To put it simply, Katagiri Feng likes Sakura-ting, the maid of the Morien family, and the two are still secretly dating, and the young master of the Morien family is also in love with Katagiri Feng, and Katagiri Feng is afraid of the power of the Moriyuan family and does not dare to refuse, and those who are about to get married until now dare not say it.

While staging a sadomasochistic relationship with a handsome male valet, and playing forced love with the domineering young master, this piece of Tongfeng's proper female protagonist configuration ah!

But this is not an idol theater, stepping on two boats, but it will capsize.

At dinner at the Morien family, Rabbit Chuan meets the members of the Morien family, the eldest young master Morien Kikuto, the eldest miss Morien Yurie, and the master of the Moriyuan family, and the wife of the Moriyuan family died in a car accident four years ago.

Unlike Moriyuan Juren, the master of the Moriyuan family is a kind and gentle person, and the guests of this dinner are happy.

After dinner, Hattori Heiji and Kazuha Toyama send the Rabbikawa and Maori family of three out of the garden.

"Then we'll leave!" Several people in Rabbit River turned to leave.

Yuanshan and Ye waved, "See you tomorrow!" Hattori

Heiji watched the backs of these people leave and sighed deeply.

Toyama and Ye glanced at Hattori Heiji and asked, "Why are you sighing?" Hattori

Heiji explained with a smile: "I'm just relieved because as long as this guy appears, something will happen every time."

"That guy?" Yuanshan and Ye said suspiciously, "You mean Xiaolan and her father?"

"Yes, as long as there is that old man, it will be..." Before

Hattori Heiji could finish his words, he heard Duang's voice.

"What's wrong?" Yuanshan and Ye were taken aback.

When Hattori looked up, he saw a piece of window glass on the third floor crackling down, and he knew something was wrong.

Conan rushed back and shouted loudly: "Sister Xiaolan, you look at that window!" "

And Ye! You go and get Uncle Shigematsu! Hattori Heiji ran back with Conan.

"Huh? Heiji! Toyama and Ye shouted, and Hattori Heiji had already run away, but Toyama and Ye knew that now was not the time to make a tantrum, so they had to obediently go to Shigematsu's butler.

When Rabbit River walked step by step to the third floor, Hattori Heiji and Mori Kogoro were banging on the door.

The two slammed the door open, and in the dim light of the corridor, everyone saw a deep trail of blood stretching all the way to the next room.

Conan, Hattori Heiji, Mori Kogoro and Toyama and Leaf immediately rushed in, and the next room was brightly lit, and the bright lights shone on the bloody corpse of Shigematsu's butler.


The screams of Yuanshan and Ye resounded throughout the mansion.

"What happened?"

"What's going on with the screams just now?"

The people of the Moriyuan family rushed over, but they were directly stopped outside the door by Rabbitchuan, and Rabbit Chuan said regretfully: "There was a murder inside, and the housekeeper of Shigematsu was killed!" "

How so..." Morien Yurijiang couldn't believe it.

The head of the Senyuan family also said sadly: "How can it be reasonable, who did it!" When

Kata Fengtong heard the news, he fainted directly in fright.

Sakura-e's emotions were the most excited, and he wanted to rush in immediately, and he had always regarded Shigematsu Butler as his father.

Rabbit Chuan knocked the excited Sakura back with his cane, using a safe voltage of 24 volts.

Rabbit Chuan solemnly warned the Moriyuan family's humanity: "Don't move!" Uncle Maori has called the police and none of you can enter the scene until the police arrive. "

Rabbit Chuan knows that if four people are put in, tonight's case will become one of the five choices of the super deluxe version.

Rabbit Chuan turned his back and secretly yawned, he was busy at the Dusk Mansion last night, and before he woke up, he was called out by Hattori Heiji to play, and now he just wants to close the case and go home to sleep.

Therefore, Rabbit Chuan said that he will guard this door tonight, and with him there, no one should think of it.

Conan and Heiji Hattori, who were in the next room, began to check the doors and windows of the crime scene, and found that the windows were all locked inside, and the doors were locked when they entered.

Hattori Heiji opened the window where the glass was broken, and Conan shouted to Maori Lan, who was guarding downstairs: "Sister Xiaolan, has anyone escaped through this window?" Maori

Lan replied: "I kept staring and didn't see anyone escaping from there. "

Could this be..." Conan and Hattori Heiji rushed to the deceased at the same time, and despite Maori Kogoro's obstruction, managed to find a large number of keys in the pocket of the deceased Shigematsu's butler.

Conan and Hattori Heiji looked at each other in tacit agreement, picked up the key and rushed to the door, only to see Rabbit Chuan blocking everyone else from the door and not allowing them to enter.

Hattori Heiji asked the Morien family, "Are all the keys to this house in Mr. Shigematsu's hands?"

"Yes." Sakura couldn't hide her sad expression.

Conan asked again, "Are there any other keys to this room?"

Sakura replied, "If it is a room where someone lives, the other key is in the hands of the owner of the room, but in a room like this where no one lives, the key is kept by Shigematsu's housekeeper."

"I'll try it." Hattori Heiji picked up the keys and inserted them into the keyhole one by one, "If there is a key to this door in this chain of keys..."

Morizono Yurie asked, "What if there is?" With

a click, Hattori turned the door lock.

Hattori Heiji said to Morien Lily with a serious expression, "Don't you understand yet? The doors and windows are locked from the inside, and the only key is still on the deceased, which is a murder in the secret room!

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent.

"Ahem!" Rabbit Chuan coughed lightly twice and said, "I said..."

Hattori Heiji looked at Rabbitikawa and said, "Do you kid have any questions?"

Rabbit Chuan leaned against the door frame, sighed and said, "The secret room is indeed a secret room, and killing is indeed murdering, but..."

Hattori Heiji looked puzzled.

Rabbit Chuan said helplessly: "However, is there a possibility that the murderer is still in this room?" "

Huh?" Hattori Heiji and Conan have black eyes, and this operation?

Rabbit Chuan said directly: "Since the four of you entered the room, I have been guarding the door, and this is a secret room, so if there is a fifth person in the room, then he must be the murderer!"

Conan and Hattori Heiji nodded mechanically, "Well, yes, that's right..."

Black under the lights!

Conan and Hattori Heiji checked the door lock for the first time, and they never thought that there was still a person hiding here.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the person outside the door and said, "Don't you think there is one less person?" "

Everyone looked left and right, and there was indeed one less person among them.

"What's going on?"

"Where did he go?"

Rabbit Chuan hit the ground with his cane and shouted to the room: "You can't hide, there are all detectives outside!" So come out, Mr. Kikuto Morien!

As soon as Tu Chuan's words fell, everyone saw a figure slowly walking out from behind the curtain.


"How are you?!"

The expressions of Lord Moriyuan and Senyuan Yurijiang were even more shocked at this time than when they heard that the butler had been killed.

Master Senyuan couldn't believe it, his son killed his housekeeper, and he was blocked at the scene of the crime... Why didn't he run away? What about his brain!

"Ahem!" Rabbit Chuan felt that he should explain for Morien Kikuto, "This is Mr. Kikuto's strategy, he deliberately dragged the body of Shigematsu's butler to the next room, just to take advantage of the time when everyone ran to the next room, waiting for the opportunity to escape or blend into the crowd, but people are not as good as heavenly calculations, just... Ha ha!

"yes, I didn't expect anyone to be guarding outside." Moriyuan Juto knelt down, "It's really Providence!" "

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