on?" The

secretary of Canada explained: "Because there are rumors that the jewelry store robbery was directed and acted by our boss in order to solicit votes.

Maori Kogoro said suspiciously, "Why is there such a rumor?" Mayor Shihammer

said: "Because not only did the jewelry store not lose anything, but the gangster also said an inexplicable thing before leaving: "This is different from what was said at the beginning." "

Huh?" This sentence hit the memory in the depths of Conan's mind, "Brother Rabbitchuan, has a similar incident happened before?" "

Yes?" Rabbit Chuan looked down at Conan, "I don't remember.

"That's a little suspicious!" Maori Kogoro turned his head towards the mayor of the real hammer.

Mayor Shihammer echoed with a smile: "That is to say! "

Who are you?" Unable to bear it, Boss Izumo yelled at Maori Kogoro, "What a fuss! "

Huh? Don't you know me? Maori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded, pointed to his face and said, "I am Detective Maori Kogoro!" "


"Maori Kogoro?!"

The faces of everyone present changed greatly, and the scene was silent.

"What a coincidence... It's really scary.

Everyone looked back at the person who spoke, and it was a lady wearing a Hepburn top hat, a green lady dress, and sunglasses, who looked eye-catching.

The food truck waiter smiled warmly, "You're the wise lady who ordered dinner, right?" Over here please!

The wise lady turned away, waved her hand and said, "Sorry, I'm canceling today's dinner."

In the shadows, Miss Wise looked back at the dining car, smiled mysteriously, and said to herself: "It seems that this journey will be interesting..."

Conan was still thinking about the words of the gangster, as well as the actions of the gangster, and always felt that he had heard it.

Not recently on the TV news, but much longer, when he was a child, what the hell was it?

"Brother Rabbitchuan..." Conan looked left and right, "What about brother Rabbitchuan?"

Mao Lilan replied, "He went back to his room to sleep." "

Sleep so early?" Conan was shocked, didn't his brother stay up until the second half of the night to sleep?

Rabbit Chuan lay on the bed at this time, closed his eyes and began to prepare for sleep.

Rabbit Chuan originally wanted to go to the wise lady, but thought that if he exposed her identity, he would stay up all night with her, so forget it!

Rabbit Chuan has not slept well in the past few days, the moon is dark and the wind is high on the murderous night, while the people in the car are alive, quickly sleep for a while, and when the dead people are dead for a while, he can't sleep.

Kenji Hagiwara sat on the sofa while looking at the scenery outside the window, while guarding the Rabbit River and looking at the naughty little snow rabbit, looking leisurely and at ease.

It's nice to enter the Seikan Tunnel safely and travel without bombs!


A high-pitched scream cut through the quiet night.

Kenji Hagiwara reacted immediately, just now there was a gunshot, followed by the woman's scream, sure enough, something happened!

Wait, why listen to him say sure enough?

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