Rabbit Chuan patted Hattori Heiji's shoulder and said seriously: "Brother Hattori, we must learn to simplify the problem, not complicate it."

Hattori nodded silently, he was taught this time.

The police department arrived at the right time, and the murder case was in its final stages.

"You rebel! Why are you doing this! Master Moriyuan was overwhelmed with grief, "Brother Shigematsu has watched you grow up, he has always regarded you as his own son, how can you bear to get your hands on it!"

"Haha, biological son?" Moriyuan Juren burst into tears and roared, "I have always regarded him as my own relative, but he actually threatened me with that incident and asked me to break the marriage contract with Xiao Feng!"

"I don't understand why! Obviously, he first proposed this affair, and now he threatens me to break the marriage contract, what does he want!

Moriyuan Juren roared hoarsely, and the whole person was confused and helpless.

Hattori Heiji accidentally saw Kaede Katagiri holding Sakura's arm, and thought of the bloody story that his mother had told him about her old classmate.

Mrs. Morien, who died four years ago, liked Shigematsu's housekeeper and often came to Morien's house to find Shigematsu's housekeeper, but Mr. Moriyuan thought she was coming to see him and proposed to her.

And Mrs. Moriyuan was distressed at first, but later she was also moved by the enthusiasm of Mr. Moriyuan, and finally decided to marry Mr. Moriyuan.

Shouldn't the story of the previous generation repeat itself in this generation?

Being able to guess this proves that Hattori Heiji still has some emotional intelligence, although not much.

Hattori Heiji told the story of the previous generation, and then said, "Uncle Shigematsu mistakenly thought that Miss Kokaede liked you, so he tried to match you, but later he found out that Miss Kokaede liked Mr. Sakuraba.

Rabbit Chuan continued, "Not only that, but the Shigematsu butler also found out that you used the power of the Mori Garden family to force the Katagiri family to marry Miss Xiaofeng to you, so in order to fulfill Miss Xiaofeng and Mr. Sakurata, Shigematsu butler had no choice but to threaten you to give up your marriage with Miss Xiaofeng.

Rabbit Chuan added: "I don't think he has any intention of threatening you, after all, you are the son of the person he loves the most."

Morien Kikuto said excitedly, "Why? Why didn't he just tell me! If he says it bluntly..."

Rabbit Chuan pierced Morizono Kikuto's thoughts, "I think you will still kill him, because Shigematsu Butler holds your handle, and you are worried that he will continue to threaten you, and you can only be at ease by killing him, just like now." "

Moriyuan Kikuto completely fell to the ground, this detective is right, he killed Shigematsu butler not because of the marriage contract, but because Shigematsu butler has the handle of his illegal crime.

Morien Kikuto was afraid that Shigematsu's butler would continue to threaten him if he was insatiable, so he decided to kill people and kill him.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to blame his murder on his rival Sakura-ting, but now, it's all over!

The police department ordered the arrest of Morizono Kikuto and found the murder weapon and bloody clothes abandoned by the murderer in the tree outside the window of the crime scene.

The Twilight Police Department just appeared and closed the case, this overtime ended really quickly, or Rabbit Chuan brother solved the case quickly, he can now return to the police station to catch up with the police station's night snack.

The next day, Hattori Heiji and Toyama and Kazuha left Morien's house early.

After all, the housekeeper is gone, the groom is also in, there is no way to temporarily change the groom, how can the Mori Yuan family and the Katagiri family agree, so the wedding must not be done.

Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha deliberately went to see Sakura and Katagiri Kaede before leaving, and the two of them were full of sorrow, as if they couldn't see their future.

Rabbit River is not optimistic about the pair of Sakura and Katagiri Kaede, mainly because they do not have the aura of childhood sweethearts.

Master Senyuan is very reasonable, but it is impossible to be open-minded that his son is gone, and he also helps his son's fiancée to be with her lover, at most without retaliating against them.

And the Katagiri family was even more bleak, they were worried that the Moriyuan family would retaliate, and it was even less likely to agree to their own Miss Qianjin marrying a maid.

Rabbikawa and the Mori family deliver Hattori Heiji to Tokyo Station.

Rabbit Chuan complained, "You guys left too early, I haven't even woken up yet!"

"You woke up too late, but you can really sleep!" Hattori Heiji was completely unaffected by the case, "Anyway, this trip to Tokyo is very happy, thank you for your hospitality!"

Maori Kogoro also looked tired and said, "Well, we don't owe each other now." Maori

Kogoro waved his hand, this kid don't come again, it's nothing good every time I see him!"

Hattori Heiji glanced at his watch and said, "This guy Heiye, said that he went to the bathroom, why is it so slow?" "

Spare me, Xiaolan, lose the dead!" Morilan shoved Toyama and Ha in front of Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji saw that Toyama and Ye had changed their clothes a little strangely, and said, "Huh? Why did you suddenly change into a vertically striped dress? "

Heiji Hattori wore a vertical stripe today.

"It's not what I want to change!" Yuanshan and Ye Mian red-eared and red-eared explained, "This is what Xiaolan forced me to change!" I, I'd better go and change it back!

"You wait!" Hattori called out loudly to the person back, "It's time to start, and it doesn't matter to me, and in this way..."

Yuanshan and Ye's heart beat faster, so it was like a couple outfit, ahhhhhhh

Hattori laughed, "We all wear the same clothes, just like buddies!" "

Everyone is speechless, this Hattori Heiji is really not enlightened at all!

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