After seeing off Heiji Hattori, Rabbikawa and Conan go to Dr. Agasa's house because Dr. Agasa says he has a new invention.

"Boom! That's it! Dr. Agasa said, holding up a human leg.

"Prosthetic leg?" Conan looked at this leg with doubtful eyes, hasn't one, two, three changed legs this year?

Dr. Agasa said enthusiastically: "This is not an ordinary prosthetic leg, but me and Xiao Wei... Hiss!

Haibara secretly pinched Dr. Agasa, who was leaking his mouth, and Dr. Agasa immediately changed his tone when he saw that he didn't know: "Ah, I mean the myoelectric prosthetic leg that I developed with a doctor of biology." "

This is the electromyoprosthetic leg?" Rabbit River is very excited, this scientific progress is a little fast!

Conan walked up to Haihara and whispered, "I said you don't hurry up to study the antidote and study these messes?"

"It's a lot more interesting than working on an antidote." Haibara smiled mockingly, "I thought you felt sorry for this younger brother, but now it seems that this is just the case!"

"Alas, you don't understand." Conan Zou frowned and said, "I just feel sorry for him to say so, frequent replacement of prosthetics has caused damage to one, two, three's body, and one, two, three's body values have not changed, now there is no need to change prosthetics, why suffer this crime!"

Haibara looked at Conan sadly and sighed, "I didn't expect you to be an old and old-fashioned ah!"

"What? Old fashion? Conan exclaimed, he really didn't expect that the word would be used on him one day.

Haihara smiled slightly and said, "You detective must learn to keep pace with the times, otherwise you will be abandoned by the times!" "

Huh?" Conan doesn't know why.

Dr. Agasa introduced to Rabbit: "This myoelectric prosthetic leg is completely different from the prosthetic leg you use to support the body now, it can complete the action according to the consciousness of your brain, and it can be used like your own real leg, and you can really do whatever you want, move as you want!"

"That's great!" Rabbit Chuan stood up excitedly, "Then can I run and jump like a normal person?"

"Well... As long as you practice well, don't talk about running and jumping, whether you want to run a marathon or a triathlon, it's completely fine. After that, Dr. Agasa smiled and blinked.

"Uh..." Rabbit Chuan instantly calmed down, "You don't have to!

Rabbit Chuan decisively refused, and now that he can escape in danger, he is already very satisfied!

Conan exclaimed, "That's awesome! Can this be done?

Haihara began to talk: "The human body is a charged body, and all parts of the human body must generate bioelectric electricity when they move. When people want to make actions, brain thinking will produce corresponding EEG signals, which will stimulate the action nerve, and the action nerve will transmit the command current to the limb muscles, so that the muscles produce the corresponding myoelectric, and finally the limbs are controlled by the muscle current to make various actions. After the human body has a severed limb, the brain's thinking can still send out this action command current.

Conan nodded, as if he understood something, and said, "I know, that's why some people still feel phantom limb pain after amputation."

Haibara mourned his back and explained like a professor giving an academic speech: "Yes, it is according to this principle that we have made a prosthetic limb controlled by myoelectrics. "

The EMG-controlled prosthesis receives bioelectric signals from the brain through the residual muscles of the limb and processes the actions by the electronic and mechanical systems installed in the prosthetic barrel." Conversely, sensors in the prosthesis can also feed the pulse signals generated by the prosthesis back to the brain.

"In this way, the user can control the prosthesis as if it were a real limb."

"Haibara..." Conan stared at the rather proud Haibara who was laughing.

Haibara asked mournfully, "What for?"

Conan said sincerely: "Thank you, and I'm sorry, I said before that you can only make poison to kill people..."

Haibara turned his back to interrupt Conan's words, "I, I just helped Dr. Agasa invent when I had nothing to do, don't misunderstand!"

"Well," Conan said with an innocent wink, "but why are you idle and have nothing to do, don't you... Have you already worked out the antidote?

"Not yet." Haibara ruthlessly breaks Conan's illusions.

Conan couldn't help but shout, "Then you should be the antidote!" "

Conan?" Rabbit Chuan turned around and asked casually, "What antidote are you talking about?" "

Ah, this..." Conan raised his hand stupidly, "I'm talking about Kamen Superman!" There is a bad guy who poisons Kamen Superman, and I don't know when Kamen Superman will get the antidote.

Rabbit Chuan recalled, "Huh? Is there an episode of this?

Conan froze and said dryly: "But brother Rabbitchuan, don't you look at Kamen Superman?"

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "Who said that?" I also take a look at it occasionally. "

Conan secretly said something, hey, the brother is not easy to deceive!

Rabbit Chuan saw that the two researchers and a brother here, there are no outsiders, directly replace their new legs, and have a good try.

Rabbit Chuan thought about moving his toes, the five toes are very flexible, and he thought about moving his ankles, completing a 360 rotation without dead angles, standing up and walking, without the thigh muscles to drive, just a thought legs themselves moved.

Dr. Agasa asked, "One, two, three, how are you feeling now?"

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Well, it's very relaxed, it feels like your own legs."

Rabbit Chuan tried to jump up with his legs again, but as a result, Rabbit Chuan "oops" and fell to the ground.

"Are you all right?"

"Are you all right, one, two, three?"

"How's it going?"

Dr. Agasa and Conan quickly helped Rabbit River up.

Rabbit Chuan covered his head and sat on the sofa, his brain buzzing, and asked: "Just now, what just happened?" Rabbit

Chuan remembered that he just wanted to jump, why did he kowtow?

Conan rubbed Rabbit Chuan's brain melon seeds and said helplessly: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, you just jumped too high and hit the ceiling!"

"Ahem, what is that!" Dr. Agasa said embarrassedly, "It may be that the bouncing power of the prosthetic leg is a little bit beyond the standard, but it doesn't matter, the next time you jump, just use your brain to control it."

Rabbit Chuan wanted to try again, got up hard, and smashed a brick with another foot.

Rabbikawa and Dr. Agasa looked at each other.

Rabbit Chuan: "I didn't use any force, it didn't fall off automatically." Dr

. Agasa: "Uh... Control the brain, haha, this is the receiver amplifies the electrical signal of your brain, and it doesn't matter if you use a lot of force, haha.

Rabbit Chuan said whim: "If only you could equip this leg with a brain, a mature leg should learn to control its own strength." "

Pretend to have a brain?" Dr. Agasa's brain immediately showed a plan, "Do you mean artificial intelligence?"

Rabbit Chuan said with some surprise: "Can Dr. Agasa do artificial intelligence?"

"I don't have any research on this, but..." Dr. Agasa pulled a letter out of the pile of clutter, "Ah, I found it, it's this Sindora company, and their company invited me to develop some kind of virtual game, it seems to be some kind of artificial intelligence."

"I'm new to computers, and I don't know anything about artificial intelligence, so I wanted to say no." Dr. Agasa winked at Rabbitikawa for a moment, "But now it seems that I need to go for further training."

"Dr. Agasa, come on!" Rabbit Chuan said excitedly, "If you can research a fully intelligent electronic simulation prosthesis, you will definitely become a billionaire by then!"

"You're right!" Dr. Agasa fantasizes about making a lot of money.

Rabbit Chuan actively drew a cake for Dr. Agasa, saying, "The first step is a fully intelligent prosthesis, the next step is a fully intelligent robot, and the ultimate goal is Gundam!"

Dr. Agasa exclaimed excitedly, "That's right! We're going to build Gundam!

Rabbit-Chuan: "Oh! Up!

Dr. Agasa: "Gundam! "

I remember I hid Lao Baigan?"

Conan: "..."

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